View Full Version : Hair loss?

09-08-08, 15:17
Does anyone else have this?

I dont have blad patches or anything but i find my hair everywhere! and when i brush it it comes out in handfulls :ohmy:


09-08-08, 16:40
I get this too, When I wash my hair I have loads of hair collect in the plug hole. I only have to run my fingers through my hair and loads fall out. Its all normal (so I'm told!) You can lose 200 hairs a day. If you do notice bald patches then go see the doc. Hair loss is a sign of stress and also if your lacking certain vitamins. Hope this helps! x

09-08-08, 18:47
Thanks Vicki :)

09-08-08, 19:00
Hi Jay

You're not alone, I've lost about 2/3rds of my hair in 2 years, I suppose I was lucky to have had lots of it to start with. However I will prolly be bald in about a years time:blush: :ohmy: I don't have bald patches either.

Perhaps there is something we can buy to massage into the scalp to make it grow back? I dunno just one more thing to add to the long list of things that are wrong:mad: :mad:


09-08-08, 19:06
Hi :D

Vicki is quiet right, it is normal to loose hair daily, but it can also be a sign of thyroid problems as well as stress. If you are at all concerned a simple blood test will rule this out.
:hugs: to you.

'Remember, your imagination is always much worse than the reality'

09-08-08, 19:19
Yeah I have had a few thyroid tests as my mum has an underactive thyroid but they have come back 'normal'

10-08-08, 06:09
Last year I had a bald patch about the size of a 50p on the left side of my head. I wasn't unduly worried about it but I did tend to stand in the opposite direction of the wind when talking to people. My hairdresser said to forget about it as it would eventually go..........and it did!

11-08-08, 02:50
hi there,
i started to experience hair loss in high school shortly after one of my first big anxiety episodes kicked in. No doubt it was related to the stress. I continue to lose hair when I am stressed, then it calms down when stress goes away. I did find that after the first hair loss kicked in, I was so much more anxious of it and noticed every tiny little hair that came out. Keep in mind it is normal to loose at least 100 hairs/day. Sometimes that seems like a lot when you are noticing every little hair. Get your blood tests done just to rule out any med conditions. If you are not getting an adequate amount of vitamins or your diet is lacking any essential nutrients, it may show up on a blood test. Taking vitamins for good measure is a good idea too.
If you are worried about the amount of hair coming out...keep this in mind - when i started losing my hair at 17 yrs old, i was convinced that i would be bald in a year. I'm now 26, still experience episodes of hair loss due to stress, but am by no means bald. My hair is thinner but certainly not bald.
So, it is shocking at first, but try not to worry too much, because hair loss is very often stress related. Give your body a break and relax and the hair loss will subside.

12-08-08, 15:13
Hi everyone

I am panicking now about my hair ,its coming out everywhere,even found a hair in the oven.So scared to wash it ,i feel i will be bald soon at this rate.My hair is so important to me.I cant stop worrying.


13-09-08, 11:54
hi there i to have hair loss i have very bad health anx ,and IBS have just had thyroid / hormones checked /and full blood count ,all came back normal , so im hoping is just anx , have ben having a bad go lately , happened last summer for a while then seemed to stop but now started again ,no bald patches yet ,but def thinner , comfort to know im not alone .
Is a vicious circle cos the more you worry the worse it will be ....