View Full Version : I Just Carnt Sleep !

09-08-08, 15:58
:weep: This Past Week I Have Realy struggled to get to sleep. :weep:
I Panic about going to sleep at about 10 AM in the morning about sleeping that night. That how bad i am. Evan if i take my sleeping tab or sleep with my mum or dad i carnt cope. Its not the getting to sleep that the problem. It that time when you lieing there with your eyes closed. I Keep seeing horrid thing and evan with the help off nmp i just carnt cope. Im almost in tears now just thinking about it. I Wonderd if it was because I Was over tired. I Have been discharged from CHAMS (Child Health A...... Mental S..... ). But i carnt be over tired because for the past 5 days i have been gonig to bed at 9 Pm and getting up about 7-9 Am. I Am Realy stressed about it and just want to go to the hospital make them give me an injection to make me go to sleep. Wake me up in about 3 days and all this will be gone.
Im getting to the point that i want to kill myselph. :wall:

Please give me any advice or somthing. Befoor it too late. :shrug:

09-08-08, 16:10
Sorry to hear you are doing so bad. Just like not getting enough sleep, too much can also wreck havoc on our minds. Do not lay in bed when you can not sleep. Your mind will just keep rolling over and keep you awake longer. After a while sleep will be something you fear if you are having panic attacks while trying to fall alseep. Are you consuming caffiene before your bedtime? Caffiene can give you wild dreams and can also keep you awake at night. Being young has nothing to do with the fear you are facing it is real at any age. Do not harm yourself. Have a talk with your mom or dad about how you are feeling. Did you feel safer when you were locked up and now that you are out you dont feel safe anymore? That happens with alot of people. Do you have a relaxtion routine for bedtime? Even if someone were to give you a shot that would make you sleep for 3 days, this would not go away honey. You have to face what is bothering you. Take care and email me if you need or have anything I can help with. Try and relax.:hugs:

16-12-09, 12:56
hey bbe im sorry your sleeping has been so bad i just wanted to letu no im kinda da same not as bad as u though:unsure: i like never sleep i get a couple hours here and there but i have been having horrible nightmares so im kinda scrared of going to sleep so i cant win either way i just wanted to let you know your not alone and im sorry i hope it all sorts itself out :)

16-12-09, 15:25
Hi, I really struggled to get to sleep after my sister's friend died in her sleep earlier this year (she had a congenital heart defect, but it was still sudden). Something spooks me at night about it but I've not really mentioned it to someone because it sounds stupid at 21 to not be able to cope with that.

I have found since then that having talk radio on, either a phone-in or something like BBC Radio 4 really helps me because the background noise distracts me from the fact that I'm trying to get to sleep. For as long as I can remember I've not been able to "switch off" and go to sleep and it's horrible. I tend to keep the radio on as well so it reassures me when I wake up from nightmares.