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07-05-05, 14:42
hey everyone,
it's weird posting a 'success story', when there are days that i still feel like reaching for the diazepam and calling in sick. but here goes…
i had my first really bad panic attack at the beginning of the year. i've always been a worrier and, if i think about it, can pinpoint times in the past where i have panicked, but this was the first time that i was physically bowled over by it. as i didn't know what it was at the time, it took me weeks of thinking i had some serious disease before finally figuring it out. i felt like a couldn't breathe the whole time and was suffering from dizzyness 24/7. i had to have all my food blended and couldn't get off the sofa, even having a shower was a trauma. i had to take five weeks off work and was put on diazepam, but was luckily enough to be referred to a private CBT practitioner, who i started seeing once a week.
he made me realise that a lot of it is connected to my negative/catastrophic thinking - amazing the effect the brain can have on your bodily functions. anyway, i gradually started going back to work - i'm a journalist so i was able to take some work home. it was a total nightmare at first - not only was i unable to get on the tube, i was so paranoid that people at work were staring at me/thinking i was weird etc. i started off only working a few hours a day and only travelling during off-peak hours - i still never get on a train that's like a pack of sardines.
now i am at the stage where i can actually go out after work - something i couldn't have done as recently as three weeks ago. i still can't drink alcohol (a weird side-effect of my panic/anxiety!) but yesterday i managed a full day at work, went out until well past midnight (unheard of for me these days!) and even managed half a glass of wine.
so my life is "back to normal". i've been accepted on a part time MA course, starting in september and for the first time this year i'm actually excited about things.
this website has been amazing to me - i actually don't know what i would have done if i hadn't discovered it. so nic, thanks for setting it up!
i've tried to wean myself off logging on here every night (harder than weaning myself off the drugs, i tell you!) because my boyfriend gets upset when i ignore him in favour of a computer. but that doesn't' mean you've got rid of me for good!
sorry for rambling on and speak to you all soon,
henri xx

07-05-05, 14:53
thats brilliant... do you know how good that is to read :D
well done you!
and it is nice to know that we can get better... even though it takes different lengths of time...its great to hear you talk about "being excitied" about the coarse etc... as we seem to lose that when things are hard work...
also like you said there will still be not so good days but hey...what an improvement and you will now know how to get through those days...and by the sounds of it you do...
take care

07-05-05, 15:49
brilliant Henri :D well done you onwards and upwards X X X

07-05-05, 16:03

I'm thrilled to hear your news...

Well done on all your hard work


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

07-05-05, 16:34
Hi Henri

Glad you feel much better, it's fantastic!!

Take care.

** Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.**

07-05-05, 16:38
Hi Henri,
You have made my day by reading that - well done, and don't disappear for ever, your advice and comments will help others. xxx

07-05-05, 16:56
What great news Henri! No doubt your sucess story will be an inspiration to many, me included!


07-05-05, 17:07
[Wow!] Henri well done!! :D

07-05-05, 17:55

How lovely to read another success story and I am so pleased for you.

Hope you don't disappear for too long as we will miss you!

A big well done to you


07-05-05, 18:26
Hi Henri

Well done that is so good to read hope every thing goes well for you all the best xxx

kairen x

07-05-05, 19:15
Well done Henri. Glad you are doing so well and feeling so much better.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

07-05-05, 20:27
That's fab news Henri. Definitely one to put on your front page :D

Take Care!


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

08-05-05, 01:18
A BIG WELLDONE to you Henri! I'm so pleased for you keep up the good work and the POSITIVE vibes hun!

Take care.


08-05-05, 02:15

Big hugs and well done you. It is great to read some positive stories and i hope this carries on for you.

You have done brilliantly and we are all proud of you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.