View Full Version : Does Anyone have any ideas for me?

10-08-08, 00:53
I am 17 years old and have been suffering from severe panic disorder for about a year now. I feel completely paralized by not only the fear of having a panic attack daily but also an extreme fear of v. I havent actually gotten that sick since i was in 4th grade but it seems like every single time it has ever happened has been due to a bad virus or food poisoning. Since it has been so long i feel like i have worked it up to be far worse than it actually is. Usually in a day i can consume anywhere from 3 to 4 tums, 4 to 7 doses of Maalox, a pepto bismal tablet and A LOT of gingerale. I hate living my life like this and i feel silly that all my friends can get sick and overcome it without any fear. I leave for college in about a week and a half and am very concerned about people getting sick around me. it is a college campus and thats just asking for trouble. Currently i see a GI doctor who prescribed me a medication for nausea but it isn't helping much. I also so a psychologist and psychiatrist. I have been prescribed serequil which provides some relief but not much. I also do bio-feedback but that only gives me relief for about an hour twice a week. If anyone has any ideas of what i can do please help. I am absolutly miserable and feel like a freak for all the rituals i put myself through just to not throw up.

10-08-08, 01:01
an extreme fear of v? what is v?

10-08-08, 01:02
vomiting...i just don't like saying it. Even that gets to me

10-08-08, 01:11
Ok, well, it may sound obvious but have you seen a doctor to rule out any physical digestive problems?

Once you recognize that the fear is irrational, you are halfway there to overcoming it.

Physical things you could try: eat smaller portions of plain yet nutritious food - boiled chicken/mince, rice/pasta/mash, steamed veg. Keep note of the time you eat and foods that do make you nauseous and see if there is a pattern. Drink a glass of water 30 mins before you eat.

Look into homeopathic remedies. I think mint tea or camomile tea (various herbal teas) may help soothe a dodgy stomach.

Perhaps acapuncture might help?

10-08-08, 01:16
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
We all understand here what you are going through so keep posting and we will help you as much as we can.

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


10-08-08, 01:17
Funny that you mention all thoes things. I have ahd GI problems all my life on and off. When i was little i had H pylori and had another flair up a couple years later. Recently i have had an upper GI study, sonagram, and two endoscopys but they found nothing this time. I do get accupuncture which also helps but the affect wears off withing a couple days. Also i do take homeophathic remedies like this stuff for stomach discomfort and another thing called nerve tonic but still not much change.

What i fear the most is the most recent natural doctor says i need to increase my stomach acid...but dosn't that typically make things worse???

10-08-08, 01:23




11-08-08, 12:24
Hello Klerman And Welcome To The Site , I Wish Ya Well You Will Find Lots Of Info And Support Here, Linda

11-08-08, 19:56
Hi Klerman,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support. Glad you are here.

Take care,


11-08-08, 21:49
Hi Klerman

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

milly jones
13-08-08, 21:40
Hi hun

a warm nmp welcome to u

hope that u gain as much support and help here as i do

love milly xxxx

I'm gonna do it !
14-08-08, 19:24
:) Hi Klerman, sorry to hear you're having such a rough time. I'm 20 years your senior and have experienced panic disorder for a while too with bipolar disorder. One thing I do is never give up, ye sometimes I hide away and see everyone else as having a great life and being normal...and me being a total loser !! But I've had a pretty good career in music for many years, yep right now I'm experiencing a dodgy cycle so I'm a bit unable to continue...But hey I will be back, and no matter how bad it gets for me I write it down and promise myself. Think you too need too be good to yourself, I know it's as hard as hell but you need to be good to yourself. You sound pretty cool to me, and I guess a million times stronger than the people you see get over things quickly....hmmm, my moneys on you to be a successful dude in the future. My secret is music, just shut myself away with my i-pod.....theres a tune for every emotion and mood out there....always listen to the opposite of what you feel as well, don't do sad songs when you're sad etc...
If you need a buddy let me know. Really helps to have that understanding with someone that cares you are ok and knows what you are going through. Am more than happy to buddy up.
take care
Lou xx
I am 17 years old and have been suffering from severe panic disorder for about a year now. I feel completely paralized by not only the fear of having a panic attack daily but also an extreme fear of v. I havent actually gotten that sick since i was in 4th grade but it seems like every single time it has ever happened has been due to a bad virus or food poisoning. Since it has been so long i feel like i have worked it up to be far worse than it actually is. Usually in a day i can consume anywhere from 3 to 4 tums, 4 to 7 doses of Maalox, a pepto bismal tablet and A LOT of gingerale. I hate living my life like this and i feel silly that all my friends can get sick and overcome it without any fear. I leave for college in about a week and a half and am very concerned about people getting sick around me. it is a college campus and thats just asking for trouble. Currently i see a GI doctor who prescribed me a medication for nausea but it isn't helping much. I also so a psychologist and psychiatrist. I have been prescribed serequil which provides some relief but not much. I also do bio-feedback but that only gives me relief for about an hour twice a week. If anyone has any ideas of what i can do please help. I am absolutly miserable and feel like a freak for all the rituals i put myself through just to not throw up.