View Full Version : I have had enough, I need to stop this worrying:-(

09-08-08, 20:14
Sorry to post again but I need to get this off my chest I really do, I am not ashamed of who I am but I am frustrated in how it takes over my life and I need someone to try and give me a kick up the bum as there are some of you on here who don't seem to suffer as bad as others so maybe you can give me some advice on how you manage it.

Ok here is abit about me, I am 28, married with 3 young children (6,4 & nearly 3). I work part time and my husband works full time and they can be long hours at times. When I was 19 my grandad passed away and since then I suffered with anxiety and panic attacks, I had counselling and everything got better. I then met my hubby and we were married 3 years later, all my anxiety had gone, I admit I was a worrywart but it never ever took over my life.

I then had my son and everything changed, I was petrified he would die of cot death and I started having 3 glasses of wine at night to try and relax and help me sleep, I realised it was a crutch so I stopped it and decided to move back near my family, soon after that things got better again. I had another child (20mths between them) and when my 2nd child was 7 months old I had a misscarage, from that day on I suffered extreme anxiety, I thought I had leaukemia, hodgkins disease, worried the kids did to, had blood tests ...... I was bad for a while then one day I felt suicidle because I couldn't carry on with the worry. I was put on antidepressants for a year and I felt well, I had another child (little girl at long last, hehe) and she changed my world, I had never been so happy. The anxiety was still there but I was alot better. I started getting side effects from the meds so dr changed and tweeked them but in the end i had a nasty reaction to one which scared me so I came off meds altogether and instead went through Bupa for private counselling.

The counselling helped alot and got to the root of the cause, I was brought up in a very violent household as a child, my dad was a drinker, I being the eldest played referee and protected my mum and my 3 younger siblings and often got caught in the cross fire. From a very young age I was feeding my siblings, dressing them etc... called a sl*g, sl*t, wh**e........ you get the drift for no reason at all when my father was drunk. I was a very quiet girl, I didn't have a boyfriend at all and I didn't sleep with anyone until I met my husband so how my father could treat me this way I don't know. I also saw him hit my mum, spit on her but the verbal abuse was daily and very scary. He spent all of his wages in the pub and we went without, we lived off a bag of potatoes and some frozen spring rolls for our meals every night, we lived off fresh air, my mum had no access to the bank and she had no money:mad:

My hubby is a star and is my rock but we have had a rough time on & off since he had a vasectomy 2 years ago as he went ahead and did it even though I asked him not to which just broke us down completly and we nearly split up a year later, thank god we didn't but I still can't forget that.

Sorry to ramble on but the counsellor said that is why I am the way I am now, I worry non stop about my health, the last 3 months its got out of control again. I am not worrying that I have cancer or anything and I am not at the GP surgery 4x a week like I was 3 yrs ago but I am so jumpy and anxious. If I get ill before everyone else in the house I straight away think ive meningitis (someone had this that I know and died when i was young) or septecemia. If I get a temperature or im sick I straight away can't breath from panicking, I think Oh my god ive meningitis or maybe its septicemia and I am going to die and leave my children.

At the moment I have a cough and abit of a cold, ears abit sore and ive a slight wheeze when I breath. I saw the GP last week and he told me im fine but to come back in a week if no better, I had bronchitis last summer so im petrified I am going to get it again, I felt pretty rough with it and struggled on my own with the kids when hubby was working but most of all my fear is I will get pneumonia and I read about someone who got that and then developed septicemia from it:meh:

If others are ill first then I am not so bad but if I get ill first then I freak out and I can't handle it, always asume I am going to be seriously ill and die and especially look for a rash incase its meningitis or is my pulse fast incase its septicemia, I sound mad I know but I am so jumpy.

I am the same if the kids are ill, I worry myself sick about meningitis.

Stupid me though ive in the past read up symptoms for meningitis, septicemia so I worry now that when im ill its one of those or both. At the moment im panicking ive bronchitis then I will get pneumonia. Arghh slap me!

I am sick of living like this, my anxiety makes me apetite go and I am not eating enough recently so my weight is abit low, I am not starving myself I am just not eating as much as I should be, that is what my anxiety does to me and I am desperate to stop this. I want to be happy, enjoy my life, enjoy my children and be normal, not to worry everytime I get a pain or a cough, just be chilled but that will never happen so how can I enjoy my time here with my family?

