View Full Version : i've been so stupid

lou lou
09-08-08, 15:10
Well some bad news, unfortunately we lost the baby on Thursday, so of course i decide to try & find some kind of comfort in the bottom of a bottle last night, now i am having the worst panic attack of my life, i almost can't move, everything hurts & i am so scared that maybe this time i've really pushed my luck!
I know i've bin stupid,, and it's totally my own fault, just hoping it will go away sooner rather than later!!

09-08-08, 15:13
Oh hun :ohmy: :weep: Im so sorry to hear that . I hope things get better for you soon xx

09-08-08, 15:24
Aw hun big hugs to you,I am so sorry :weep: and no you are not stupid,please don't say that about yourself,please take care,and you ever need a friend,we are all here for you xx

09-08-08, 15:24
Well some bad news, unfortunately we lost the baby on Thursday, so of course i decide to try & find some kind of comfort in the bottom of a bottle last night, now i am having the worst panic attack of my life, i almost can't move, everything hurts & i am so scared that maybe this time i've really pushed my luck!
I know i've bin stupid,, and it's totally my own fault, just hoping it will go away sooner rather than later!!

I'm not surprised you needed to find some kind of comfort after your loss, that doesn't make you stupid, it's a normal thing to do so don't feel so bad about yourself, you haven't done anything wrong.

I'm sorry to know that you have had such bad news but remember that there are people here thinking of you, you're not alone. :hugs:

09-08-08, 17:45
just to say really sorry about your loss and sending you lots of love xx

09-08-08, 18:44
I am so sorry to hear your sad news, I know what it is like to loose a baby it happened to me years ago and I really do know how hard it is to deal with. Don't be hard on yourself you have to do whatever you need to do to get you through this.

Big hugs from me.


09-08-08, 19:44
So sorry to hear that.
Had some bad news today my self. x

10-08-08, 01:32
aw you must be in alot of emtional pain, don't feel bad for drinking you deseved a drink after what happened, ya its just the alchol and the stress making you panic.
i'm very sorry you had to go through this, I wish all the best x

13-08-08, 01:01
Hello, i'm so sorry for your loss. I recently lost twin girls at the end of june. It's was the worst time of my life but it does get better. It never goes away and should never be forgotten but it will heal in time. I think staying away from drink is essential at this time, it just brings out your emotions. I've only drunk 3 times in the last couple of months since it happened and it just results in overwhelming feelings and i just cry for hours. Not a good look up town :) i hit it really hard the other night and after a couple of weeks of feeling less anxious i'm back to square one. Be strong for you partner and my thoughts are with you both. If you ever need to talk just pm me. Peace

13-08-08, 01:14
Sorry for your loss. Only natural to want to get wasted once. Important to not let it become a habit.

You have a partner/spouse? Be there for each other. Comfort each other. Don't shut each other out.

Now... Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

13-08-08, 06:44
hi Lou

i am so sorry to hear of your loss :hugs:
i know what is it to loose a child my first little girl died a few years ago ,you will go through lots of different emotions but you will learn to deal with it make sure you look after you and shout for help if you need it hun.

jodie xxx

13-08-08, 07:02
so sorry to hear about the baby .....You arent stupid at al many of us would have done exactly the same and dont feel you have pushed your luck hun you are going through alot at the moment .

take care and best wishes
Titch xxx

13-08-08, 07:12
Hi Lou

I'm so sorry to hear about your baby. I've (I@ve) lost a baby too, two years ago. I know your pain and you're not stupid. The fact you know the 'answers' are not in a bottle means you'll be fine. Don't beat yourself up for doing what so many people would do, look for some escape from the pain of loss. It takes time to adjust, but you'll never forget. If you need to talk pm me any time.

be kind to yourself

13-08-08, 07:19

I am so so so sorry to hear about your loss. It will take a while to deal with all your feelings so dont be hard on yourself and know that everyone on the site is thinking of you


kev xxx

13-08-08, 07:26
So sorry to hear what you are going through....thinking of you and your family...

love Coni XXX

13-08-08, 08:57
Aww Lou lou...I am so sorry to hear of your tragic loss :(

As many of us have said, don't forget that if you ever need to talk to someone, we're here for you, we're all here to support you.

My thoughts are with you and your family.

Take care sweetie, sending lots of love and hugs to you,

Chrissy xxxxxxxxxxx

13-08-08, 18:02
Hi Lou,

I too am very sorry for your loss and you and your loved ones are in my thoughts and prayers. Also, do not be hard on yourself right now, you are grieving.

Many hugs,

Laura xxx