View Full Version : I Wish

09-08-08, 16:47
I wish I would wake up tomorrow and this would be gone for all of us.
I wish the pharmacy didnt put info leaflets with side effects in med bags
I wish doctors didnt look at me like I was crazy when I talk to them
I wish they could have this for one day
Iwish there was a place for only people like us to shop so we could do it safely without the fear of anything
I wish there was a pill created that could fix all of us with no side effects
I wish no one would commit suicide because it has gotten to be too much
I wish everyone had a supportive person who wouldnt judge or critisize
I wish everyone had free medical care to be able to see the doctor
I wish we werent so hard on ourselves
I wish everyone much love and happiness

If you have any wishes to add please do so.

09-08-08, 17:31
I wish I didn't have to wallpaper, it's starting to do my head in now :).

09-08-08, 17:55
LOL too funny.

09-08-08, 23:11
I wish I had found NMP a few years ago..:doh:

I wish Tom hadn't reminded me that I need to decorate my living room soon :mad: :winks:

I wish the world were a kinder place :weep:

I wish all of us a little peace of mind from time to time.

09-08-08, 23:23
I think this would be my greatest wish:

I wish the world was full of love and compassion instead of so much hate.

10-08-08, 06:40
i think ill stick to your list of wishes.... they seem to be substantial enough and would possibly help others understand. } : > I'll add one wish though.

I wish for your wishes to come true!

Anna C
10-08-08, 12:42

I wish I had a magic wand to make all this go away,
I wish I had a remote control for my brain to switch off my negative thoughts. :D

I hope all your wishes come true!

Anna x

The Fool
10-08-08, 14:30
I wish
hmmm there are so many things i wish for.

I wish i had had the confidence to go back to the ILC to see the people i cared for again

I wish i could speak out to people without sounding like a mouse

I wish i had a smaller nose lol

I wish i could find a boy who appreciated me for me

I wish i could just for one day let people see the real me

I wish i could tell people my whole story of friends and stuff without feeling nervouse

I wish people would stop judging me

I wish i...i wish the ones i cared for cared for me in the same way

I wish i could no what is going on inside peoples heads

I wish i could have a chocolate bar that never ended lol

I wish anxitey didnt exsist

I wish
I wish

I wish i could be a normal teenager and have a life.

10-08-08, 14:46
I just wish i could wish and it all came true.

I wish my husband could understand how i feel.

I wish my husband still had the 'get up and go' that got up and left him...lol

Granny Primark
10-08-08, 15:13
I wish id had the guts to say no I cant do all those care calls.

I wish I didnt worry so much.

I wish I had my close family back.

I wish these panic attacks and anxiety would disapear forever.

I wish I had my parents back.

I wish I could feel total happiness again.

I wish I could make everyone happy and put a smile on their faces.

10-08-08, 15:47
I wish i had my dad back who we lost 9 weeks ago

I wish i could think positively and not negativley

I wish i wasn't scared to get a job

I wish i could do everyday things without worrying hours before hand

I wish i wasn't so sensitive and took everything thing to heart

I wish i could stand up for myself

I wish i could say no

I wish everyone on here could feel better

I wish everyone on NMP thnaks for being there when needed.

Last but not least, i wish i could give all of you a huge :bighug1:

10-08-08, 17:09
I wish i could be normal.
I wish i had friends.
I wish my husband loved me.
I wish i wasn't such a burden.
I wish my problem didn't effect everyone.
I wish i was a good mum.
I wish i wasn't scared - all the time.
I wish i wasn't so angry.
I wish i was never bullied.
I wish i was well.
I wish i felt accepted.
I wish i wasn't so sensitive.

10-08-08, 17:17
I wish I could honestly believe people when they tell me that I'm okay, and I don't have any serious illnesses.

I wish I could go for just one day without getting scared.

I wish I could cross roads by myself.

I wish that someone could honestly understand what I'm trying to say, instead of just assuming and misinterpreting my words.

10-08-08, 18:27
I wish I could stop worrying about my heart even though it's proved itself to me a hundred times over.

I wish I could stop worrying, period.

I wish I could have the stamina and physical fitness to do anything I wanted.

I wish I could ride rollercoasters again.

I wish everyone would be victorious against their fears.

I also wish Batman was real and I could meet him! Lol!

10-08-08, 18:44
i wish i could stop worrying
i wish there was no such thing as illness
i wish i could be with somebody who just "gets me" and loves me for that and doesnt try to change me
i wish my teenager would agree to go back to school
i wish had more friends in my new village
i wish somebody would go get me a curry !!