I am not depressed, I can still laugh and still go and do the things I have to do but I cry alot recently that this anxiety has really got a hold over me and ruining my life. I do not know whats fueled it but I don't feel I can carry on feeling this way, I need to nip this in the bud. I am waiting to start CBT, should be any week now, they cancelled on me last week when I was due to start:blush:

Anyway this has gone on long enough, I apologise for writing all of this but please if anyone can offer me any advice or a kick up the bum might help:winks: I would appreciate it. Thank you if you got this far, you deserve a medal.:yesyes:

09-08-08, 23:08
I read right to the end and didn't get bored at all:yesyes: . I can't offer any miracle cures but I did identify with alot of what you say as you could be talking about me. My son is all grown up now but I was a nervous wreck all through his childhood and every time he coughed or had a pain I freaked big time. I also panic if I get an infectious illness first. a few months ago my husband caught the norovirus which is worst gastroenteritis you can have and I got it two days later. I have never been so ill! Even though I knew what to expect as he was two days ahead of me I still panicked all the time so god knows what I would have been like if it had been other way round.

Everytime I get a cold I am convinced I will get pneumonia as this happened to my husband about 7 yrs ago and he ended up unconscious in hospital.

I could go on and on but you get the drift - you are not alone this is how our minds work unfortunetly.

someone else may have some bright ideas but you will get lots of support here if nothing else

10-08-08, 09:39
Hi Libby

I read the whole of your post and I can really empathise with you my love. I freak out if anyone is ill for fear of me catching it or if I notice any marks or rashes on my body or a cold or anything i worry. i worry 24/7 about health so you are not on your own. love and hugs xxx

10-08-08, 09:42
Sorry to hear you are going through this terrible time. I could have written that post myself , its exactly how I am !! and it gets so tiring and frustrating :weep:

10-08-08, 10:44
Hiya Libby, You are not alone hun with this stinking thinking
I know and understand how scary this can be and how hard it can be to get this out of your head
Are you googling any symptoms you or members of your family get?
If you are hun you need to stop this as it will only add to your worrys
Google will scare you silly so its not recomended that you do it. also try not to read things about illness that dont help either.
You are a healthy young women hun and its just your anx making you feel this way. have you ever had CBT theropy?
this can be very helpful for this way of thinking so ask your doc about it hun if you havnt.
I hope you feel better soon
:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

take care


10-08-08, 13:37
Thank you all so much for taking the time to read and reply to my post. I know it was abit of an essay, lol!

No I don't google, I used to an awful lot (about 3 yrs ago) but I stopped that. Its just I can't forget what I have read in the past.

I thought it was just me who was this bad, its not nice to hear you all suffer so badly but its good to know I am not alone with this.

Can I ask are any of you on medication for it? could you pm me if you would rather talk in private.

Thank you so much.

10-08-08, 17:12
I am the same I have stopped googling but still think about what i have read !!
I am taking propranolol for the palps and st johns wort which does stop me crying so much !! lol
I have also been drinking camomile tea and it does help calm me a little xx:hugs: you are certainly not alone :hugs:

10-08-08, 17:52
you are definitely NOT alone libby, because I am exactly the same. I have been since my first panic attack 18 years ago and im still alive despite all the many illnesses i thought i had. This stage is actually my worst and i havnt really cracked why. I googled once and im never doing it again!! right now i reckon ive cervical or ovarian cancer, or liver disease due to stomach pains and occasional bleeding after sex. each time i think i have something, then i dont develop it, i think, right thats it - yet another symptom that i thought was gonna kill me and didnt. then next thing i know, ive developed something else and the whole fear cycle begins again. its horrible, its exhausting and it ruins your quality of life. you have my sympathies x

10-08-08, 20:54
I am the same, I go from one thing to the next but it seems when I get reassurance from my GP for one worry I get a symptom of something else.

Its like in May I had alot of tummy trouble and had tests and was diagnosed with IBS then a week later I found a lump in my breast so held fire for 2 weeks then saw the GP, that was ok but then in July I fainted and ended up at the GP because I have low BP.

It feels like its never ending.