View Full Version : Old anxiety has returned

09-08-08, 13:09
When I was a child I was terrifed that there was going to be a war and we would all be blown up. Remember I was 14 when the Cuban Missile Crisis was frightening all the grown ups. One of our teachers ended a lesson by saying he would see us all on Tuesday"if we are all still here"
Today the media is full of this war in Georgia and our paper says that there will be a confrontation between US and Russia as bad as the Cuban Missile Crisis.
All my old fears have returned. I am avoiding hearing the news or even seeing newspaper headlines. Is there anyone else like me or am I the maddest 60 year old on the planet? Nobody else seems at all worried so is it only me?

09-08-08, 19:36
So .it's only me then! Sorry to have bothered you

09-08-08, 19:51
Hi worriedGrace

I wouldn't worry about a war between America and Russia. The countries you have to worry about are the ones with idealism - like Iran. No doubt there will be some harsh words made against each other, but definitely nothing else. This thing in Georgia as been brewing for some time now and will end as quickly as it began.


Veronica H
10-08-08, 11:58
Hi Grace
No it isn't just you! I stopped reading the Daily Mail and went for the Guardian just because you get the news but without the drama. Everything we see in the media has to be viewed with the knowledge that it is grounded in the values and the motives of those producing it. Yes, I know the Guardian has middle class leanings and is grounded in the values and motives of those producing it - but it is better for my anxious frayed nerves at the moment. When we have panic and anxiety adrenalin starts looking for a threat or a phobia, yours has landed on the troubles in Georgia. Concentrate on treating the anxiety and you will be able to cope better with everything else eventually. You are not alone with this Grace, but don't let your thoughts trick you at a time when you need to concentrate on getting better. Feel free to contact me for a chat if ever you need one. I have received help from others on this site which has been invaluable.
Best Wishes
Veronica H

10-08-08, 13:46
This is totally normal. But it is not stranger anxiety, it is separation anxiety. She is not necessarily afraid of these people, it's that she doesn't want to be away from you! You're her favorite person and she trusts you and knows that you will care for and protect her. I would let her be and slowly introduce her to people while in your arms. This will sort itself out soon enough. If you are going to be leaving her with a nanny or daycare, then you should introduce her to them soon, before you leave her for the whole day.