View Full Version : no more panic fairytale

The Fool
09-08-08, 15:40
hi guys o had an idea for a story i want to write for homeschooling here is what i am thinking for it

the kindom of nomorepanicia is the most beautiful kingdom in the land with its lush green forests and shining blue seas.The comunity of nomorepanicia is ruled over by the queen of drama (i.e me as i am wrieting it lol) but there is danger near for the people of nomorepanicia,the anxitey attakers are coming.for years the anxitey attakers have terrorised the world spreading fear into the hearts of all and now they have reached nomorepanicia.together with the help of there strong and powerfull army of mods they must fight the anxitey attakers to the death and save the world.

what do you think?? i would love for as many of you to have characters as possible and it can be anything as its a fairytale from gobblins to the castle kitchen workers lol please tell me whatyou think :)

charli xxxxx

09-08-08, 15:46

OK charli i will be in it! Your choice on the character, however as you feel the character must relate to our personality i guess im gonna be quite a wacky character. I'm thinking some sort of gangster character blud!!


The Fool
09-08-08, 15:48
hmmmm i dont no if i want a mob is my kingdom lol you can be someone in the kingdom jail if you like?

The Fool
09-08-08, 16:20
i also want to no if you approve of this becuase i wont write it if you dont

09-08-08, 23:39
Hi I want a lead role in the story as the court jester lol

10-08-08, 00:44
I think this should be great fun!:) I'll be the court jester!:D

Every kingdom should have an Arthur as well as its Guinevere and they should have their "knights of the round table" (the generals) to protect them.....the mods?

The rest of us could be their army but like all armies, there are different forces...airforce, navy and army just as there are different anxieties. You could have a general (a mod) in command of each section with each section using different weapons to defeat the anxiety attackers?

You could use tanks for those who fear being in the open, horses for those who feel a need to run quickly, thick armour for those who fear being hurt etc. Just ideas.

And what weapons will they use? Arrows of self confidence? Bullets of self esteem? Swords of knowledge?

You could have Great fun with this!:D I'd love to read it when you've completed it!

By the way, I'm Not making fun of anxiety. I just think it's great to take a light-hearted angle to it but it can also be a good way to learn about it too!:hugs:

Cathy V
10-08-08, 01:04
Perhaps i could be one of the bouncers on the gates. I'll help to monitor people who want to enter the kingdom, and if i find any suspicious characters i can have them:banned:

10-08-08, 01:05
Sorry Bill if you scroll up court jester is already booked LOL

Pooh xx

The Fool
10-08-08, 12:32
ok pooh you are court jester.bill if you like i can have 2 court jesters.cathy V i actually allready have an idea for gate keeper which will not be anyone just a character but if you like you can be one of the door guards at the castle? and bill my army of mods are our moderaters who keep us happy and safe from any people in chat that cause trouble so in my story they keep us safe from the anxitey attakers.

10-08-08, 12:34
ok TDQ .....what shall I be ?

The Fool
10-08-08, 12:37
it is up to you i dont really no you that well so i cant really fit one to your personality so why dont you decide

10-08-08, 12:47
well i suppose if i must share the stage with bill pah


Pooh xxx

The Fool
10-08-08, 12:58
lol well in most fairytales they have more than one jester i dont no maybe one who sings and one who tells jokes lol

Anna C
10-08-08, 13:02
Hi Teen drama queen,

Can I be Merlin, if you are doing a King Arthur theme, if not can I be a magician anyway? I will use magic to frighten away the anxiety attackers!!:D

I bet that will be a good read when its finished!

Take care Anna xx

The Fool
10-08-08, 13:16
sorry ana no known characters i want it real with a twist so everything will be somthing that actually happnes but as something else do see what i mean? you can be a wizard though.

Anna C
10-08-08, 14:19

Thats what I mean't - a wizard. :blush:
Thanks Anna xx

10-08-08, 18:25
You can be the court jester Pooh because I'm not used to being on a stage with everyone. I'll be the lookout sentry in the tower. It'll be more appropriate for me.:hugs:

The Fool
10-08-08, 19:55
ok bill lol

10-08-08, 20:09
Hey Teen:D

Can I be a white witch please????

Cool idea:D

Kaz x x x:hugs:

The Fool
10-08-08, 20:11

10-08-08, 21:18
I want to be the princess....! :)

10-08-08, 21:42
As no-one has volunteered, then I think I'll have to be the villan. All classic bad guy rules apply - all sweetness and light untill the night comes ......

Muuuhhhhaaahhhhaahhahahahahaaaaaa .......


10-08-08, 21:54
i would luv to play a baddy lol

The Fool
10-08-08, 22:19
sorry crakers there is only one baddy in my story the panic attakers and they arnt anyone