View Full Version : Hellboy!!!

09-08-08, 02:18
I've noticed on TV they're advertising Hellboy 2. There is a clip where he's walking across a road and someone calls out saying "You're Hellboy!" He replies "Yes, I know I'm ugly!"

Isn't that what alot of us think of ourselves too? We just can't see the good in us because others have always told us we're worthless?

Well, I know this won't change your opinion of yourselves but read this.....and Think about it because maybe, just maybe, one day you will see the Good in You!........


Who cares about the lonely?
Who cares about the depressed?
Who cares about the sick?

I do.

Who cares about the suffering?
Who cares about the despair?
Who cares about the heartache?

I do.

Who cares about the man?
Who cares about the woman?
Who cares about the child?

I do.

Who am I?

I am “me” and “we” are the family of anxiety sufferers.:hugs:

Venus Calling
09-08-08, 02:37
I'm going to go against the grain here because I don't feel that way - never have and hope I never will. Fortunately for me no one has ever told me I am 'worthless' or made me feel that way and to be honest, if anyone did I can honestly say I'd have to dispute it! :D

09-08-08, 08:39
Yer I must admit Rocks I agree, some get confused with anxiety and self esteem and confidence and think it all goes hand in hand.

I suffer from anxiety, but I have never really lacked confidence of self esteem (well, only if really ill).

To me it's just an affliction that needs to be overcome in whatever way you find works.

As for being called worthless? Steady now ;)

09-08-08, 16:11
I have to differ with some of the opinions above,I believe many people amongst us have at one point in our life felt worthless,not necessarilly from our own way of thinking,but from cruel words or actions by others.We are not all strong,and can be vulnerable at times.I liked your poem Bill,because I care about others,sadly in life not everyone thinks like that,which would make the world a better place.But I try to keep the people who have hurted me ,or my loved ones- out of my thoughts ,when before i would cry and feel unable to stand up to them,now I am a little stronger I think 'what goes around,comes around'.

09-08-08, 16:17
Jupiter you may feel different if ever treated like that in life,believe me I know.

Venus Calling
09-08-08, 20:10
I would be more prepared to accept my own thinking of worthlessness than I would of someone elses opinion of me (not that I've ever felt that way but I can take responsibility for my own thinking). No one close to me has ever told me I am worthless, what the general world thinks of me is neither here nor there. I've been called names walking down the street by complete strangers, had rocks thrown at me and I was bullied at school among many other things that I don't want to go into because my face didn't fit - painful stuff - but at no time did I ever let these ignorant people bring me down and I never believed the things they were telling me they thought I was because I knew that wasn't me. They were drawing their conclusions from my size, disabilities, my colour, my parents, the way I spoke - you name it I've heard it. I know not everyone has a strong mind set or feel they can stand up to what is being done to them by uncaring, unthinking people, I feel I can and do but it doesn't mean I've not had my fair share of tears. My place on this earth is just as valid as anyone elses and I will not allow people like that to make me feel worthless - no one has that right.

I care about people and will help anyone, sometimes going right out of my way to do so. I know I am a good person - I don't need anyone to validate that for me. If you (the proverbial you that is) accept the role of victim people will continue to treat you like that, I firmly believe that.

Anna C
09-08-08, 20:48
Hi Bill.
Another good thread!
I think some good points have been raised here, I do suffer from low mood, low self esteem and low confidence as well as anxiety. To be honest I do think its all connected, at least for me it seems to be.

Jupiter Rocks I do like your attitude. Although I am sorry for what you have been through. Sometimes for some people it can be harder, I would love to think like you do, but I worry all the time about what people think of me.

Anna x

09-08-08, 22:19
I believe that much of the physical sensations that anxiety can cause are the minds way of diverting us from various psychological issues that it would rather we did not challenge.

From my perspective anxiety, both the physical and mental elements of it are very closely entwined with my poor self image and self esteem issues. Basically, I believe it became an easier option for me to worry about MS and ALS rather than actually address these underlying issues that where causing me to be miserable and angst ridden on a fundamental level.

The more I worried about the physical the more I neglected the mental and this is where the real issue lay. From a health anxiety perspective (which is relevant to me) it became about being fooled that I was physically ill rather than emotionally and spiritually floundering.

Very clever the mind you know.

10-08-08, 02:34
My wee tuppence worth

I don't believe that esteem or a personal sense of value always go hand in hand with anxiety and pa's and depression. But as a general rule they seem pretty prevalent amongst those who do experience these issues. Personally...I couldn't give a rat's bottom what others think about me in general, but it does matter to me what those who are close and whom i love think.
Im a pretty confident person as a rule and the bonus to this strong sense of self is, again I believe, being equipped with certain skills to get you through anxiety etc quicker. Because, a huge part of recovery in my opinion is accepting yourself and if you pretty much already do the mountain is smaller to scale.

Pooh xx

Venus Calling
10-08-08, 13:39
Although I suffer from anxiety and PA's (only for the last four months) I think mine is hormonal due to my age but my doctor isn't listening to me. She's given me anti-depressants and I'm not depressed and I'm not worried about anything, I've thought about this alot and I'm not! I've read so many books - including Claire Weekes and I have the symptoms, I just don't have the fear they all talk about. Even as far as the agoraphobia is concerned, whilst I will only go where I have been before, I can go to new places even if I don't like it, if I have to, I will. So I personally, I do not understand what is happening to me. Maybe I'm in denial I don't know - although I doubt it! :winks: