View Full Version : New puppy and Anxiety???

10-08-08, 01:12
I know this will sound pathetic, but we just adopted the most adorable puppy four days ago and my anxiety is sky high??? I definitely wasn't expecting this and it is really bothering me. Actually had a small panic attack one night. There has been a lot going on in our family the last few months, so maybe it is just "another change" and this will pass? The puppy is only 12 weeks old so of course lots of work "potty training" her etc... She really is a lovely little thing though, so I'm sure this is just temporary, but the anxiety has been bad enough that I can barely eat or sleep.... I think I just need some encouraging words? And I'm not one to normally ask... I guess this all just took me by surprise. I know she will be worth all this though!!! She really is lovely!!!

Cathy V
10-08-08, 01:20
:woof Hi there and how great that you have a new member of the family, and thats prob why your anx is at a higher level, coz its changed the family dynamics, in much the same way as bringing a new baby home! Puppies like babies are hard work and you're also feeling the responsibility too, but like you said...its worth it....bless.

10-08-08, 01:23
Hold on in there hun, its not uncommen for anx to go higher when something changes that can bring some added extra work or a little added stress
Puppys can be a little tiersome and stressfull when you first get one but we normaly fall into the routine quickly.
Sending you my best wishes and some hugs to make you feel better
:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:
Everything will settle down and you will realy enjoy having her around.

take care


10-08-08, 01:30
is it the stress of looking after a new puppy or fear something might happen to it?
when i got my new kitten i was so afraid she would die! i was always worried about her,

10-08-08, 08:56
I was in the same boat as you 3 years ago, my puppy was 8 weeks old and id never had one before, but for a short time it was hard work with the training, but now i couldnt be without him he has helped me and my anx in so many ways even just a cuddle from them is the best feeling when your not feeling to good, hang in there it will be worth it

11-08-08, 05:09
Thanks for the encouraging words... the anxiety is starting to settle down and all these responses really helped. It's amazing how a few words from people can help!!! :)

14-08-08, 00:29
hi snow and SNAP!!!! I cold of written that post myself, we too have had a beautiful cocker spaniel puppy last week and i feel exactly the same. the stupid thing is that it was me that wanted it. i wondered if it was just a coincidence that my anx has gone sky high. i actually had a full blown panic attack today that really scared me. glad someone else has felt the same but still cant understand why??


milly jones
14-08-08, 09:03
having a puppy can be hard work for tghe first couple of months. its the responsibility of having a new life to be responsible for.

but pls hold in there and u will have the most wonderful stress buster going for the next 10 years.

ive got 2 wonderful labs, 1 year and 2 years, quite a handful, but love them to bits

take care

milly xx

14-08-08, 09:12

I got a puppy back in January, she's a teeny Lhasa Apso, but my goodness, the first weeks were hell. It was worse than potty training my son. I would stand outide in the freezing cold for HOURS, for most of the day/night to try and get her to pee and poop. I can't say it made me anxious, but i definitely felt stressed, really stressed, epesically when i had stood outside for 2 hours and she then came right in the house and pee on the carpet.

I am pleased to say, this was TEMPORARY. She is now the most gorgeous wee pup and i would be lost without her.

14-08-08, 16:26
Oh hugs - I was exactly like this when we got a new cat. It was kitten ( we were aiming for a more mature cat but fell in love with a kitten). I was an anxious mess for about a fortnight until I got into the routine and used to the kitten etc...

The first morning of the new kitten - I sat down and thought " I can not do this." We'd had a cat before so I knew the score.

So as the others say - it does ease. It is hard work at first but you'll wonder what the problem was in a few more weeks!! Bet she's adorable.

15-08-08, 03:14
its the responsibility of having a new life to be responsible for.

As Milly rightly says in a nutshell! Responsibility increases anxiety. Also the more precious something is to us, the more our anxiety rises because of something going wrong and losing it.

Just as in sport. The more important a match, the more we feel we have to lose and the more our fear rises.

This is why having a new baby or moving house is so stressful.

I can remember that within a year I'd got married, changed jobs and moved homes then combined with my wifes illness I started getting panics. When I saw a psychologist he told me it was the pressure together with new responsibility.

The more we have, the more we fear losing but gradually as things settle we get used to the new responsibilities and we begin to relax. Time heals because what was new becomes old and merges with everything else in our lives that we hold as important to us. :hugs:

15-08-08, 17:25
Ohh about this time last year I felt exactly the same, we picked up our 12 week old chocolate lab puppy and my anx went through the roof. But once we were in a routine and settled it calmed down.

I now have one of the bestest friends ever (if not a little on the cheeky side!), she keeps me going on those dark days :)

24-08-08, 03:33
Hi Snow

I have not been on the forum for awhile but when I saw your posting just now I had to write.
About 10 years ago we had a horrible house fire. Thank God no one was hurt. We needed to go into a rental house.
My late dog had been gone awhile and I got this "great" idea that what would lift my spirits would be to get a dog.
Off we went to the local shelter and got a cute little lab mix.
Even at her young age I could see she was very dominant.
In light of our circumstances with the fire and all it was the worst idea.
Sadly I brought her back a few days later.
Your situation is different though.
I think what people like us that suffer from anxiety is often a problem with committing- in other words we are often looking for an escape from our anxiety, a need to get away, run away.
Maybe with this new pup you are feeling anxiety due to the fact that you now must care for him/her and also for yourself and any others in your family.
I know that after my late dog Gwen passed I wanted another dog yet on the other hand I was fearful if I was making the right decision. To get a dog or not. Many years went by and I frankly think that I held back inpart because I didn't find the right dog and perhaps too because of anxiety about the responsibility. In other words, and this may sound crazy, would having a dog increase my already there anxiety.
A few years after the fire I found the perfect match- I was working in a animal rescue group and found my beloved new girl.
My best advice to you is to take a deep breath ( or many- LOL) and look at the fun and happy side of having a pup.
I know they are tons of work more so then an older dog.
Also keep in mind is to not worry about what people say- in other words if you feel that you cannot keep her and must return her then do what is best for you.
Give it some time I say and try not to let the anxiety get the better of you.
Enjoy the new pup and let him/her make you laugh.
Hope this has helped some.

26-09-10, 02:55
It is now just over two years since I posted this, and yes, it was definitely worth the anxiety in the beginning. "Molly" is so much a part of our family now, I can't imagine not having her. I guess I wanted to update in case anyone else was going through the anxiety of a new puppy (or kitten).

26-09-10, 06:36
Hi there

I was exactly the same when I got my puppy 3 years ago, little Betty:) I didn't sleep for about 2 nighs with anxiety/panic, but it passed after a couple of weeks, I would not be without her now, she has always been there for me.

Jackie xx

26-09-10, 15:23
I had a new puppy a while now and i was so convinced it would help my anxiety but boy was i wrong it stressed me right out to be honest was all for taking him back but i stuck with it and it gets easier he is now a yr old still hard work as very stubborn and hard to train but he has his love to give and so i allways forgive his mistermeaners give it time and it will be worth it x

30-09-11, 17:08
Snowshadow, I am going through the exact puppy anxiety right now. We just moved house and my husband started a job. This all happened around my son's birthday and I didn't want his birthday ruined due to all of the moving. My son wanted a puppy, so i got him a puppy four days ago. The night we brought the puppy home, I had a huge panic attack. I even went to the doctor and they want me to go to a cardiologist for rapid heart beat. But, it is from stress and being overwhelmed with worry about how the puppy will fit into our lives. I worry he will bark and keep us up at night. He is nippy with the kids and there are so many bad habits to break him of. I am overwhelmed with the responsibility of this puppy on top of my other duties of homeschooling the kids etc.... I wanted to rehome the puppy , but have been out voted by my family to keep the puppy. How can i deal with my high anxiety. The doctor gave me some medicine to take to sleep at night, but last night my anxiety exceeded the medicine. Now everyone thinks I am crazy. I feel crazy. My husband wants to keep the puppy as the kids want him and it would break their hearts. My daughter cried at the thought of giving him up. But children don't know the responsiblity of him.
PLease help me someone with words / advice that will help me calm down and stop worrying and panicing. I can hardly function in the state I am in. I need to pull myself together.
Thank you for any help anyone can give!

17-10-11, 23:35
My heart is breaking reading your post as I got a puppy on Friday and took him back on Sunday ( 200 mile round trip)
I wanted a puppy for months, and talked my other half into getting him. I have three children and have totally broken their hearts by taking him back :weep:
I could not sleep. Have not eaten for three days and feel really stupid. I got stressed about the smell and dirt in the house.
In general my stresses come from work. I wish I had stuck in with the puppy but know that I feel better now he has gone. I just need to make it up to my kids as they are devastated.

18-10-11, 21:23
Keep the puppy honey, it will help you longterm. We got our little girl about 5 months ago, she is a golden Labrador called Bonnie. She was a little monkey for about 2 weeks barking at night and nipping at times but once we set a routine she turned the corner and is now 8 months old and is the most loving dog you could ever meet. She has never showed any form of aggression to anybody or anything, she loves children and we just love her. I think it takes a few weeks for both sides to settle down and accept each other but once the bond is there it's true love. In a morning I don't need to wash I get so many kisses. Honestly persevere you won't regret it.

18-10-11, 21:50
I also had that problem when I got my puppy, he was crying all through the night and I was panicking he would be like that all the time. Then I was panicking that i wanted to get rid of him but I stuck it out and I still have him now almost 2 years later and I love him to bits! All worth it in the end :) x

19-10-11, 08:58
Hang in there, you have a change of routine and that's stressful in its self, think how the little fella must be feeling away from his family and give him loads of cuddles and love. Dogs are great anxiety busters apart from vet bills so feed them the best food you can afford, walk them regularly, and worm them etc.

19-10-11, 09:59
Wish i had seen these posts five and a half years ago when i first got my pup..I had waited many years for the time to be right to have my dog and was really looking forward to getting her..I was so unprepared for the overwhelming sense of responsibilty and consequently the anxiety that came with it...I felt that i could not tell anyone how it was affecting me as they would think that i was being weak and pathetic and would never understand...Instead of feeling like i should be enjoying the fact that i had eventually got a dog, for sev weeks/mnths it was like " omg what have i done" and how will i cope...Anyway five and half yrs on i have to say that i cant imagine my life without her, and the unconditional love,companionship and fun she gives me is immense...And in many cases animals or so much nicer that people..:)

14-11-11, 10:06
Hello everyone!
Thank god I found this forum, because I already thought I am the worse person alive!! Well, there is still chance for me to be that :weep:. I did it for the second time now... We have a brand new puppy (since yesterday) and I am horrified (again)... You've guessed it, I tried it once before and after four days I gave it avay, and now it's hapening again. But this time I am determined to insist. I thought that this time I was more ready for it, that I gave it enough thought... But no, it feels just like the first time I am panicing over the rooftop again... I started to ask myself what is wrong with me that I just don't give up and stop making the same mistake over and over again and that the dog is obviously not for me, but no. Don't get me wrong, I love dogs and I always wanted to get it but now that I got it it scares me to death! I don't know what to do and I don't know how to deal with this. Please, some advice will do me good.

14-11-11, 13:18
It will take time to adjust but it is well worth it. In a few weeks time you will love the little dog so much as she will be part of the family. Our Bonnie we have had now for about 6 months and she is marvellous and so loving. None of us would swap her for anything.

14-11-11, 14:45
I really understand the anxiety associated with a new pup. I had forgotten how much hard work is involved raising a young dog.The night time trips when she wanted to go out, the basic training and being chased everywhere as soon as I picked up a mop or duster:D
Then one day, at about 16 weeks old I was really tired and edgy and she snuggled up to me, licking my hand and looked at me with those big brown eyes and we just bonded .Now 4 years old, shes my best friend..loyal, loving and so glad we bought her into our home.:)

20-06-12, 12:53
So glad I found you all on here!! I thought I was going crazy - we have one lovely dog and I have been desperate to get a 2nd. Well finally did and got a puppy just a few days ago. First day was fine and then 2nd day the panic hit me full force. A complete feeling of fear - that something terrible was going to happen. How can I look after this new life? I don't feel safe to do so...waking with him at night is the worst. Just like bringing a new baby home. I feel so terrible as I didn't expect this at all. Now, after finding you all on this forum,I feel better. I will just have to wait for the panic and feelings of fear to gradually go away. Your help is so appreciated.

20-06-12, 21:50
Hi Topazstar,

I know this is an old thread but I saw your post and had to reply. I was in exactly your position a month ago and I went through hell. My 8 week old puppy turned my life upside down and I really didn't think I could cope. I'm a real routine person and everything suddenly changed. It was awful.

1 month later and calmness has resumed. I worked out a new routine which incorporated my pup and, despite his demonic episodes (he's having one as I type), he's so lovely and I wouldn't be without him for the world. Believe me, if I can do it, anyone can. The real turning point is when you can take him/her out for walks. That really helps. Also, some very supportive friends on here saw me through it and told me it would work out fine - they were right!

Good luck and let us know how you're doing.

Pip x

26-06-12, 15:07
Thank you so much Pip - it really helps to know that you had a similar thing. The sleepless nights are the worst.....I really don't want to re-home him as I am sure I will regret it and he is so attached to me.
I am at home with him all day by myself (I work from home) so he has tended to bond himself exclusively to me, which is lovely but it feels like a huge pressure at the moment (which I know is not a true feeling).....I'm going to ask friends to help and family to get more involved with him - I am sure sharing the load will help. The panic attacks are horrible - I felt paralysed with fear this morning for no good reason. Just wish I had not reacted this way. :blush:

18-09-12, 02:07
i have been married for just a few years and these have been the happiest years of my life. My Husband & I have a great relationship and are a great team. I have no idea what made me start looking at puppies online. I've always known I didn't want the responsibility of walking one first thing in the morning or at night. Or feeling guilty for leaving it alone when I went out. Well, we just got a puppy. He couldn't be sweeter, smarter or more adorable. My Husband loves him. I am so glad I found this forum and others like it. I've always had anxiety & not handled change well. I am racked with anxiety now. I can just keep crying. I feel like I've ruined the great thing my Husband and I have because I've added a third party. Every time I think about it my body fills with anxiety. I can't eat and I wake up with anxiety. It really, really helps to hear that these feelings are a natural part of anxiety disorder and that they'll pass. You know I would give it back tonight if I could. Thanks for any help.

18-09-12, 21:10
It's normal to feel anxiety at having to care for a dependant new 'person' in your life, it's shows that you're a thoughtful and caring person. We got a puppy 2 weeks into an anxiety episode earlier this year, I can't pretend it was easy and yes, it did cause me some sleepless nights with the responsibility of it all. BUT, it gets so much easier as they grow, I now wouldn't be without her even though I did have times of thinking I'd done the wrong thing and would have to take her back.
Dogs are great, they get you outside and exercising, you always have someone to listen to your thoughts (without answering back - bonus!), they give unconditional love and cuddles.
Give it time, as I said it is natural to feel anxious at this upheavel in your life. As you said your husband and you are a team, you share the responsibility of the puppy and I'm sure you will grow to love him too and the three of you will have some great times together.

18-09-12, 21:56
Thanks for your reply. I'm sitting at work gripped with regret, concerns, anxiety...the whole package. My main concern--for the moment--is that I was so happy in my "coupledom" with my Husband. And that I've ruined that by adding a third party (puppy) into the mix. That just wrecks me. Then I move on to my other concerns...:). I could have written every one of the other poster's letters. It's really fascinating how similar the reactions are of people who have anxiety issues. Thanks again.

18-09-12, 22:27
Hi there,

You'll see from my previous post that I know exactly how you feel. I completely sympathise and I know that it's incredibly hard but it will get better and it won't spoil your relationship, quite the opposite. Try to give it time and things will improve, I promise.


19-09-12, 03:47
I read these posts each night and they comfort me. I hope everyone who says this will be ok with time is right. I'm pretty unhappy & uncomfortable right now. Thanks for your help.

19-09-12, 06:39
Hi again,

I promise that it definitely improved for me - I was in a terrible state for a couple of weeks but once I'd settled into a new routine, I was fine. Now, I love my little hound to bits!


23-09-12, 17:37
My husband and I are having the same problem over our new kitten. It's comforting to know we're not alone. Any helpful tips for dealing with the anxiety would be great.

04-10-12, 01:07
Things are a bit better but, I still feel like I have a stranger living in our apt. that needs to be walked & fed for the next 14 years. It's better but, still hard for me to relax with him here. We have a small apt. in NYC. Please tell me I'll not only be ok, feel relaxed and like myself again but, will love him being here. Anyone? Thanks.

13-11-12, 00:47
hello im glad i found a forum for this i am a new dog owner too these words helped i just broke down and cried its hard for me because i am an extremely social person. i feel like i cant go anywhere or do anything i feel caught.... i could use a few prayers also.....

03-01-13, 03:54
Things aren't better. I like the puppy but, I really wish I could turn back time and not have gotten him. I haven't been able to "accept" him and have gone from anxiety to depression. My Husband and I were always best friends. Madly in love. Could talk through anything. And I feel like my anxiety, conflict and misery has brought out the worst in him. He's suddenly furiously angry about the last few years of having to accommodate my discomfort over "everything." Having to live in my world. Saying that I have manipulated him with my hysteria and why can't I just do this for him. Just accept the puppy for him. He has no idea how anxiety & conflict turn into depression for me. That I'm not consciously being selfish.

03-01-13, 09:45
I got a new kitten a month ago (I already have a 2 year old cat) and the day after I got him my anxiety went sky high! I couldn't stop crying. I phoned my daughter and asked her to come and take the kitten, I told her she could keep him. My daughter said she would look after him for a couple of weeks but would bring him back when I started to feel better. It was like I had post natal depression over a kitten! She brought him back a couple of weeks later and I love him so much now. He is the cutest sweetest little thing who just wants to cuddle up with me all the time and he and my 2 year old cat play really well together. I think when we suffer from anxiety any changes can trigger the anxiety but I am sure you will get to accept the puppy more. :hugs:

04-03-13, 03:43
I'm happy to announce that it's been 5 1/2 months since we got our puppy and I'm feeling really OK again. It took time, therapy & an SSRI but, my anxiety has quieted down. I really adore our puppy now. He's my buddy. My relationship with my Husband has normalized. I still don't think I needed a dog but, I love the one I have. The things he did that made me nervous don't seem to affect me anymore. Everything feels more natural. He also has quieted down a bit now that he's closer to a year old.

04-03-13, 06:02
I'm really pleased to hear that things have settled down. Don't forget to enjoy some of the puppy behaviour - it won't last long!

Pip x

04-03-13, 13:40
I have an 18 mth staffie x ridgeback rescue dog. He's brill in the house but a total nutcase outside! He has been known to;- raid picnics, jump on everyone in the park, steal bird food out of people's hands/bags, join in football games, steal footballs, steal random objects and run away (including a little baby's toy once). I used to cry because he made so anxious but he's really brought me out of my comfort zone and showed me that I can deal with other people being angry at me (which usually gets me down). We're working with a good trainer now :)

02-07-13, 03:51
Thanks so much for these posts. We just got a puppy and I am so anxious. These posts let me know that I am not alone. I wanted a puppy so bad and now all this anxiety. I feel like I made a mistake getting a puppy! I have hope though after reading all of your posts.

02-07-13, 06:02
Thanks so much for these posts. We just got a puppy and I am so anxious. These posts let me know that I am not alone. I wanted a puppy so bad and now all this anxiety. I feel like I made a mistake getting a puppy! I have hope though after reading all of your posts.

It does take time to get into a new routine but I'd be pretty confident that you're going to love your new dog to bits and wonder what you did without him soon.

I was in a terrible state when I got my puppy last year but it soon settled down - to the point where I got a second dog a couple of months ago!

Good luck and let us know how you get on

Pip x

22-08-13, 07:27
Hi everyone,

I know this thread is old but I found it today and hopefully someone is still reading this :)
A couple of days ago I got a new puppy, I already have 2y.o dog. I was so excited to get a friend for my dog but once I got home I was so anxious. Feeling as though I rushed into it, and that it was all a huge mistake! I have only had her for 3 days and I had to get my little sister to come and take her and babysit so I can clear my head. A part of me wants to return her because I know that it would make my anxiety go away, but I was very upset when I let my sister take her today :(
I am really in 2 minds about it and I really want to keep her and see it out. I am sick of anxiety ruling my life!! It really helped me today reading everyones comments about how it passed and they were glad they stuck it out.
I just want to know how did everyone cope?? Just when I look at my puppy I feel sick! I should be enjoying this time but I am hating it.
Pipkin I read a post of yours from another thread(below) and my situation is almost exactly the same as yours, how did you get through it???

I completely understand. I got a puppy a couple of months ago and was sure I'd made a terrible mistake. My anxiety went through the roof and I was sure I couldn't cope. After some very kind people on here reassured me, I stuck with it and now I realise it was the best thing I could have done. I don't know what I'd do without him.
I'm a real routine person and I hate change in my personal life. Suddenly, I was confronted with a whole new world which meant I couldn't carry on as before. After a week or so, I adjusted and now have new routines which, to be honest, are much healthier than before.
The mad kitten behaviour will get better as he settles down and then you'll wonder how you managed before.

22-08-13, 07:53
Hi there,

This is much more common than people think. Getting a dog is a huge commitment and it's really easy to underestimate the impact it can have on our lives - I know I certainly did.

Routine was the key for me. I sat down and worked out exactly what the new routine would be - meal times, bed times, sleeping arrangements, training plan (easily downloaded from the internet), walks etc. I also made sure I planned in time for me to try and relax - this meant an hour in the early evening when doggy went for a nap and I had the house to myself. Once the routine was established (it only took a couple of days, with some adjustments), my anxiety started to subside straight away and I was able to enjoy time with him.

Remember that dogs are creatures of habit and also like a routine and consistency - this should suit you very well. It's also important to remember that your dog will do what you want her to do. Of course, we have to make changes to our lives - that's why you got her right? At the same time don't let her take over your life. She will become an important part of your life but not its sole purpose.

A few other things:

It got far easier when I could start to take him out after his inoculations. I was nearly driven to distraction by all the energy he had when confined to the house and garden. Plan some good walks, preferably safe places where she can go off lead and burn some energy. Start games like fetch now so that, when she's out and about, you can really wear her out.

I also booked mine onto a 6-week puppy course which helped me to cope with the typical puppy behaviour. Even before we started to go, knowing that support was on the way calmed me down.

Crate training is excellent and also lowers anxiety as you'll know exactly where she is when you leave her. It stops the worry about what havoc she'll be causing.

I hope some of that helps. I know how hard it is but the fun you'll have will make the first few weeks all worthwhile.

Good luck and I'm happy to help as much as I can.

Pip x

04-12-13, 03:40
Like most of you I just got a new puppy. I have been divorced now for 8 months and have thought about getting one for 4 months. I finally went and bought one and am now really anxious. I am feeling a little bit trapped with the dog right now and hope it will pass. The dog is 13 weeks old and is actually a really good dog. Of course it's freezing cold out now and it is to cold for walks so we are pent up in the house when I am home which does not help.

It is helpful to read all the other posts and realize that we suffer together and that typically this anxiety will end and it will all work out.

My biggest thing is I do like dogs and always have, even as a kid, so I am not sure why I am so anxious.

I am not sure if anyone looks at this thread anymore but any comments are appreciated.


05-12-13, 15:17
Hi Argonfly and everyone else.

I also just got a 15 week old puppy (almost 2 weeks ago now) and the day after I brought her home my anxiety went through the roof and has been since then. Mornings are especially bad but luckily my sleep is ok at the moment.

I think bringing a new vulnerable life into my realm of responsibility has triggered this for me. On top of this my work situation was already very very stressful so am really having a hard time coping and getting through each day.

Am currently trying to ride it out and give it a few more weeks before making any big decisions.

My strategy is to get as much help from friends and family as possible so I don't feel so alone with it.

Hope this helps.


29-12-13, 04:21
Hi Argonfly & Danj

I recently had major anxiety over my new puppy, I had to give her to my sister to look after for a few weeks so I could deal with what I was going through. I started seeing a psychologist to help me cope. This really helped, it was so good to have someone just to talk to and pour my hearth out to. I also found going to the psychologist very educational and gained a better understanding of what was going on in my mind. After 2 weeks I felt strong enough to ask for my puppy back from my sister and haven't looked back. I am happy to say that after about 2 months I was completely over it all & absolutely LOVED and ADORED my new little girl.
I think part of my coping was always having a backup plan (if it doesn't work out, you could always rehome.. or something to that effect) for the worst case scenario and you know what? just having that in place for me was enough to relieve the stress a little.
A great piece of advice my psychologist gave me was never make an emotional decision!! So very true :)
Try and stick it out, I know it gets tough but it will pass, it always does. (its so worth it!!)
Good luck!!

29-12-13, 11:28
I to got a new puppy 8weeks old love him to bits, it is hard work but worth it ,if anything its helped my anxiety Iv been reading dogs can help with anxiety so all the hard work will pay off in the end :)

01-01-14, 11:13
hi all
I had an anxiety disorder when my wife and I had children, this was brought under control with 10mg cipralex, this has been good for a long time, on the 23rd December we got a puppy (8 weeks) at my wife request. we are both finding it hard but it seems to have returned my symptoms. loss of appetite etc this is generally in the morning and wears off as the afternoon progresses.
I hope this will pass as the puppy grows, we have talked about letting her go.

---------- Post added at 11:13 ---------- Previous post was at 11:05 ----------

Hi Argonfly and everyone else.

I also just got a 15 week old puppy (almost 2 weeks ago now) and the day after I brought her home my anxiety went through the roof and has been since then. Mornings are especially bad but luckily my sleep is ok at the moment.

I think bringing a new vulnerable life into my realm of responsibility has triggered this for me. On top of this my work situation was already very very stressful so am really having a hard time coping and getting through each day.

Am currently trying to ride it out and give it a few more weeks before making any big decisions.

My strategy is to get as much help from friends and family as possible so I don't feel so alone with it.

Hope this helps.


hi dan
how are you getting on? your story sounds very similar to mine. worse in the morning cant eat etc, its kinda cruel that the body can let you relax in the evenings and feel everything is ok then start again the next morning (groundhog day). im still on meds which have kept me well for ages, just hoping this new addition is just a hiccup in my system.

good luck


01-01-14, 11:15
Hi Rick,

I know it's tough at first but it really is worth it. If you've had kids, you can definitely cope with a puppy - it just takes time to adjust. Read my post from August on what helped me and try out a few ideas. Don't be hasty and let her go, we all felt like that but every single person I've ever spoken to said it got better and that they're pleased they persevered.

Good luck and feel free to ask if you need some support.


01-01-14, 12:37
hi pip
thanks for the reply, when your good you forget what its like to be bad, ie evenings when things calm down and the anxiety dissipates I feel great wondering what the fuss was about. its kind of obvious to me that I don't cope well with young dependants, family life is great, but now this bump in the road (or betsy as she is more commonly known) has set me back a step.
it will pass I know, I was on here some time ago but couldn't remember my login. it helps to talk and my wife is supportive.


02-01-14, 17:54
hey rickbutler2009

thanks for asking. The puppy is getting better, not sure my anxiety is improving much but I think there is a lot of other stuff in my life keeping it going.


03-03-14, 08:40
I am so glad to have found this page. I'm writing this right now as my new 16 week old puppy is whining downstairs. We got her yesterday. Honestly I Think we lucked out. She's able to hold her bladder for a long time so does not need to go every hour. I just feel so much pressure and anxiety because I have wanted a dog for so long, and I was the one who convinced my parents to get a dog. Now that we got one it just hit me like a rock. This much responsibility is killing me. Not only that, I have anxiety because my mom will be the one spending a lot of time with her, I feel as though I forced my mom into this position, and the guilt is just killing me. My mom doesn't appear to mind, but who knows what'll happen in the future. Honestly it KILLS me to think this way, but I've thought about returning her.

16-03-14, 06:41
Hi please help. After a year of planning we bought our new pup home last Saturday. He is lovely and settling well and even though i
Am caring for all his needs I feel like I am going mad! I have a wonderful husband who is helping so I have no complaints but I think he is shocked at how I am feeling as I'm the one who wanted him. I am not sleeping or eating and am crying at night when he can't see me. I feel so ungrateful and stupid. I don't have many friends who can lend an ear so I feel alone in this. What should be a lovely time with the pup I have wanted is turning into a nightmare. I don't know what to do.

16-03-14, 07:14
If its really getting to people i would suggest re homing the pup, it's not fair to human or animal. Animals pick up on human feelings.
Whenever I have a new animal, I sleep downstairs with them till they are old enough to be on their own. Imagine being taken away from your brothers and sisters and mother and shut away at night, the time when every sentient creature feels vulnerable. In a dark strange room totally alone.
Seriously, think about life from their perspective.
You are his new pack leader, he needs to know you're there for him. This goes against a lot of what others think I know, but I stand by it. My dog is now 14, and the day she dies I will be devastated, she's a family member not just an animal.

16-03-14, 09:02
If its really getting to people i would suggest re homing the pup, it's not fair to human or animal. Animals pick up on human feelings.
Whenever I have a new animal, I sleep downstairs with them till they are old enough to be on their own. Imagine being taken away from your brothers and sisters and mother and shut away at night, the time when every sentient creature feels vulnerable. In a dark strange room totally alone.
Seriously, think about life from their perspective.
You are his new pack leader, he needs to know you're there for him. This goes against a lot of what others think I know, but I stand by it. My dog is now 14, and the day she dies I will be devastated, she's a family member not just an animal.

I have to disagree. I work very closely with a dog rescue centre and if everyone who felt anxious when getting a new dog gave them up, there would be thousands and thousands more dogs left waiting to be re-homed or worse. It's similar to how some people react after having a baby and I wouldn't suggest putting them up for adoption.

From an anxiety-sufferer's point of view, it's important to face anxiety head on and not to avoid it. It's absolutely natural to feel anxious with such a big change in our lives but, once we've got used to it, it is one of the most rewarding experiences and our dogs will have sensitive and caring owners.

Jilly - stick with it, it does get better!


16-03-14, 09:35
I totally agree, especially with the baby analogy. So called normal people experience anxiety when faced with a new pet,but for a person with mental illness of some kind, it is in their, or the pet's, best interests to have a new pet?
If they can stick with it, it certainly will be rewarding for them both:)

16-03-14, 14:17
I guess we're all different but for me, having dogs reduces my anxiety a lot. There's always someone there to greet me when I get home from work and they keep me active, even when all I want to do is curl up and be left alone. I may neglect myself when I'm at my worst but I'd never neglect my dogs!

For example, yesterday, I took one dog to training class and the other to agility. They love it and I've made some really good friends and we get to see dogs of every shape and size. My dogs are incredibly well socialised, and I'm getting there too! Today, I've been for an 8-mile walk across fields and by the river with my dogs chasing each other and rabbits, fetching sticks and swimming. We stopped for a pub lunch on the way and had a cheeky pint too (I had the beer, they had a bone each!). The dogs are exhausted and I'm really relaxed. Without a purpose I'm sure I would have just moped around the house feeling sorry for myself.

So to answer your question, pets can be great for people with mental illnesses but it's important to realise the commitment it takes and to prepare for some heightened anxiety at first while you settle into a new routine. If you can get through that and are prepared to put the effort in, it can reduce anxiety and give some dogs a very happy home.


17-03-14, 11:12
I have a 7 month old puppy, who is still not fully house trained. I would be lying if I said my anxiety levels didn't increase when she was small, the cleaning up is constant, and the teething on household items, adjusting takes time. But I love my dog and would rather part with a limb than part with her, she is a member of my family and gives me so much pleasure and unconditional love. A lot of dogs who are re homed, are with people who have mental or physical disabilities. Some shelters will not re-home dogs with people who are out at work for long hours.

29-06-14, 11:42
Ive had this problem over the last few days. Ive hardly eaten anything and ive had bouts of anxiety usually each morning. No idea why hes so well behaved and all he wants is love. I dont want to give him back or anything hes so lovely. Its literally just because its a change in lifestyle and as we know is anxious types dont deal well with that. Im already starting to feel abit better and im going to talk to my therapist about it. Just wanted to let people know that its just us being irrational and thinking the worst. Im looking forward till hes fully settled in and housetrained. I can already tell hes gunna eventually help me with anxiety in the long run.

24-11-14, 19:19
Hi everyone. I'm glad I stumbled on this forum and found so many others going through the same thing that I am right now. I just got married two weeks ago and had huge anxiety over it that finally went away after we made it official. For whatever reason, I saw this puppy on the internet and couldn't get her face out of my head. So this past weekend I went out and adopted her. The second I brought her home it felt like I was getting married all over again. I had a huge panic attack and I've been sick over it since. I haven't been eating, barely sleeping, and all I keep thinking is 'what did I do? - i can't do this'. My husband originally told me that he didn't really want a dog but if I really wanted her then he would support it - now he's in love with her. He's upset that I'm feeling this way and asked me to give it two weeks. He said if after two weeks I'm still feeling this way then he would personally bring her back to the shelter to get adopted out again. I feel horrible over this. I am also feeling guilty because I'm the one who wanted her and now he's taking responsibility for her and it's not fair. I keep thinking that I wish I didn't take her. I need help!

24-11-14, 20:36
Like everyone else on here taralinn I am sure you will soon grow to love the puppy :) It is just the fear of a new responsibility. I was just the same with my kitten...I wanted my daughter to take him and keep him. Now he is my constant companion and the best therapy ever!

24-11-14, 21:19
Thanks, Annie. I really hope so! I don't want to feel this way anymore. I was so happy that I had no anxiety anymore after the wedding and then here I go again, making life decisions and freaking myself out.

25-11-14, 07:22
Hi everyone. I'm glad I stumbled on this forum and found so many others going through the same thing that I am right now. I just got married two weeks ago and had huge anxiety over it that finally went away after we made it official. For whatever reason, I saw this puppy on the internet and couldn't get her face out of my head. So this past weekend I went out and adopted her. The second I brought her home it felt like I was getting married all over again. I had a huge panic attack and I've been sick over it since. I haven't been eating, barely sleeping, and all I keep thinking is 'what did I do? - i can't do this'. My husband originally told me that he didn't really want a dog but if I really wanted her then he would support it - now he's in love with her. He's upset that I'm feeling this way and asked me to give it two weeks. He said if after two weeks I'm still feeling this way then he would personally bring her back to the shelter to get adopted out again. I feel horrible over this. I am also feeling guilty because I'm the one who wanted her and now he's taking responsibility for her and it's not fair. I keep thinking that I wish I didn't take her. I need help!

Hi Tara,

Welcome to NMP :welcome:

I suggest you have a read of this fairly recent thread where a new member was saying the same as you:


Hopefully it will give you some encouragement because she was saying the same and she got beyond it.

09-12-14, 15:18
I am in the same boat as you as we just got an 8-week old puppy on Saturday and my anxiety has gone way, way up. Stomach in knots, not eating, etc. I feel so ridiculous that I let it get to me and really don't understand why.

I'm hoping it will decrease with time and a new routine is established.

09-12-14, 22:19
I always have anxiety when I bring a new puppy home. It started several years ago, and I've since brought home three puppies over the years and it's been the same every time.

My youngest dog is now 8 months old; I had anxiety bad when I brought him home. I still kind of do. It's not totally unwarranted - he's a handful, he's fear-reactive (especially towards strangers, but towards other things as well), and has occasionally gotten into scuffles with my other dogs. It has been a loooong 6 months :)

BUT we've made some progress. And I've never had anything love me as totally and unconditionally as he does. I am by far his favorite. I look at him, and I see total adoration that is unmatched. It's amazing.

I see him as a lesson. Not only is he teaching me new things about training and ownership in general, but he's teaching me how to be a better person. I got him after my heart dog died and I wanted a sweet, very social dog that I could take places. That isn't what I got. I got a dog that I pretty much can't take anywhere, and maybe will never be able to take to all the places I want to go with a dog. And while that is disappointing, it's a lesson in the fact that things never work out quite the way you had envisioned them, and that maybe I can still be happy even if the conditions aren't perfect. It's a long road - I'm always one of those people that feels as though everything has to be just right in order for me to be happy, but that's not realistic and perhaps I really did need this puppy so I can thoroughly learn that lesson.

10-12-14, 04:14
I am in the same boat as you as we just got an 8-week old puppy on Saturday and my anxiety has gone way, way up. Stomach in knots, not eating, etc. I feel so ridiculous that I let it get to me and really don't understand why.

I'm hoping it will decrease with time and a new routine is established.

Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Have a read of the link I posted above because she was exactly like this and came back to report it did pass. So, it can for you too.

29-12-14, 19:16
Hi everyone,

I know this is an old post and I've been reading through but I needed to share this.. I've been going crazy!! I've been having such severe anxiety over a PUPPY. 5 days ago my husband and I got a 7 week old puppy- mind you one I've been BEGGING to get. We've both been looking for several months- and my husbands been wanting a dog since his family got a pup two years ago. So much to my surprise when I brought her home my anxiety went through the ROOF. She is the sweetest thing, and I KNEW what was coming with a puppy.. the constant watching, the training, the chewing on everything. It's gotten so bad I cry at the littlest things she does that frustrates me. Shes been sleeping a lot better through the night but I am having a hard time sleeping and haven't had an appetite for the last few days. I know the puppy is just learning, but I just get so so so overwhelmed that I've come to resent her and it feels like loving her will never happen. I have such a fear that I'm not doing anything right with her and that shes going to grow up rebellious and out of control.

My husband is amazing and so supportive and tells me to get out of the house to go to the gym, or to get some space from the puppy, but I feel so guilty leaving her with him even though he swears that she doesn't bug him. He keeps telling me it's a short time of adversity and it'll be worth it in the end. He's fallen in love with her and I know is set on keeping her. I feel so stupid- I just want to give her back and have this anxiety just go away. All I can think about is how I've lost my freedom and that my husband and I can't just go and do anything together anymore without worrying about the dog (crate training has also been a nightmare for me.. she cries until she falls asleep and then she'll wake up and cry some more.. what am I going to do when we both go back to work after the holidays!?!?!?)

I fortunately don't normally suffer from anxiety I've only experienced it once and it was from a mix of many different factors and it almost got out of hand. I promised myself I would never let myself get into a situation where I felt that way again and here it is back with vengeance. Back then I was crying every waking moment, hardly eating, and exhausted all the time. Everything I've read said that it gets better after a few weeks/months and that it's worth it.. but even the thought that its going to take that long almost makes the anxiety worse! Especially since I went through that ordeal for about 6 months and finally after quitting a toxic job, it went away.

I feel so silly and try to think about all the people I know that have raised puppies and if it was so difficult no one would have them, but I can't seem to shake this off. Any advice on how to relieve some of the anxiety or encouraging words would mean so much... I really want to try to love this puppy, but with my previous experience of leaving job= no anxiety, I really just want to take the easy route and give her back to make this stop :(

06-03-15, 16:06
Wow, these posts are exactly what is going on with my life right now. I know this is an old thread, but the very last post could be me.

We got a puppy 2 and 1/2 weeks ago at my husband's insistence. Since then, I've been overcome with anxiety. I feel overwhelmed, not eating well, not sleeping(partly b/c the puppy won't sleep), crying all the time and just generally feeling crappy.

My husband has been pretty patient with me so far, I think mostly b/c he knows I'm really trying for HIM, b/c i really would have returned the dog if i went with my instinct. I am at the point where i fear i will really resent the dog and my husband. I could have gone my whole life without a dog and i really don;t feel any bond with her, despite her being cute and relatively easy going.

I know that we really need to get her on a schedule, but it seems insurmountable right now. She hates the crate and cries bloody murder when she is in it and has figured out how to escape her playpen, so that's not an option. I just don't feel right leaving her in a crate for hours when I know she will be miserable.

So, I pretty much feel guilty and stressed all the time about a laundry list of things.

I'm trying to be proactive. I actually met with a counselor(for me) and have enrolled the dog into daycare to ease the guilt of leaving her. Action feels good, but i really feel like this anxiety will never let up.

I know the dog is a HUGE commitment, especially the breed we got(high maintenance), and I don't take that lightly. I wish i knew when i would feel better.

06-03-15, 18:37
Hi there,

Trust me, it will get better. I was exactly where you are and thought I'd made a huge mistake - I was convinced it would never get better. It did!

I won't repeat what I said in earlier posts but routine is the key. Once you get used to having a dog around and she fits into your routine, she will become part of your life to the point where you would have a big hole if she was no longer there. I even put myself through it again and got a second pup which I would never have imagined.

I know this won't help much but stick it out and I promise you will start to adjust. Every person I've spoken to on here in your situation has.

Good luck and if you want any doggy tips, post here in the misc forum and we'll all help. Btw, what breed have you got?


09-03-15, 20:35
Hi pip. Thank you for the encouragement. I'm having a few better days now, and the kind words help.

I'm really trying to stick with it, and get some semblance of a routine. It does help to hear others have gone through the same thing. I can't wait to feel a little relief.

We got a siberian husky, she's been really sweet and not at all crazy yet. Of course, I've been worrying about "future" her and behavior that hasn't happened yet! (i know I need to relax on getting worked up about that! )

For now, I'm looking forward to dog training and talking to my counselor for some positive approaches to this whole thing.

07-04-15, 17:43
Ok, so for the last year or so we have planned on getting a pet dog.. I previously owned a dog that lived for 17 years, he passed 5 years ago..

Sorry to dig up an old thread but

Today I have got my new puppy..she is beautiful...couldnt be more pleased with her... But since I got home I have gone from being really excited and happy To having bad anxiety and panic attacks...like the sudden responsibility has hit me....even though I know what I was doing...a part of me has said "oh my god what have you done!!" I know I will be fine in the long run.. But..just looking for some reassurance...

07-04-15, 18:37
It's the best thing you could have done. You'll be naturally anxious at first but once you've established a routine and a bond you'll find that pet therapy is so beneficial to your mental health and gives you a real purpose and you'll have a lovely new friend who shows you unconditional love....

There will be teething problems to begin with as you all adjust to your new puppy but you will not regret this decision, believe me!

07-04-15, 20:25
Thanks, the panic attacks have calmed slightly with tablets, I have wanted a dog for a long time, I have 3kids I just hope I adjust.. Im worried about not getting sleep and being too weak to get into a routine with her

08-04-15, 05:11
I was the same nok tok. Its the sudden responsibility but remember its nothing compared to bringing up 3 kids so if you can do that, you can do this!

The best thing to do is get the routine in with your puppy and it will go. Play with them and connect and it will turn from anxiety into the feelings you had before for your other dog.

Honestly, I've seen several new members join in the last 4 months who have said exactly the same. What was the result? Within weeks they were over it and very happy with their new dog and I firmly believe this will be you soon.

08-04-15, 07:24
Thanks terry, I was awake all night on the sofa, despite her sleeping Til 6 am I was awake getting panic attacks, couldn't leave her cause she wimpers.. I feel awful today. I love her she's beautiful but I'm considering giving her up as I don't think I can take on the responsibility..I feel scared.

08-04-15, 09:02
This is the same as many people, its scary at first, its a big change. They had the same issues with sleep, elevated anxiety, panic, etc but they stuck it out and it changed very quickly for them and they were happy to have stuck it out.

Its all so new right now. At first we feel like getting away from the situation, the typical fight or flight. But this doesn't last and our natural feelings for why we had the pet win through.

Please see how things go because she will bring you great comfort once you get past this just like your last one must have.

Hang in there.

08-04-15, 09:09
Yes, please do! It's really frightening when you first take on a pet and you envisage the worst possible scenarios and losing control etc but you need to give yourself time..It's the school holidays so maybe the family can help with the settling in period and you can share the tasks a bit?

I've just lost a deeply loved cat and it's left a horrible void. I took on 2 unwanted guinea pigs last week and the prospect of more responsibility terrified me but a week on I'm so glad I did as I've worked out a routine for hutch cleaning (I'm very obsessive!) and I feel more relaxed about caring for them and sussing out their personalities!

Please give yourself and your puppy some time? It's very early days..

08-04-15, 09:30
Change & uncertainty are big things for people with anxiety. It gets easier as you recover.

I remember talking to you on the depression board nok tok and you were really struggling back then so its bound to be a big change for you right now because you have a lot of work to do to recover but your puppy really will help you with that once you get beyond this adjustment period.

I've spoken to pulisa loads on here and I wouldn't think anything could effect her when it comes to things like this with the fight she has had for years to get her daughter the help she needs yet she freely admits that these new pets have affected her. That just shows me how irrational these things are, that you can go through so much and the subconscious still tries to trip you up with something that is nowhere near what you have been through.

Anyone who can bring up kids you both of you will have no issues with pets. Once you have the routine established, you feel more secure with it. Play with them and it will just cement your relationship and this anxiety will fade.

A couple of weeks later and you will look back on this from a completely different position.

I had a puppy just after my first breakdown and it scared me too. It was just the change. Routines get changed, the what ifs set in, catastrophizing starts, etc. I worried about the sleep routine because I was very focussed on not sleeping back then.

I've had him 8 years now. Love him to bits!

I've had some really bad points going through all this and he knows somethings wrong. He will hang around me more on those days, lie on me even. I

I've had periods where the fatigue was really bad and you know what? He would come over and plonk one of his toys at my feet or start jumping up me. Not long after I have felt better and more awake, thanks doggie! Its like he knew how to help and he's doing it a fair few times now.

My mum fell over walking him about 7 years ago. He sat at her feet until we got back in so dad could take her to hospital (broke her shoulder). She came home and he hung around her all the time. He wouldn't jump up like he normally would have, he was patient and attentive. They know.

Hey Pulisa, they have loads of guinea pigs at the Pets At Home near me. Funny little squeeking noises they make!

09-04-15, 03:49
Pup woke at 2, it set me off a panic attack..can't sleep now..she is sleeping but my body feels like jelly

I wanna lay down I wanna sit up..I wanna be alone, I wanna hug, I don't want anyone to touch me.. I don't know what to do with myself..I'm all over the place..

Just took 2 propranolol , they r a bit rubbish but my diazepam is in low supply and precious...I need at least 8-10mg for diazepam to work and doc only gave me 7 x 2mg tabs..rubbish..I mean I really need them sometimes but scared I will have none left if I use them now... I wish they would trust me with them...I only take them in emergency.

09-04-15, 05:18
I was the same with Diazepam nok tok. My GP only gave me enough for 7 days at a time. Mine were initially 5mg but when I relapsed he gave me 2mg. At first they helped but then they didn't seem to and on a coulpe of occasions I felt more anxious after taking them which I understand can happen to some people.

They are only supposed to give them out in emergencies thesedays or to offset the side effects of starting the other ones.

When I relapsed I was determined not to use them as my GP gave them out for when I started my SNRI along with Zopiclone which I had the first time as the SSRI I had the first time stopped me sleeping which really hit me badly. I only used 2 this time round when I didn't think I could take the side effects any more and that break helped a little. I took none of the Zopiclone though.

As a GAD sufferer I can understand how you feel about not wanting to be in out, this that, etc. I've had a lot of that. When you anxiety levels are constantly raised, you really can't seem to concentrate, make decisions, see good in anything, etc. #

Try to do some breathing exercises to see if it calms you down a little.

14-02-17, 14:58
I know this is soooo old! But I was googling and come across this thread and it's so how I feel right now. We had a puppy back in 2012 and I struggled at first but was ok then I got pregnant and we were building an extension so regimes the puppy much to my two children's heart break (and my other half) ever since we had the new baby (now almost 4!) they have all wanted a new pup. We just picked one up Sunday and at first I panicked (privately of course couldn't admit it!) but things were ok,but I'm having a bit of a panic I think today? We took pup out and he was really aggressive with another dog and I think it's shocked me and making me worry. I haven't eaten properly since we got him either? My appetite is zero and I usually eat ALOT lol! Rehoming this pup is NOT an option so I need some advice and help to get through this.

14-02-17, 16:22
I know this is soooo old! But I was googling and come across this thread and it's so how I feel right now. We had a puppy back in 2012 and I struggled at first but was ok then I got pregnant and we were building an extension so regimes the puppy much to my two children's heart break (and my other half) ever since we had the new baby (now almost 4!) they have all wanted a new pup. We just picked one up Sunday and at first I panicked (privately of course couldn't admit it!) but things were ok,but I'm having a bit of a panic I think today? We took pup out and he was really aggressive with another dog and I think it's shocked me and making me worry. I haven't eaten properly since we got him either? My appetite is zero and I usually eat ALOT lol! Rehoming this pup is NOT an option so I need some advice and help to get through this.
Hannah Hi And :welcome: to NMP. I have been a dog owner for 1o years now so can certainly offer advice on this :) First how old is this pup, and second what breed?? This is absolutely important what I am going to say to you. Early socialisation is very important for any pup to be socialised early there is a small window of opportunity to get this right between 8 and 16 weeks as experts says ok. So whats the history of this pup was it from a good breeder or off Gum Tree and the previous owners couldn't or didn't know how to cope? The pup will not grow out of it either, sadly people make that mistake and then often the poor dog will end up in a shelter :eek: As for other training and house rules (boundaries) I would suggest N.I.L.I.F it stands for Nothing in Life Is Free and means exactly that so Google this method it's a kind positive way to train a dog and I have adopted this training method with my dog who is now 10 years old :) So for Eg: even their food is not theirs till you say so same as there toys I can still to this very day put my hand in my dogs bowl to either add extra food etc and there is no growling what so ever. You don't want a dog that guards anything either I learnt that off a dogforum and one other tip when training always use treats to start off with as dogs bulid up a assocaiton with things like training/treats and will speed up the process :) Sorry for the long post but that's how it is. Don't wait for a accident to happen! BTW there's a good programme on about dogs on ITV called the secret life of dogs episode 2 catch up on ep 1 on the ITV HUB this too has some good tips HTH Cheers

14-02-17, 18:56
Wow thankyou so much for all of this advice! Ok, Ernie is a French bulldog and we bought him from the breeder, he was the last pup as he has one floppy ear and it's not desireable apparently! The breeder had set his dogs no rules that was apparent when the mother came charging in barking jumping all over their furniture. He also was being free fed so was able to graze his food bowl all day and wasn't being actively housetrained, if there was a puddle in kitchen (where he was kept) in the morning , they just cleaned it up.
He's fab in the house and seems to have settled well? I am sleeping on couch so lack of sleep is part of my anxiety issue too I guess? And not eating .
Thanks so much for replying

14-02-17, 19:25
Wow thankyou so much for all of this advice! Ok, Ernie is a French bulldog and we bought him from the breeder, he was the last pup as he has one floppy ear and it's not desireable apparently! The breeder had set his dogs no rules that was apparent when the mother came charging in barking jumping all over their furniture. He also was being free fed so was able to graze his food bowl all day and wasn't being actively housetrained, if there was a puddle in kitchen (where he was kept) in the morning , they just cleaned it up.
He's fab in the house and seems to have settled well? I am sleeping on couch so lack of sleep is part of my anxiety issue too I guess? And not eating .
Thanks so much for replying
Hannah Its no problem. The litter mates should also play a part in this too like they create boundaires within the pack so if one pup get a bit rough the other pup(s) will correct it! Sounds like your pup has had a bad start. How old now? Like I said earlier start now training using the N.I.L.I.F method and if possible enrol in some puppy classes to this will help and pay divedens long term I would teach sits,wait, Leave it the last one is a life save command and could save your pup huge vet bills too. I can put anything on the floor and my dog will not touch it till I say so and if it cant be had then she wont touch it. So I do hope you will take all this on board and hope your children are old enough to help with the training or if not when they get older as they wanted a pup. And the main thing is a dog can have many masters so long as you sing from the same hymn sheet in other words you all train exactly the same way :) Dogs are social animals and like being around other dogs so make the socialisation top priority please don't forget that programme itv at 9pm Thanks :)

14-02-17, 20:29
Ernie is a few days short of 5months. I have managed to teach him sit and wait so far so he's learning well. My children are almost 4, 8 and 10. They have been great around him so far and vice versa. My 10 year old has been great today , she said she wanted to help me as I have so much to do! So she took Ernie outside when he needed to and he listens to her commands as well. Big thumbs up. Puppy classes begin Friday evening. Looking forward to seeing how it goes.
His two litter mates were rehomed as soon as they were ready . I am still waking once in night to take Ernie out, he doesn't go wee tho ? He just cries around 3am
Thanks if I don't catch it tonight I will def watch on catch up asap!
Thanks for listening

14-02-17, 21:42
Ernie is a few days short of 5months. I have managed to teach him sit and wait so far so he's learning well. My children are almost 4, 8 and 10. They have been great around him so far and vice versa. My 10 year old has been great today , she said she wanted to help me as I have so much to do! So she took Ernie outside when he needed to and he listens to her commands as well. Big thumbs up. Puppy classes begin Friday evening. Looking forward to seeing how it goes.
His two litter mates were rehomed as soon as they were ready . I am still waking once in night to take Ernie out, he doesn't go wee tho ? He just cries around 3am
Thanks if I don't catch it tonight I will def watch on catch up asap!
Thanks for listening
Hannah Ahh ok how long have you had Ernie as it's looking like he has left rather late on when in fact 8 weeks and slightly above is ok so he has had little or no training hence the aggression towards other dogs in other words he has not had socialisation skills around other dogs still could be done and it's a goal to achieve in my book :) as for house training make it fun and even if it takes 10 mins outside to pee then that's what should happen and when he does (as he is doing it) have a command word like do pee pee then the action is taking place with the word ok :) after wards plenty of verbal praise and fussing over eventually the association will get imprinted on his mind hat what he is doing out side is a good thing!!

Oh nice work on getting your kids involved too:yesyes: And excellent news on the puppy training classes too :) It's looking good now! Fine Don't forget episode 1 though and that was last week you have 30 days after a programme has been aired before it gets taken off Please keep me posted on Ernie's progress and pics please :) Thank you

15-02-17, 06:36
Yes it was a rather late age to get Ernie! We got him Sunday so he's brand new! He's done really well overnight and slept 11-6am so I got a full nights sleep and feel much more positive today! He's doing good it's housetraining no accidents in the house so far. I take him out and say 'go wee' and he seems to be getting that once he has gone we go back inside. We get to the back door and he waits for me to get in first then sits and waits for me to say 'come in' . So I think he's doing well so far? He's on some rubbish food so want to change that but waiting for him to settle in before I upset his diet. He's fast asleep on my lap now. Would love to post pics if I can figure how!:huh:

15-02-17, 08:15
He had his first accident in kitchen . I just cleaned up and took him straight outside? It was my fault I wasn't watching and in hindsight I can see he was being quiet and restless. But, for some reason it's sparked my anxiety. Why does this happen?! It's so annoying. I feel sick and can't eat again. So so silly. So annoyed with myself .
Need to get a routine going I think. Routine usually helps me:shrug:

15-02-17, 09:38
Yes it was a rather late age to get Ernie! We got him Sunday so he's brand new! He's done really well overnight and slept 11-6am so I got a full nights sleep and feel much more positive today! He's doing good it's housetraining no accidents in the house so far. I take him out and say 'go wee' and he seems to be getting that once he has gone we go back inside. We get to the back door and he waits for me to get in first then sits and waits for me to say 'come in' . So I think he's doing well so far? He's on some rubbish food so want to change that but waiting for him to settle in before I upset his diet. He's fast asleep on my lap now. Would love to post pics if I can figure how!:huh: This is good, how ever if he enjoys playing out side then this can be a reward too! Yes certainly change that food Have a look at CSJ There is a website for it and there are various franchises across the Uk that sell this brand and once you have found a local franchise they can send you large bags of samples(probably 2Kg each!!) Free ,unlike say pets at home that offer 100grm samples!! Also with CSJ You don't get any horrible fillers, and other additives in the food there is mainly only 4/5 Major ingredients in a bag of CSJ and there is no pic of a happy smiliey dog on or a huge list of ingredients on back either :) Also a tip when changing over to a different food gradually introduce the new food by mixing a bit of the new in with more of the old and gradually over a week you put less old food and more new food. This will stop stomach upsets and diahareea too :) Yes pic came out but it's on it's side ;) Cheers

---------- Post added at 09:38 ---------- Previous post was at 09:32 ----------

He had his first accident in kitchen . I just cleaned up and took him straight outside? It was my fault I wasn't watching and in hindsight I can see he was being quiet and restless. But, for some reason it's sparked my anxiety. Why does this happen?! It's so annoying. I feel sick and can't eat again. So so silly. So annoyed with myself .
Need to get a routine going I think. Routine usually helps me:shrug: Ahh it happens we are only human LOL why because you have a anxiety problem and yes it's so silly when you come to think about it :) Where were the kids at the time? They want to help so this is good if you are busy and you cant keep a eye on Ernie enlist there help :) Yes you did good, no point shouting at him or getting angry this would make Ernie go behind your back and find a corner were he cant be seen and go :eek: Yes routines are good so include the dog in some of your routines too :) Good luck Cheers

15-02-17, 10:52
Yes when he does something naughty (tries to chew something he shudnt etc) I just say a sharp 'oi' and he stops . I didn't even react when he had his accident this morn as I didn't want to create adverse reaction but also I don't want him to think it's ok? Took him out front for a little bit as as have a small green out there. Man in mobility scooter came and he was barking and jumping and growling again. So I just walked him past. Then the man came again and stopped still so I let Ernie approach and sniff and then it was ok. Thanks will check out the food too. And def introduce gradual. His tummy isn't 100% as it is? My anxiety is constant, not sure how to calm myself. Used to go to CBT sessions but was discharged end of summer. Weird how I totally have forgotten what I shud do now I feel this way!
Yes I need routine. Next week when kids are back at school my day will look like this:
Up 6ish
Get kids ready to leave by 8:40
Home 9:20
Out to pick up littlest 11:50 (back 10mins later)
Back out to get others 3pm
Dinner 5ish
So need to work Ernie a routine around this (time in crate etc )

15-02-17, 11:36
Yes when he does something naughty (tries to chew something he shudnt etc) I just say a sharp 'oi' and he stops . I didn't even react when he had his accident this morn as I didn't want to create adverse reaction but also I don't want him to think it's ok? Took him out front for a little bit as as have a small green out there. Man in mobility scooter came and he was barking and jumping and growling again. So I just walked him past. Then the man came again and stopped still so I let Ernie approach and sniff and then it was ok. Thanks will check out the food too. And def introduce gradual. His tummy isn't 100% as it is? My anxiety is constant, not sure how to calm myself. Used to go to CBT sessions but was discharged end of summer. Weird how I totally have forgotten what I shud do now I feel this way!
Yes I need routine. Next week when kids are back at school my day will look like this:
Up 6ish
Get kids ready to leave by 8:40
Home 9:20
Out to pick up littlest 11:50 (back 10mins later)
Back out to get others 3pm
Dinner 5ish
So need to work Ernie a routine around this (time in crate etc )
Dogs are very clever at picking up on our body laungauge so it's important we convey this in the correct manner :) what you can do is redirection techniques(also called trading up) so when he is about to pick something up he shouldn't be then simply have a toy and call him over in a happy voice and he should drop the thing he shouldn't have and the he can have the thing he should have ok this method can also be used on walks so before he badly reacts to another dog etc timing I is important on this so it will take a few goes to get it right:) have some tasty treats in your pocket ubt only give them when you have successfully redirected un wanted behaviour never reward bad behaviour that is counter productive! The older kids can help walk him too one walk a day isn't enough and there's a true saying a tired dog is a happy dog Sounds like you are dong a good job keep up the good work.And when he does what you ask him always praise, praise praise each and every time :) Cheers

15-02-17, 14:26
Sorry meant to say, Ernie has a short walk after breakfast then a longer one at lunch then a short walk in eve. Just got back from his longer walk and it was interesting. I think he's scared ? A car was reversing in the street and it started him off barking growling and pulling. Not sure what to do when he does this? Reassure him? Distract him? We seen another dog but it was over the other side of the road and barely glanced at Ernie. Ernie just stood ears up watching. Just been told the puppy class I was planning to go to is rubbish so need to find a new one now. He's still barely eating and drinking not sure why. The breeder has him on this awful food for adult working dogs so think I'm going to try change his food gradually from this weekend.
My anxiety has improved a little. It helps when Ernie comes and sleeps on me lol! So altho he has triggered my anxiety he's also helped lol. Weird

15-02-17, 14:55
Sorry meant to say, Ernie has a short walk after breakfast then a longer one at lunch then a short walk in eve. Just got back from his longer walk and it was interesting. I think he's scared ? A car was reversing in the street and it started him off barking growling and pulling. Not sure what to do when he does this? Reassure him? Distract him? We seen another dog but it was over the other side of the road and barely glanced at Ernie. Ernie just stood ears up watching. Just been told the puppy class I was planning to go to is rubbish so need to find a new one now. He's still barely eating and drinking not sure why. The breeder has him on this awful food for adult working dogs so think I'm going to try change his food gradually from this weekend.
My anxiety has improved a little. It helps when Ernie comes and sleeps on me lol! So altho he has triggered my anxiety he's also helped lol. Weird

He probably never been out much in the past it's essential that a very young pup at 8 weeks old gets a much exposure to noises and smells etc sadly he hasn't had that from what I can see. Like I said you need to distract him so perhaps on another walk you see a car reversing get him to sit and distract him with some high value treats like strips of chicken or pieces of hot dogs :) but again you have to get the timing right what you are trying to achieve here is your are turning a bad experience for him in to a happy one it will take time but patience is a virtue No I wouldn't reassure him as this give him the green to continue this behaviour which you are trying to avoid! Follow my advice and you wont go wrong :) Cheers

15-02-17, 15:25
Thanks. I have spoken to a better trainer and she was great, going to take him along to her class on Tuesday evening
Hopefully this will help. I am exhausted!

15-02-17, 15:56
Thanks. I have spoken to a better trainer and she was great, going to take him along to her class on Tuesday evening
Hopefully this will help. I am exhausted! You are welcome :) So the Friday one is off now what made you change classes/trainer? Sometimes you have to shop around though some still use shock collars, and other adverse methods as a way of training :eek: let us know of any progress you make. It's pointing to Fear Aggression which can still lead a dog to bite etc. Yes it can be turned around and it's not as though Ernie has had this behaviour for years, which would be much harder to correct! Early intervention on this is soooo important. Cheers

15-02-17, 17:21
I was speaking with a neighbours friend and she took her dog to the original place I was going to and she said it was rubbish and to definitely avoid. The new lady seems great and said to call with any questions between now and tue.
Also spoke to breeder to ask why his experiences were with Ernie on walks and he said that Ernie always barked at other dogs but it was to say hello and then he was ok!! He said Ernie used to bite his mums ears but she would snap and tell him off so he thinks maybe Ernie is acting out as his mum isn't there to tell him off?
My other half is useless, I told him all of this and I said the trainer told me it's hard work with a puppy etc and he was just like "what? It's not hard it's just a dog" no support there

15-02-17, 17:35
I was speaking with a neighbours friend and she took her dog to the original place I was going to and she said it was rubbish and to definitely avoid. The new lady seems great and said to call with any questions between now and tue.
Also spoke to breeder to ask why his experiences were with Ernie on walks and he said that Ernie always barked at other dogs but it was to say hello and then he was ok!! He said Ernie used to bite his mums ears but she would snap and tell him off so he thinks maybe Ernie is acting out as his mum isn't there to tell him off?
My other half is useless, I told him all of this and I said the trainer told me it's hard work with a puppy etc and he was just like "what? It's not hard it's just a dog" no support there Oh that's great good job your were forewarned on that so that good you didn't go there hmm not sure what to believe regarding the breeder though, reckon he didn't have much of a clue either lol and as for your other half Arrgh Numpty springs to mind :) Cheers

15-02-17, 18:02
Yep glad I didn't go to the rubbish group lol! Hmmm i think the breeder kinda let his dogs do what he liked, can't remember if I mentioned but Ernies mum was nuts too?
Lol!!! Yes numpty or perhaps something stronger 😉

15-02-17, 21:46
Yep glad I didn't go to the rubbish group lol! Hmmm i think the breeder kinda let his dogs do what he liked, can't remember if I mentioned but Ernies mum was nuts too?
Lol!!! Yes numpty or perhaps something stronger ��
Me too it could have caused further problems/setbacks for Ernie! Yes would say so not a responsible breeder in my book sadly and think really he should be investigated on this as he will keep breeding and reckon some pups may end up in shelters over this so sad. Don't think you did mention about Ernie's mum again these traits can be passed on to the pups :eek: Still don't believe your OH's attitude though oh it's only a dog :huh: Cheers

15-02-17, 22:46
That's a good point about the class making the issue worse. We were watching tv this eve and there was a dog on tv and Ernie went crazy! Yeah Ernies mum, we obv wanted to see her so the breeder let her in and she charged in and jumped all over the couches barking her head off and knocked over my youngest. All my research into frenchies seemed to suggest they aren't known for barking a lot at all but boy did his mum bark:scared15:
Oh I can believe his reaction. That's his reaction if I ever admit to struggling with anything :shrug:

15-02-17, 23:13
That's a good point about the class making the issue worse. We were watching tv this eve and there was a dog on tv and Ernie went crazy! Yeah Ernies mum, we obv wanted to see her so the breeder let her in and she charged in and jumped all over the couches barking her head off and knocked over my youngest. All my research into frenchies seemed to suggest they aren't known for barking a lot at all but boy did his mum bark:scared15:
Oh I can believe his reaction. That's his reaction if I ever admit to struggling with anything :shrug: I am so glad you took that persons advice though and have found a better class/trainer He now stands a very good in being turned around :) It sounds very much to me that Ernie's mum was some what displaying aggression which is terrible that breeder is clueless in my view :eek: So do call this new trainer before Tuesday and see if she also offers one on one training too as well as group classes se he can effectively interact with other dogs :) Yes been in similar situation to you as well and it sucks Cheers

16-02-17, 10:37
Wasn't great night :weep: so tired. Took him out at 11pm then in crate. He was crying 1:40 3:30 and 5:30. Took him out the 5:30 time and he done a very small wee so I put him straight back in crate till 6:30. Still sleeping on couch. Took him in garden and after he finished his business I let him wander around and he seen a football and his hackles went up and he reacted much the same as he does to other dogs etc, growling barking lunging. Someone cleaning car in street and he reacted same. I need some sleep! Anxiety slightly better today

16-02-17, 10:44
Wasn't great night :weep: so tired. Took him out at 11pm then in crate. He was crying 1:40 3:30 and 5:30. Took him out the 5:30 time and he done a very small wee so I put him straight back in crate till 6:30. Still sleeping on couch. Took him in garden and after he finished his business I let him wander around and he seen a football and his hackles went up and he reacted much the same as he does to other dogs etc, growling barking lunging. Someone cleaning car in street and he reacted same. I need some sleep! Anxiety slightly better today Sorry to hear this it happens especialy more so with a reactive dog! did you praise him when he went outside (very important this is :) ) Ok a little tip put a old unwashed T shirt in his crate that you have rubbed over your body this will give him some comfort as you are his replacement mother so to speak :) If you ignore his crying this too is good Yes I know it's not easy but he realises if he crys you come running so you aren't helping him really :) still get up at 5:30 as this is his time to go dogs like a routine too :) Cheers

16-02-17, 12:34
When he woke me at the first two times I didn't react, I just listened and I must have fallen asleep. Yes give him lots of praise when he goes toilet . Taught him to sit and wait at back door as I get my shoes off too so he does this without being asked now. He has some vet bed in his crate but he loves to sleep on an old cushion in the evening on the floor in living room so was thinking of letting him sleep on that in his crate? Maybe he will sleep better? Think I may sleep on couch one more night? I don't know if me being there is helping or causing him to fuss? Maybe set my alarm to come down and take him out at 6?
Yep he has my old tshirt in his crate too. Thanks for your advice. Appreciate it! Going for a walk at 1pm see how he gets on.

16-02-17, 16:57
When he woke me at the first two times I didn't react, I just listened and I must have fallen asleep. Yes give him lots of praise when he goes toilet . Taught him to sit and wait at back door as I get my shoes off too so he does this without being asked now. He has some vet bed in his crate but he loves to sleep on an old cushion in the evening on the floor in living room so was thinking of letting him sleep on that in his crate? Maybe he will sleep better? Think I may sleep on couch one more night? I don't know if me being there is helping or causing him to fuss? Maybe set my alarm to come down and take him out at 6?
Yep he has my old tshirt in his crate too. Thanks for your advice. Appreciate it! Going for a walk at 1pm see how he gets on.Wow he is picking up things quickly too so pleased for him. Yes one more night on the sofa then that it's as you may be feeding his problems. Also play some games with him including mental ones to tire him out at night, this will help :) Keep up the good work and always praise him for everything he does for you not just for going out side! Think you ill have cracking family pet very soon Thanks oh still set the alarm for 5:30 routine remember lol for the update Cheers

16-02-17, 19:26
Yes he's doing well. The walk this aft was great it tired him out. And he done well with people, didn't meet any dogs tho. My son he football practise so Ernie is out now with my other half there so hopefully that will help tire him out too. Yes I was thinking is me sleeping on couch the problem?!?? And I'm not sure what time to set alarm as the previous two days it was around 6-6:30 he woke me. We have started teaching him 'stay' today with small treats and he's doing good. Thanks again for ur help and support :yesyes:

16-02-17, 19:53
Yes he's doing well. The walk this aft was great it tired him out. And he done well with people, didn't meet any dogs tho. My son he football practise so Ernie is out now with my other half there so hopefully that will help tire him out too. Yes I was thinking is me sleeping on couch the problem?!?? And I'm not sure what time to set alarm as the previous two days it was around 6-6:30 he woke me. We have started teaching him 'stay' today with small treats and he's doing good. Thanks again for ur help and support :yesyes: That's good another tip though as some people don't like being jumped up at so a good way is to get him to sit then allow admirers to stroke him :) I have even taught my dog to 'Go an say hello to people (who are amazed at my dog's intelligence :) ) Yes the reason why I said 05:30 is because in post #105 you said at around 05:30 you took him out for a pee you could say 06:00 from now on, and then make that a routine how ever as he gets older he will be able to hold it in longer so you may even get a lie in :yesyes: And as always it's no problem I love dogs and want the best for them. I have mention a very sad story today a 4 year old boy was bit on his face by sadly a staffy bull terrier the owner wasn't really bothered and the kids mum was no where to be seen WTF is wrong with people you keep your kids safe don't you?? Needless to say that poor dog will now be destroyed and another black mark for the breed Arrgh so annoying sorry for the rant. Cheers

16-02-17, 20:00
You read my mind, today when meeting people on walks iv told him to sit before anyone pets him! I agree it's not fun having a pooch jump up at u. I'm thinking 6am too as that would be good for me with kids normal routine and leaving for school etc . So that's a plan. Still deciding whether to sleep on couch this eve tho.
That's horrendous! Unfortunately too many people get dogs that don't want to bring them up responsibly! My children are never alone with Ernie and I'm teaching them to respect him and him them! Like I have been getting my eldest to help feed him, not letting the kids over excite him etc etc. Today was a good day:D

16-02-17, 20:20
You read my mind, today when meeting people on walks iv told him to sit before anyone pets him! I agree it's not fun having a pooch jump up at u. I'm thinking 6am too as that would be good for me with kids normal routine and leaving for school etc . So that's a plan. Still deciding whether to sleep on couch this eve tho.
That's horrendous! Unfortunately too many people get dogs that don't want to bring them up responsibly! My children are never alone with Ernie and I'm teaching them to respect him and him them! Like I have been getting my eldest to help feed him, not letting the kids over excite him etc etc. Today was a good day:D Hey Great minds think alike you are awesome :yesyes: Yes good plan of action there at 6am!! Is Ernie ok with you or the kids going to his bowl ( I sincerely hope so) as we are the hunter gatherers now we get their food etc in, we supply their needs follow? Actually I know you do LOL No correct I trust my dog around any one would never leave unsupervised children/babys with any dog, after all it's still got 98% wolf DNA in any breed that is fact! And I still meet bigots in the area where I live saying things like it should be on a lead, Why I said? This person said cause they are dangerous :huh: and we walked passed her tail was going like a propeller really happy then this person tried to kick her off the pavement in to the road :eek: I told him in no uncertain terms good job you foot didn't touch my dog you would have gone under a bus, I was so angry, but mostly people are in awe when they see her and what standard she is trained too so I feel damn good and buzz off it !! how many nights have you been on the couch? Think because he has had quite a tiring day I would head up stairs personally You are doing great 100%

17-02-17, 07:18
He slept! Woo! Took him out 10:50 then in crate and he woke me at 6 (slept on couch one last time to see what time he would wake me) so yay! That's the plan now, up everyday at 6am. Going back to my own bed tonight. My appetite is back now thank goodness (or maybe not lol!)
Yes he lets kids feed him and put their hands in his bowl at anytime. He's also letting the kids play nice with him (get him to sit , throw a toy, he gets it and brings it back to near them and drops it)
No way? I'm shocked people can be massive idiots. It's great to see a well trained dog!
Yesterday routine was up 6 fed Ernie 6:50 out for short 15 min walk. Long walk 1pm ish and then out to football practise and another 20min walk in eve. Must have tired him out. Going to aim for same today. That fits with routine when kids at school too. :)

---------- Post added at 07:18 ---------- Previous post was at 07:13 ----------

Oh and I'm off to get a better food for him today. Gradual change to new food. Hope he likes it better as he's barely eating the stuff he's on

17-02-17, 09:25
He slept! Woo! Took him out 10:50 then in crate and he woke me at 6 (slept on couch one last time to see what time he would wake me) so yay! That's the plan now, up everyday at 6am. Going back to my own bed tonight. My appetite is back now thank goodness (or maybe not lol!)
Yes he lets kids feed him and put their hands in his bowl at anytime. He's also letting the kids play nice with him (get him to sit , throw a toy, he gets it and brings it back to near them and drops it)
No way? I'm shocked people can be massive idiots. It's great to see a well trained dog!
Yesterday routine was up 6 fed Ernie 6:50 out for short 15 min walk. Long walk 1pm ish and then out to football practise and another 20min walk in eve. Must have tired him out. Going to aim for same today. That fits with routine when kids at school too. :)

---------- Post added at 07:18 ---------- Previous post was at 07:13 ----------

Oh and I'm off to get a better food for him today. Gradual change to new food. Hope he likes it better as he's barely eating the stuff he's onThis is 'music' to my ears honestly this is great :) I don't know but may be he was taught a little by the breeder in some things? Because when a puppy is born it's a 'blank' canvas and has to be taught things. Like I said before I have heard of aggressive puppies even at 12 weeks old yes they cant actually cause serious injury at that age (well depending on the size of the breed lol) but it has to be nipped in the bud (no pun intended!) Not sure if I told you about my dog resource guarding my sofa but it was a one off as I made sure she knew it was my sofa when I say OFF I mean OFF :) So yes this new routine you should now adopt daily same amount of walking ect to tire him out etc the only difference is no sofa sleeping tonight yes he will probably cry but he will eventually get the message that you are not going to keep running to him and it will stop :) Now as for the crate thing Iam not a keen lover of them, but understand why ppl have them, do you eventually hope to be crate free? And yes way sadly true. Hey perhaps we should set up a small training business :) as I am fed up of being a cleaner lol.

18-02-17, 14:14
Hi How are things working out? Have you managed to sleep upstairs since you last posted? Cheers

19-02-17, 11:33
Good and bad . Had a couple of very high anxiety days. Not sure why, just feeling overwhelmed tearful and generally quiet... spent yesterday feeling like the pup has taken over our lives and feeling sorry for my littlest as she keeps being left out. More irrational worrying etc. Duno where this anxiety comes from and why but the feeling in my stomach this weekend is constant.
I slept upstairs fri and last night and it was fine, fri I put Ernie to bed 11 and got up at 6 but last night I cudnt keep my eyes open at 10 so took him out then into his bed and still got up at 6 so that's great. Got him some new food and giving him it gradually and his tummy is ok so far and he seems a bit more interested in it. Other half has took him out a few times to parks etc to see other dogs to get used to it. We took him to a quieter park today and our friend met us there with his English bulldog who's months. We let them off lead together in the fenced in children's park (nobody around) and they played really well so that was brilliant? Really pleased. He also met another dog on the walk back and didn't bark just sniffed which was MUCH better. As u can see he is doing better so can't see why my anxiety is so high. Maybe cuz back to routine tomoro? So wondering how that will change stuff?
My one thing that's bothering me is how much time he needs playing with? It seems like while he's awake it's constant (2-3 hours at a time?) I know he's a pup but what I mean is it seems a looooong time to spend constantly playing with him?

19-02-17, 11:51
Good and bad . Had a couple of very high anxiety days. Not sure why, just feeling overwhelmed tearful and generally quiet... spent yesterday feeling like the pup has taken over our lives and feeling sorry for my littlest as she keeps being left out. More irrational worrying etc. Duno where this anxiety comes from and why but the feeling in my stomach this weekend is constant.
I slept upstairs fri and last night and it was fine, fri I put Ernie to bed 11 and got up at 6 but last night I cudnt keep my eyes open at 10 so took him out then into his bed and still got up at 6 so that's great. Got him some new food and giving him it gradually and his tummy is ok so far and he seems a bit more interested in it. Other half has took him out a few times to parks etc to see other dogs to get used to it. We took him to a quieter park today and our friend met us there with his English bulldog who's months. We let them off lead together in the fenced in children's park (nobody around) and they played really well so that was brilliant? Really pleased. He also met another dog on the walk back and didn't bark just sniffed which was MUCH better. As u can see he is doing better so can't see why my anxiety is so high. Maybe cuz back to routine tomoro? So wondering how that will change stuff?
My one thing that's bothering me is how much time he needs playing with? It seems like while he's awake it's constant (2-3 hours at a time?) I know he's a pup but what I mean is it seems a looooong time to spend constantly playing with him? Oh Dear but it's certainly not all Doom and Gloom :)
Gloom out of the way first! You have had Anxiety problems before you took Ernie in to your life? But maybe it's more pronounced because of a extra worry (although it needn't be :) ) Just look at what is happening to Ernie what a massive improvement all round!! Yes could be because of the new week/routine starts again but it will be fine! just put Ernie to bed as normal same time and a pee run etc you go to bed and it's all good:) Every one has bad days, but they pass!
Good on the sleeping front with no problems to report. Oh and the Socialisation Skills what a huge change 100% So pleased about this:yesyes:
This is how it should be so keep up the good work Well done. Cheers

19-02-17, 12:22
Yes I have had anxiety issues without knowing it for a few years I think. It wasn't until this time last year I went to the doctors the first time about it. I was offered meds and sent to CBT. It helped a lot but looking back it helped when I was going and since I stopped at the end of summer I have felt myself having the odd week here and there slipping back into old ways. Ernie must have triggered a bigger episode of it tho as it's been as bad as it was before I went to the doctors lately. To be brutally honest I don't think my partner helps. It doesn't feel he's supportive and understanding? When I went CBT he thought I shud just snap or of it and cheer up kind of thing. I tend to get quieter and quieter when I'm feeling this way and just say "I'm fine" when asked. Feels no point talking about it. My neighbour is great tho she's so supportive so I'm going to see her weds morn and have a chat.id never believed in anxiety issues until I realised the way I was feeling wasn't normal lol!
Yes was very pleased about Ernies progress. And yest he has a new favourite chew, an antler thing? And I was throwing it and saying bring it back and every time he brought it back I gave a small treat and he got it really well and started to bring it back voluntarily.
I feel a bit more confident about taking him puppy class tue eve now as he was good with Lola (the bulldog, just realised my message didn't have the age of Lola written properly , she is 6months)

19-02-17, 13:22
Yes I have had anxiety issues without knowing it for a few years I think. It wasn't until this time last year I went to the doctors the first time about it. I was offered meds and sent to CBT. It helped a lot but looking back it helped when I was going and since I stopped at the end of summer I have felt myself having the odd week here and there slipping back into old ways. Ernie must have triggered a bigger episode of it tho as it's been as bad as it was before I went to the doctors lately. To be brutally honest I don't think my partner helps. It doesn't feel he's supportive and understanding? When I went CBT he thought I shud just snap or of it and cheer up kind of thing. I tend to get quieter and quieter when I'm feeling this way and just say "I'm fine" when asked. Feels no point talking about it. My neighbour is great tho she's so supportive so I'm going to see her weds morn and have a chat.id never believed in anxiety issues until I realised the way I was feeling wasn't normal lol!
Yes was very pleased about Ernies progress. And yest he has a new favourite chew, an antler thing? And I was throwing it and saying bring it back and every time he brought it back I gave a small treat and he got it really well and started to bring it back voluntarily.
I feel a bit more confident about taking him puppy class tue eve now as he was good with Lola (the bulldog, just realised my message didn't have the age of Lola written properly , she is 6months) Yes I am having CBT next month, for the first time,but aim to stay med free as I have done for years I feel meds would only prevent my recovery and I am doing good at the moment :) sometimes we do find support from our neighbours/friends so long as you are getting support from some one I wouldn't worry about it :) Again the transformation that is taking place with Ernie is very good you should be feeling on the top of the world regarding this :yesyes: Yeas think Ernie is now realising by changing his behaviour towards meeting other dogs results in good things so great work and well done.Cheers

19-02-17, 15:31
I found the CBT didn't last long enough for me. Plus I feel I have deeper issues and she made it clear we would focus only on the now and not the past.
Well my parents live abroad so I don't have family close by, my neighbour she has almost become a surrogate mum / grandparent to me and my kids. Good luck with the CBT!!
Haven't played with Ernie as much today in house and he's fine, he's been taking his chew toys to his bed and chewing away. Hope that doesn't mean he won't be tired for bed tho?? We were at park a good amount of time this morn and he will have another walk around 6:30/7 ?

19-02-17, 16:28
I found the CBT didn't last long enough for me. Plus I feel I have deeper issues and she made it clear we would focus only on the now and not the past.
Well my parents live abroad so I don't have family close by, my neighbour she has almost become a surrogate mum / grandparent to me and my kids. Good luck with the CBT!!
Haven't played with Ernie as much today in house and he's fine, he's been taking his chew toys to his bed and chewing away. Hope that doesn't mean he won't be tired for bed tho?? We were at park a good amount of time this morn and he will have another walk around 6:30/7 ? That's the trouble think it's only 6 or 8 sessions, but if you have had quite a gap in between perhaps sign up again or find another MH charity that does CBT. Thank you we will see what it does for me :)

Aww yes that's nice to have a good neighbour so keep this good! Yes Ernie will be fine and tired with another walk tonight lol so don't worry! When you get more time set him challenges too they are good mental work outs! Eg have 3 or 4 cups like drink cups have one treat ok put that under one cup let him see which one then shuffle the cups round and round (with him sitting of course) then say go find it you might be surprised that he finds the cup with the treat straight away :) So challenges are great I still do some thing similar with my dog get one treat put it in one hand let him see it and put both hands behind your back and maybe or may be not swap the treat to the other hand close your hands bring them out again and say go find it my dogs gets it right very often so good and when she thinks she has find it she lies down I open my hand and she takes the treat!! Cheers

19-02-17, 18:30
I didn't know I cud ask for more CBT? I went to the docs to get it initially. They almost wudnt give me it tho as I didn't fit all of the criteria (didn't want to kill myself etc :ohmy:) wow ur dog sounds amazing, wish Ernie would one day be that way.

19-02-17, 18:51
I didn't know I cud ask for more CBT? I went to the docs to get it initially. They almost wudnt give me it tho as I didn't fit all of the criteria (didn't want to kill myself etc :ohmy:) wow ur dog sounds amazing, wish Ernie would one day be that way. Cant see why not when was the last time you went for CBT? That's terrible sometimes you have to keep pushing to get what you need sadly Not sure if Mind the mental health Charity does CBT but you could ask at you local Mind office :) Thank you!! Hey don't wish it could happen training is never really ending what you put in to it you can reap rewards time and time again you can achieve great things with Ernie I know you can :) It still saddens me when owners give up even on the most basic of training like a simple 'sit' ahh I would love to hear you are teaching him new things to learn soon :) Agility is a good thing to teach dogs check to see if there any classes in your area and its good for you and the dog too, Cheers

19-02-17, 19:02
Thanks I may have a look see what there is locally in terms of CBT. I do feel I need to do something. Feel crappy again this eve really. Yes I'm happy to put the training in for Ernie but bulldogs are stubborn! So it's hard to keep his attention!
Keep telling myself it's only week one. It will all get easier, I hope

19-02-17, 22:28
Thanks I may have a look see what there is locally in terms of CBT. I do feel I need to do something. Feel crappy again this eve really. Yes I'm happy to put the training in for Ernie but bulldogs are stubborn! So it's hard to keep his attention!
Keep telling myself it's only week one. It will all get easier, I hope
Hey Good for you :) Sorry to hear this it will pass. Good to know and he is still very young. I have a stubborn breed too even at 10 she will try to get one over me, doesn't work now :) BTW have you watched The Secret lives of dogs yet just on catch up saw ep 2 oh must see you will learn a lot and be amazed at the capabilities of dogs even I was amazed truly great animals please watch them Cheers

22-02-17, 17:37
Jeeeeez testing day.
Ernie seems to have been naughty so much today. Not sure why today's any different. Soon as I open door to let him in living room he runs in and jumps all over couch (he's not allowed on couch) I take him down and say no and he just does it repeatedly. So tired. Need a break

22-02-17, 17:48
Jeeeeez testing day.
Ernie seems to have been naughty so much today. Not sure why today's any different. Soon as I open door to let him in living room he runs in and jumps all over couch (he's not allowed on couch) I take him down and say no and he just does it repeatedly. So tired. Need a break Ahh too much energy me thinks has his routine changed in any way? I would actually pick him up and get him off the couch perhaps have a command word like Off or Down and reward him when he obeys as for getting back on the couch time it just right and say NO in a firm voice again praise him when he does as asked :) it will get easier though! Cheers

22-02-17, 17:56
I spose it's changed in the sense that kids are back at school so I have been leaving him twice a day but only for very short periods. He didn't have his morn walk today as the weather was absolutely horrendous but I did take him this aft and it was a nice long walk. I did say 'down' and he knows this as he keeps jumping up at chairs and people and I have been repeating down and he does listen (at times!) even when he was out today he was trying to escape into living room constantly or trying to get into my daughters toys constantly. He has never been this was before it's like today he's just decided to be as naughty as he can. He's also obsessed with sniffing under the dining table round and round for hours if I let him? He just won't stay still? Constantly telling him 'out' from under table. And yep iv sweeped it all so there's no scraps anywhere. I'm just exhausted and he's testing every ounce of my patience . On top of that my daughter has a persistent cough and runny nose and the nurse told me today it's an animal allergy! Grrrrrrrrr

22-02-17, 19:28
I spose it's changed in the sense that kids are back at school so I have been leaving him twice a day but only for very short periods. He didn't have his morn walk today as the weather was absolutely horrendous but I did take him this aft and it was a nice long walk. I did say 'down' and he knows this as he keeps jumping up at chairs and people and I have been repeating down and he does listen (at times!) even when he was out today he was trying to escape into living room constantly or trying to get into my daughters toys constantly. He has never been this was before it's like today he's just decided to be as naughty as he can. He's also obsessed with sniffing under the dining table round and round for hours if I let him? He just won't stay still? Constantly telling him 'out' from under table. And yep iv sweeped it all so there's no scraps anywhere. I'm just exhausted and he's testing every ounce of my patience . On top of that my daughter has a persistent cough and runny nose and the nurse told me today it's an animal allergy! Grrrrrrrrr That will be the contribuiting factors then if possible could your hubby take him out in the morning? Oh need to give you the heads up for a massive storm to hit the uk tomorrow Storm Doris is on her way bringing snow to Scotland and 40- 50 mph winds. For the rest of us heavy rain and 60-80 mph winds so a bad day :eek: He is still very young I don't normal say this but crate him if he continues like this not as a punishiment as a crate should be a safe haven for him do just treat it as a rest for you and get him to go in his crate and reward him when he does :) As for your daughter having this allergy you could try Benadryl or seek advice from your dr :) Remember try and get a routine established again for Ernie

22-02-17, 19:43
Well the thing is other half used to take Ernie out before he goes work but Ernie hated it and refused to walk. So I started taking him out when I get back from school run for a big walk and that's been fine, then took him on school run in aft so that's 5ish mins each way. Then he has another long walk in eve . So I think that's enough? Unfortunately today the weather was just awful so we missed the morn walk but still had long afternoon one. Yes I have had to put him in his crate with his chew toy this aft just so I could catch up on housework and let my daughter eat her lunch in peace. It seems his personality has changed overnight?! So weird. Oh meant to tell u, puppy club went great! There was a lab there! And two big alsations and a westie. The lady assessed Ernie and we done lots of obedience work and she summarised at the end with me and said Ernie isn't aggressive and he has no issues with dogs, he only growls and barks back and lunges when the other dog barks at him first so he's doing it in defence. Managed to get to the point where the last held his lead and I was over other side of room and she let go and I called Ernie and he ran straight to me ignoring the other dogs! Very good!

---------- Post added at 19:43 ---------- Previous post was at 19:38 ----------

Oh and hi sorry current routine in day is :
6 am I wake and let him out for wee
6:30 breakfast for him and out again for toilet
Then he's with us till 8:30 when he goes out again and then into crate.
8:40 we leave
9:10 I'm back so we go for a walk usually 30mins or so
When we get home he potters around in house with me till 11:15 and then he naps with me till 11:50 (I don't nap lol!)
11:50 out for wee and into crate and I go get my little girl
12:15 I'm home
Then usually in the afternoon up until 3pm he's just out causing trouble?
I usually put him in crate 3pm while I go get kids for 20mins
Then he's out with us till 5 when he goes in crate for 30mins while we eat our dinner
6pm Ernies dinner and out for toilet
6:30 walk for 30mins or so
7-8 he potters around while I sort kids for bed
Then usually 8- bedtime he naps on floor in living room then out once more before in crate for bed.
Sorry , lots of info. As u can see I just struggle 12-3 amusing him?

22-02-17, 22:40
Well the thing is other half used to take Ernie out before he goes work but Ernie hated it and refused to walk. So I started taking him out when I get back from school run for a big walk and that's been fine, then took him on school run in aft so that's 5ish mins each way. Then he has another long walk in eve . So I think that's enough? Unfortunately today the weather was just awful so we missed the morn walk but still had long afternoon one. Yes I have had to put him in his crate with his chew toy this aft just so I could catch up on housework and let my daughter eat her lunch in peace. It seems his personality has changed overnight?! So weird. Oh meant to tell u, puppy club went great! There was a lab there! And two big alsations and a westie. The lady assessed Ernie and we done lots of obedience work and she summarised at the end with me and said Ernie isn't aggressive and he has no issues with dogs, he only growls and barks back and lunges when the other dog barks at him first so he's doing it in defence. Managed to get to the point where the last held his lead and I was over other side of room and she let go and I called Ernie and he ran straight to me ignoring the other dogs! Very good!

---------- Post added at 19:43 ---------- Previous post was at 19:38 ----------

Oh and hi sorry current routine in day is :
6 am I wake and let him out for wee
6:30 breakfast for him and out again for toilet
Then he's with us till 8:30 when he goes out again and then into crate.
8:40 we leave
9:10 I'm back so we go for a walk usually 30mins or so
When we get home he potters around in house with me till 11:15 and then he naps with me till 11:50 (I don't nap lol!)
11:50 out for wee and into crate and I go get my little girl
12:15 I'm home
Then usually in the afternoon up until 3pm he's just out causing trouble?
I usually put him in crate 3pm while I go get kids for 20mins
Then he's out with us till 5 when he goes in crate for 30mins while we eat our dinner
6pm Ernies dinner and out for toilet
6:30 walk for 30mins or so
7-8 he potters around while I sort kids for bed
Then usually 8- bedtime he naps on floor in living room then out once more before in crate for bed.
Sorry , lots of info. As u can see I just struggle 12-3 amusing him?

Hi No it's ok the more info the better :) Have you asked hubby if anything was wrong and what caused Ernie not to like him taking him out, something clearly is right I would certainly ask him as its a family dog and every one should be helping especially the older ones in the house :) No I am not happy on that, a dog wont suddenly stop going out on a walk with out good reason :) Crateing is ok but will add even for meal times eventually you can get a comfy mat for him to 'stay' on after he has been trained to stay on the mat again a gradual build up so start off with a couple of secs and slowly increase the amount of time he must spend on the mat if he keeps getting off the mat no problem you send him back to the mat I have trained my dog to such a level where she wont move off the mat till I have said so :) Also play time with the family is so important and creates a 'special' bond for dog and person!! as I see no play time in your routine! So between 12 and 1 have play time with him and vary it mental games and toy games like tugging a rope toy or bringing back a ball to you etc. then his brain is tired out which = a happy and content dog and excess energy will be low :)

Hmm he should be lunging at another dog just be cause it barks at him as one of these days he will lunge and the other dog could easily bite him. Eg is if a dog gets too close to my dog with out the customary sniffing each other back sides first and gets in my dogs face she will tell it of by snapping at the air and not touching the other dog if the bums are sniffed first then they are fine :) Excellent end bit at the training class in fact perfect :) Try that at home too and swap places so the kids can call him back too :) I know its a lot to take on board but the difference it will make is just amazing! Cheers

22-02-17, 23:50
I know this will sound pathetic, but we just adopted the most adorable puppy four days ago and my anxiety is sky high??? I definitely wasn't expecting this and it is really bothering me. Actually had a small panic attack one night. There has been a lot going on in our family the last few months, so maybe it is just "another change" and this will pass? The puppy is only 12 weeks old so of course lots of work "potty training" her etc... She really is a lovely little thing though, so I'm sure this is just temporary, but the anxiety has been bad enough that I can barely eat or sleep.... I think I just need some encouraging words? And I'm not one to normally ask... I guess this all just took me by surprise. I know she will be worth all this though!!! She really is lovely!!!

I think this will really improve your life, in the long run.
It is a huge responsibility, but pet ownership can be very rewarding.
Stick with it for two weeks, and let us know how you're feeling then.
I feel this could be a very positive development in your life, but of course changes are always difficult for those of us with anxiety, who thrive on routine and sameness...
This is an excellent opportunity to broaden your horizons and expand your life. Go for it!
Let us know how it is going.

Best wishes.

23-02-17, 00:53
I think this will really improve your life, in the long run.
It is a huge responsibility, but pet ownership can be very rewarding.
Stick with it for two weeks, and let us know how you're feeling then.
I feel this could be a very positive development in your life, but of course changes are always difficult for those of us with anxiety, who thrive on routine and sameness...
This is an excellent opportunity to broaden your horizons and expand your life. Go for it!
Let us know how it is going.

Best wishes. Opps GlassPinata I think you will find the puppy is nearly 9 years old this is a very old thread started in 2008!! Cheers

23-02-17, 01:15
Opps GlassPinata I think you will find the puppy is nearly 9 years old this is a very old thread started in 2008!! Cheers

Eek. Zombie thread! :( It was the first thing that popped up when i clicked on "new posts"...

23-02-17, 05:18
Eek. Zombie thread! :( It was the first thing that popped up when i clicked on "new posts"...

Nah, the Zombie threads are on the sister forum, No More Putrefaction. Things like tips on where to buy entrails & adjusting to your new diet as a "Zegan", make up to compliment your unique skin tones, dealing with the stigma in the media (the living always bashing your brains in), etc :winks:


23-02-17, 06:23
It was me that commented on such an old thread as it came up on Google as I was looking for info on how I was feeling.
I'm sorry I didn't realise I should write in play time in Ernies routine lol! Every time he's not in his crate SOMEONE is playing with him. In fact, I feel like my whole life at home is entertaining him. We do two short training sessions a day (as advised by puppy club) I usually do one in the morning when I'm alone with him and then again in afternoon. Trust me this dog gets attention constantly.
Again got up with him this morn and as I was making coffee he 'broke into' living room and ran in and jumped all over couch. Yay another frustrating day

23-02-17, 06:28
Whenever someone creates a new thread about puppy anxiety, I post a link to this one so they can see how many of us have gone through it and found our anxiety reduce after we adjust.

The more the merrier on this thread as it will help others! :yesyes:

23-02-17, 09:40
Eek. Zombie thread! :( It was the first thing that popped up when i clicked on "new posts"... That strange, obviously post #1 popped Now Zombies are invading now :eek: Cheers

---------- Post added at 09:40 ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 ----------

It was me that commented on such an old thread as it came up on Google as I was looking for info on how I was feeling.
I'm sorry I didn't realise I should write in play time in Ernies routine lol! Every time he's not in his crate SOMEONE is playing with him. In fact, I feel like my whole life at home is entertaining him. We do two short training sessions a day (as advised by puppy club) I usually do one in the morning when I'm alone with him and then again in afternoon. Trust me this dog gets attention constantly.
Again got up with him this morn and as I was making coffee he 'broke into' living room and ran in and jumped all over couch. Yay another frustrating day Hi no of course not He does seem very bouncy right now, did you ask hubby what's happened regarding Ernie not going out with him? I just hope these are just one offs for you :) Hope he calms down soon for you!! Cheers

23-02-17, 09:53
Sorry meant to say he's always refused walk first thing in morn. Tried again this morn and no joy. I came home from school run 9:10 and walked him for 35 mins and he came home ran around wild in kitchen then pee'd on his bed. Why on earth wud he do that? He has been so good in house and literally just came in from a walk . I am so stressed now

23-02-17, 10:07
Sorry meant to say he's always refused walk first thing in morn. Tried again this morn and no joy. I came home from school run 9:10 and walked him for 35 mins and he came home ran around wild in kitchen then pee'd on his bed. Why on earth wud he do that? He has been so good in house and literally just came in from a walk . I am so stressed now Hi That is strange, not come across that before? So it doesn't matter who he still wouldn't go? What I will say there is always a trigger it's trying to think right now what that could be? Would it have still been dark for the first walk of the day? Regarding the peeing he is so full of energy or it could be a anxious pee oh am I in the dog house , iam going in my crate sort of thing, what I will suggest if it keeps happening talk to a animal behaviourist and see what they say, it's certainly not impossible to break this cycle far from it :) Cheers

23-02-17, 14:18
Hard to know I guess? We assumed maybe because it's still fairly dark and cold ? But then he's no issues walking at night. He is quite lazy in the morning tho, when I get up with him he goes for a wee and when I take him in living room he will happily go back to sleep. So that's why I changed morning walk to 9:10 ish when I'm back, and he walks fine then.
Yeah I was surprised by the wee in the bed thing didn't seem to make sense as we had been out for a walk and I let him have plenty of time sniffing around too especially before we came back in the house. As soon as we got in the house he ran around as fast as he possibly could for a few minutes then ran to his bed and wee'd. Took him straight out and said "go wee" which I always do and he didn't wee outside. I wouldn't think it was the thought of crate as usually after walk until 11:50am he's just out with me that whole time. Other half is home now due to weather and I have had a bit of a meltdown and explained I'm struggling and can't do ALL the house stuff, kids stuff and puppy stuff alone.

23-02-17, 16:50
Hard to know I guess? We assumed maybe because it's still fairly dark and cold ? But then he's no issues walking at night. He is quite lazy in the morning tho, when I get up with him he goes for a wee and when I take him in living room he will happily go back to sleep. So that's why I changed morning walk to 9:10 ish when I'm back, and he walks fine then.
Yeah I was surprised by the wee in the bed thing didn't seem to make sense as we had been out for a walk and I let him have plenty of time sniffing around too especially before we came back in the house. As soon as we got in the house he ran around as fast as he possibly could for a few minutes then ran to his bed and wee'd. Took him straight out and said "go wee" which I always do and he didn't wee outside. I wouldn't think it was the thought of crate as usually after walk until 11:50am he's just out with me that whole time. Other half is home now due to weather and I have had a bit of a meltdown and explained I'm struggling and can't do ALL the house stuff, kids stuff and puppy stuff alone. Hmm does he digs his heels in and refuses to go in the morning? if he doesn't then some one should take that resposability off you What does the OH say Ahh user errors you let him out side and he didn't pee, and in the morning you say he goes back to sleep both need to change IMHO :) there's your problem if he doesn't go straight away wether it 5 mins or more he has to learn, and the kids wanted the dog right?!!
SO again the older ones must have a play in it too Like mum can I feed Ernie today get a rota on the go :) Other wise melt down is coming and you don't want that I am sure!! Cheers

23-02-17, 18:15
To b honest I let him go back to sleep
In the morning because I'm knackered. And he's not done the wee thing before. I had got to the point where I cud take him for a wee and say 'go wee' and he would. He only didn't wee after he wee'd on his bed. Most prob because he didn't need to I guess.
Yes I have spoke to oh and we have spoke to kids and told them they must help and how they can help too. Oh has said he will help me more at weekends too.
Yes the very early morning walk he has always just dug his heels in and refused. He's obsessed with breaking into the living room still.

23-02-17, 19:32
To b honest I let him go back to sleep
In the morning because I'm knackered. And he's not done the wee thing before. I had got to the point where I cud take him for a wee and say 'go wee' and he would. He only didn't wee after he wee'd on his bed. Most prob because he didn't need to I guess.
Yes I have spoke to oh and we have spoke to kids and told them they must help and how they can help too. Oh has said he will help me more at weekends too.
Yes the very early morning walk he has always just dug his heels in and refused. He's obsessed with breaking into the living room still. Hi Yes I understand that :) But you have to understand if he sleeps to much then he is going to have excess energy, dogs can always hold a bit back you may have seen Ernie on walks or other dogs find a tree do a pee and 10 secs later empty again and so on. So ok if he doesn't go in the morning when you let him out he could easily pee in the house again so to avoid that he needs to go when you let him out and be prepared to wait till he does go out side :)
Could you put the crate in the kitchen for now as temp measure so he doesn't jump over the furniture? My dog used to do that and when it rains too but my thinking is well if iam getting wet so are you it's not cruel. After all you are the pack leader :) It's essential he knows you are the boss and respects that. I would like to think I could get him out in the morning after all I do have a very head strong and stubborn breed too :) And many time I thought sod this I cant be bothered but was promptly told step up to the plate and let your dog know you are the leader Ernie will respect you more I it's just spurs you on and on and your confidence will grow too. Mention it to your trainer about the early morning walk too!! The other thing is he was ok when you fist brought him home why. I tell you why simple because he was in a new place now he has got used to it his true colours are coming through, if you don't like how he is change his behaviour!! Good luck Cheers

09-03-17, 15:08
I am glad I am not the only one with this severe anxiety after adopting a puppy. I never really thought of myself as an anxious person, but I adopted a puppy yesterday and am now experiencing a severe anxiety attack: can't sleep, can't eat, nauseous, stomach in knots, back in spasms, and a symptom I've never experienced before, having to go to the bathroom all the time (like 12 times during the night!). I am so panicked and feel like I made a huge mistake, I cannot handle the potting training and separation anxiety issues. I feel like a horrible person because all I can think is I want to take this puppy back immediately.

What's even worse, is that this isn't the first time. I fostered a puppy several years ago with the intent to adopt, but after a week I was so exhausted and stressed I decided not to keep it. I feel so stupid for not learning my lesson then; I am just not cut out to be a dog owner. But I didn't have the overwhelming crippling anxiety then that I do now, and I really thought I was better prepared this time and could handle it. I thought about it for a while and researched and planned how to train, where it would sleep, stay while we are at work, etc..

But while I expect potting training to take a while, the puppy will not potty outside at all, even after being in the crate all night. I will stay outside with him forever (it seems) then give up, try again in a few minutes, then he still wont, but goes inside right after we come in. I don't know how I can train him to go outside if he NEVER does, so I have nothing to reinforce. I feel like the stupidest, most horrible person in the world for doing this again, and for wanting to take him back, again :( I feel like I'm totally losing it and cannot function at all.

09-03-17, 16:22
I am glad I am not the only one with this severe anxiety after adopting a puppy. I never really thought of myself as an anxious person, but I adopted a puppy yesterday and am now experiencing a severe anxiety attack: can't sleep, can't eat, nauseous, stomach in knots, back in spasms, and a symptom I've never experienced before, having to go to the bathroom all the time (like 12 times during the night!). I am so panicked and feel like I made a huge mistake, I cannot handle the potting training and separation anxiety issues. I feel like a horrible person because all I can think is I want to take this puppy back immediately.

What's even worse, is that this isn't the first time. I fostered a puppy several years ago with the intent to adopt, but after a week I was so exhausted and stressed I decided not to keep it. I feel so stupid for not learning my lesson then; I am just not cut out to be a dog owner. But I didn't have the overwhelming crippling anxiety then that I do now, and I really thought I was better prepared this time and could handle it. I thought about it for a while and researched and planned how to train, where it would sleep, stay while we are at work, etc..

But while I expect potting training to take a while, the puppy will not potty outside at all, even after being in the crate all night. I will stay outside with him forever (it seems) then give up, try again in a few minutes, then he still wont, but goes inside right after we come in. I don't know how I can train him to go outside if he NEVER does, so I have nothing to reinforce. I feel like the stupidest, most horrible person in the world for doing this again, and for wanting to take him back, again :( I feel like I'm totally losing it and cannot function at all.Woah slow down like I said to the other poster it takes time and loads of patience. How old is the puppy? Potty training can really drain you and make you so tired so you have to keep at it. How long are you staying outside for?You also need a command cue word like do pee pee or a least when the puppy does get ready to do one outside then cue the command word so the puppy associates the word with going outside plenty of praise when it happens and never tell the puppy off for going in the house as it will only find some where behind your back to go.Re SA do you work? Again I would gradually leave the house/room for a few secs then come straight back in and build up the amount of time you are away from the house/room over a period of weeks and months. Is the puppy crated while you are out are the toys for him to keep the puppy amused with. No you aren't a failure one bit :) It does get better trust me my dog is now 10 years old had her from a 8 week old puppy so I know it will get better :) I see there is some one else living with you could they help you? Cheers

16-04-17, 03:59
I am so glad that i found this forum..... we picked up our beautiful new labrador puppy 3 days ago and I'm literally falling apart with anxiety

I was thinking how bad of a human i am having this adorable little guy in my life and i feel sick all the time about it

Reading all these comments gives me hope that it will pass

I must say though being in a rental and having a new pup doesn't help my current state of mind because I'm constantly worrying about him destroying the house!

How long does it take for the feeling to pass??

16-04-17, 05:29
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

I'm glad you found this thread, it's one that I always paste in for people in this situation as it's so useful to see just how many of us have experienced this. Something else is that you can see how many of us have stuck with it and come through the other side and now have a new well loved family member!

It's responsibility and change, two things we can really struggle to adjust to. This might mean it's hard at first but starts to get gradually easier as you adjust. Then you may have some bumps in the road as something new presents itself that just sparks some worry e.g. things with vets that end up involving lamp shades are on the poor pooch can be stressful for a bit...but then isn't it the same with kids?

What I found was that it took some time and got easier. I loved him being there from day one. Playing with him and getting used to him being part of my life meant that even when there was anxiety, the love was far stronger.

I couldn't really put a time on it as I had just had a breakdown and was starting on meds so I was in a mess anyway. It wasn't a matter of days, more weeks and then ups & downs.

All the best with your new family friend. They are really worth it! :woof

16-04-17, 10:13
Hi querineWelcome to this community :) Ahh Puppy blues Been there done that! Now got a 11 year old obedient loving,loyal dog :) Just keep the pup entertained plenty of mind games, puzzles for him to work out as well as physical exercise Training is so important as is socialisation and exposure of new sights and sounds. True saying a tired dog is a happy dog ;)

27-04-17, 11:59
I'm so glad I found this thread. I had been waiting for years to have a dog again and last week I got a cockapoo puppy. She's lovely but I feel like I'm going insane. My anxiety is horrible, I'm unable to concentrate during the day and am barely eating/drinking at night I'm waking up mid panic with full body shakes.

I live with my mum so the routine has been that I get up at 6am and then when my mum comes in later, I go back to bed for a nap which really helps and she's around in case anything goes wrong but tomorrow my mum goes on holiday for a week and I'm beyond myself with worry and panic.

It would be hard enough for me being alone for a week but now I have a 9 week old puppy to look after so I can't just go to bed and sleep it off. I have to be constantly available for her and her routine. I can't take her for walks because she's too young and my friends and family can only visit one or two days a week so it's gonna be me and her 24/7 for 8 days.

I feel myself urging her to grow up and relax so the bonding can begin cos all I can think right now is "why did I do this?" Or perhaps "why didn't I time this better?"

Any advice is welcome.

27-04-17, 13:58
I'm so glad I found this thread. I had been waiting for years to have a dog again and last week I got a cockapoo puppy. She's lovely but I feel like I'm going insane. My anxiety is horrible, I'm unable to concentrate during the day and am barely eating/drinking at night I'm waking up mid panic with full body shakes.

I live with my mum so the routine has been that I get up at 6am and then when my mum comes in later, I go back to bed for a nap which really helps and she's around in case anything goes wrong but tomorrow my mum goes on holiday for a week and I'm beyond myself with worry and panic.

It would be hard enough for me being alone for a week but now I have a 9 week old puppy to look after so I can't just go to bed and sleep it off. I have to be constantly available for her and her routine. I can't take her for walks because she's too young and my friends and family can only visit one or two days a week so it's gonna be me and her 24/7 for 8 days.

I feel myself urging her to grow up and relax so the bonding can begin cos all I can think right now is "why did I do this?" Or perhaps "why didn't I time this better?"

Any advice is welcome. Hi I do have empathy for you, but so long as you put the work in you will have a lovely companion :) I have a 11 year old staffy bull terrier had her since she was 8 weeks old and it's a very head strong breed but now have a well behaved obedient loyal loving dog :)

You can start bonding straight away with your pup:) Sure it cant go out yet for walks and socialisation with other dogs till it's a had it's vaccinations! Did you get it from a breeder? You should have a booklet on training tips and a vet record of what vacs the puppy has had.

I am not going to lie and say it's going to be plain sailing, but the journey starts now.

Toilet training very important you start now rather than later.
if you have a back yard or garden (secure) you are good to go.
People make the mistake oh it's only 8 weeks old surely they cant be taught anything at that age not the case puppies are extremely quick to learn :)

Puppies will need frequent trips out side to pee and poop, (at this age) warning signs are sniffing around circling round so after drinking water or eating every 10 mins (and so they can used to it) open the back door let her out and watch her as soon as she squats to go simply introduce a command word like do pee pee and the association with the command word will over time be locked in her mind also when she does go out side and does what is natural please praise,praise and praise again this is a positive for the dog and will encourage her as she will know what I have done is good :) sure you may get a few accidents in the house don't scold or tell her off just pick her up and take her outside to continue finishing off :) It's all about being positive as dogs are sensitive to any changes in your voice.

Other good tips are to introduce your pup to new noises like music, hoovers etc doors banging as early as possible so she will get used to and not fearful of new noises introduce treats can be dog treats, extra play time or anything that make the puppy happy :) this goes with any training and never ever forget the verbal praise and making a fuss stroking her always praise in a happy tone of voice too :) Where is she sleeping at the mo? Also to add check out www.dogbreeds.com (http://www.dogbreeds.com) too. Just found a direct link for the cockapoo breed: www.petguide.com/breeds/dog/cockapoo (http://www.petguide.com/breeds/dog/cockapoo) this will give you a excellent insight to the breeds history and it's traits and training needs too HTH and good luck :) Cheers

29-04-17, 15:29
Hi I do have empathy for you, but so long as you put the work in you will have a lovely companion :) I have a 11 year old staffy bull terrier had her since she was 8 weeks old and it's a very head strong breed but now have a well behaved obedient loyal loving dog :)

You can start bonding straight away with your pup:) Sure it cant go out yet for walks and socialisation with other dogs till it's a had it's vaccinations! Did you get it from a breeder? You should have a booklet on training tips and a vet record of what vacs the puppy has had.

I am not going to lie and say it's going to be plain sailing, but the journey starts now.

Toilet training very important you start now rather than later.
if you have a back yard or garden (secure) you are good to go.
People make the mistake oh it's only 8 weeks old surely they cant be taught anything at that age not the case puppies are extremely quick to learn :)

Puppies will need frequent trips out side to pee and poop, (at this age) warning signs are sniffing around circling round so after drinking water or eating every 10 mins (and so they can used to it) open the back door let her out and watch her as soon as she squats to go simply introduce a command word like do pee pee and the association with the command word will over time be locked in her mind also when she does go out side and does what is natural please praise,praise and praise again this is a positive for the dog and will encourage her as she will know what I have done is good :) sure you may get a few accidents in the house don't scold or tell her off just pick her up and take her outside to continue finishing off :) It's all about being positive as dogs are sensitive to any changes in your voice.

Other good tips are to introduce your pup to new noises like music, hoovers etc doors banging as early as possible so she will get used to and not fearful of new noises introduce treats can be dog treats, extra play time or anything that make the puppy happy :) this goes with any training and never ever forget the verbal praise and making a fuss stroking her always praise in a happy tone of voice too :) Where is she sleeping at the mo? Also to add check out www.dogbreeds.com (http://www.dogbreeds.com) too. Just found a direct link for the cockapoo breed: www.petguide.com/breeds/dog/cockapoo (http://www.petguide.com/breeds/dog/cockapoo) this will give you a excellent insight to the breeds history and it's traits and training needs too HTH and good luck :) Cheers

I've had to ask my auntie (who also has a puppy) to take my puppy for a couple of days as I can't cope. I've completely shut down, I can't eat or drink and I've lost half a stone in 4 days. I haven't had an episode this bad in 3 years. I have some lorazepam from a while ago that I've taken but I'm not even sure if its in date or not as it hasn't helped much. My mum doesn't come back from another week so not sure what to do. I can't look after myself right now let alone a puppy as well.

29-04-17, 15:37
I've had to ask my auntie (who also has a puppy) to take my puppy for a couple of days as I can't cope. I've completely shut down, I can't eat or drink and I've lost half a stone in 4 days. I haven't had an episode this bad in 3 years. I have some lorazepam from a while ago that I've taken but I'm not even sure if its in date or not as it hasn't helped much. My mum doesn't come back from another week so not sure what to do. I can't look after myself right now let alone a puppy as well. Hi Iam sorry to hear this hun. at least you have a couple of days puppy free and it will give the puppy much needed social skills with another puppy too :) sorry to hear about your weight loss that's a big amount to lose just in a few days hope you while puppy is away you can get some food down you and re adjust really feel for you. I too would be willing to give you hand with your puppy, but guess you live many miles away from me! I know it will get easier though I promise Come on chin up hun and keep us updated!! :hugs:Cheers

30-04-17, 10:42
Hi Iam sorry to hear this hun. at least you have a couple of days puppy free and it will give the puppy much needed social skills with another puppy too :) sorry to hear about your weight loss that's a big amount to lose just in a few days hope you while puppy is away you can get some food down you and re adjust really feel for you. I too would be willing to give you hand with your puppy, but guess you live many miles away from me! I know it will get easier though I promise Come on chin up hun and keep us updated!! :hugs:Cheers

Thank you! Star is coming back tomorrow so I'm already feeling anxious about that. I'm projecting totally onto Star so that when I put her in the crate at night I'm paranoid that she's hating it and is desperate for a the toilet so I'm waking up in the morning shaking and rushing to get her to the toilet. Or I think she's suffering and unhappy in general or something's gonna go wrong. Also we have a tiny living room and as much as we've tried to clear things there's stuff hidden behind cushions so I'm convinced she's gonna get into something or chew something and get ill. Also with the toilet training you need to watch them like a hawk and the obsessive part of me is convinced she's not progressing when she has accidents.

anyway this is a pic of her :)

30-04-17, 10:54
Thank you! Star is coming back tomorrow so I'm already feeling anxious about that. I'm projecting totally onto Star so that when I put her in the crate at night I'm paranoid that she's hating it and is desperate for a the toilet so I'm waking up in the morning shaking and rushing to get her to the toilet. Or I think she's suffering and unhappy in general or something's gonna go wrong. Also we have a tiny living room and as much as we've tried to clear things there's stuff hidden behind cushions so I'm convinced she's gonna get into something or chew something and get ill. Also with the toilet training you need to watch them like a hawk and the obsessive part of me is convinced she's not progressing when she has accidents.

anyway this is a pic of her :)
http://imgur.com/a/EOSeH Have you been in contact with your aunty and asked how she has been doing? And she is only a baby still so accidents will happen, just have to learn from these mistakes. Her bladder is only small so will need regular trips to go :) but as she gets older it will be longer and longer before she needs to go it wont last for ever :) Not a great lover of crating but it can help them. There is so many things to teach a puppy (right from wrong ) I taught my dog for a early age 'Leave it' its what I call a life saver command you can practice this at home eg: get a pair of socks put them down let her investigate but before she actually picks them up call her back and a do a trade with her when she hasn't touched something you asked her to leave and she comes to you when called give a tasty treat and praise her to. And as with any training Consistancy and Repetition are the 'keys' to success every time :) it will also help you bond with her! Oh what a cutie, she is beautiful :) You can see the lab in her for sure :) Cheers

30-04-17, 14:52
Have you been in contact with your aunty and asked how she has been doing? And she is only a baby still so accidents will happen, just have to learn from these mistakes. Her bladder is only small so will need regular trips to go :) but as she gets older it will be longer and longer before she needs to go it wont last for ever :) Not a great lover of crating but it can help them. There is so many things to teach a puppy (right from wrong ) I taught my dog for a early age 'Leave it' its what I call a life saver command you can practice this at home eg: get a pair of socks put them down let her investigate but before she actually picks them up call her back and a do a trade with her when she hasn't touched something you asked her to leave and she comes to you when called give a tasty treat and praise her to. And as with any training Consistancy and Repetition are the 'keys' to success every time :) it will also help you bond with her! Oh what a cutie, she is beautiful :) You can see the lab in her for sure :) Cheers

Thanks for all your advice. She doesn't have any lab in her, she's a show cocker spaniel x miniature poodle. I have never done crating before but now I've started it I don't want to stop. I'm only gonna do it till she's old enough to be trusted not to wreck the house lol so hopefully when she's 6 months plus.

30-04-17, 15:08
Thanks for all your advice. She doesn't have any lab in her, she's a show cocker spaniel x miniature poodle. I have never done crating before but now I've started it I don't want to stop. I'm only gonna do it till she's old enough to be trusted not to wreck the house lol so hopefully when she's 6 months plus.Opps I am sorry ;) But she is adorable though :) Yes with crating it's not a punishment area but her den :) Is she accepting the crate ok ? Yes it's not meant to a permanent place for her so that's good :) So you are ready for the challenge with her! Looking forward to hearing more about her progress too Thanks :)

30-04-17, 15:33
Thank you! Star is coming back tomorrow so I'm already feeling anxious about that. I'm projecting totally onto Star so that when I put her in the crate at night I'm paranoid that she's hating it and is desperate for a the toilet so I'm waking up in the morning shaking and rushing to get her to the toilet. Or I think she's suffering and unhappy in general or something's gonna go wrong. Also we have a tiny living room and as much as we've tried to clear things there's stuff hidden behind cushions so I'm convinced she's gonna get into something or chew something and get ill. Also with the toilet training you need to watch them like a hawk and the obsessive part of me is convinced she's not progressing when she has accidents.

anyway this is a pic of her :)

What a beautiful pup! I couldn't resist that face.

When we had our dog my parents had the same concerns over toilet training. The only difference here is that it is affecting you far more because of your anxiety, te concerns are valid ones.

You will probably see the same in yourself when you question whether she needs something or is hungry. This is a rhythm that you will relax into as you get to know your dog's behaviour better.

30-04-17, 23:49
I feel for you! Honestly! It's an awful feeling to commit to a pet and then think that you can't cope. Trust me, it will work out fine. Just stuck with it, find a routine that suits you and you'll soon love your dog and wonder how you coped before.

I felt exactly the same but I got through it. If I can, so can you.

Good luck and pm me if you need some extra support.

Pip xx

10-05-17, 09:34
Hi All,

Been having waves of what I can only call crippling anxiety.

Got a puppy about 5 weeks ago, and the first couple of weeks whilst tiring, were fine. However as the weeks have gone on, I keep getting stuck in loops of fear about his future, am I doing the right thing, how will I ever get out in the evenings again..etc

I have already got him setup and going to day care.... I work from home (for at least the next month), but needed some time out in the day, and thought good he gets to meet lots of other dogs, and used to daycare if I need to go back to commuting. I think that's also what is getting to me, in that I cant see a routine for him beyond a couple of weeks...

Have a flatmate too, and whilst he is great, the invasion of the apartment, and feeling like he cant relax at home now either is a worry.

I am somewhat a worrier, but wouldn't class myself as depressed or anything like that. However the last couple of weeks, I have had a constant knot in my stomach, no appetite, and I'd be lying if I hadn't thought how much of a mistake this was.

Having wanted a dog for years, when I got this contract, that was working from home for a few months, it seemed like the ideal time. Sending him back to the breeder isn't an option (it is, but I cant give up)... however if I am truely honest with myself, taking the easy way out and bailing is what I would love to do.

The puppy himself, is pretty amazing, doing amazingly well with training and everything. Booked in with a professional trainer for a few hours at the weekend to also set my expectations and get some confirmation of things...

I've read countless forums/posts..etc about the puppy blues and how it will pass... I know it will... however currently I really cant see the light... I know it's there, I just cant see it.

10-05-17, 10:02
Hi All,

Been having waves of what I can only call crippling anxiety.

Got a puppy about 5 weeks ago, and the first couple of weeks whilst tiring, were fine. However as the weeks have gone on, I keep getting stuck in loops of fear about his future, am I doing the right thing, how will I ever get out in the evenings again..etc

I have already got him setup and going to day care.... I work from home (for at least the next month), but needed some time out in the day, and thought good he gets to meet lots of other dogs, and used to daycare if I need to go back to commuting. I think that's also what is getting to me, in that I cant see a routine for him beyond a couple of weeks...

Have a flatmate too, and whilst he is great, the invasion of the apartment, and feeling like he cant relax at home now either is a worry.

I am somewhat a worrier, but wouldn't class myself as depressed or anything like that. However the last couple of weeks, I have had a constant knot in my stomach, no appetite, and I'd be lying if I hadn't thought how much of a mistake this was.

Having wanted a dog for years, when I got this contract, that was working from home for a few months, it seemed like the ideal time. Sending him back to the breeder isn't an option (it is, but I cant give up)... however if I am truely honest with myself, taking the easy way out and bailing is what I would love to do.

The puppy himself, is pretty amazing, doing amazingly well with training and everything. Booked in with a professional trainer for a few hours at the weekend to also set my expectations and get some confirmation of things...

I've read countless forums/posts..etc about the puppy blues and how it will pass... I know it will... however currently I really cant see the light... I know it's there, I just cant see it. Hi LondonCityChap You know what I am going to say next?! Been there done that etc! Yeah a dog owner for 11 years now had my dog since 8 weeks old , so had similar concerns to you!!Actually sounds like he is doing really well and you have given him a good start by getting in a trainer and going to doggy dare care so good work on your part :) Too many people give up at the first hurdle, you haven't although you are tempted of taking the easy way out Don't :) Dogs are hard work, but make amazing companions, who are always there for you and will never reject you and are better than most people in my book. What's breed is he and his name/age? Things will get easier:yesyes: Cheers

10-05-17, 10:06
Hi LondonCityChap You know what I am going to say next?! Been there done that etc! Yeah a dog owner for 11 years now had my dog since 8 weeks old , so had similar concerns to you!!Actually sounds like he is doing really well and you have given him a good start by getting in a trainer and going to doggy dare care so good work on your part :) Too many people give up at the first hurdle, you haven't although you are tempted of taking the easy way out Don't :) Dogs are hard work, but make amazing companions, who are always there for you and will never reject you and are better than most people in my book. What's breed is he and his name/age? Things will get easier:yesyes: Cheers

He's a french bulldog - 14 weeks old...

10-05-17, 10:17
He's a french bulldog - 14 weeks old...Nice Plenty of energy I bet :) First dog? Cheers

10-05-17, 10:22
Nice Plenty of energy I bet :) First dog? Cheers

He's not too bad as yet, however have been warned the next couple of months will be more of a challenge as his hormones rage.

First dog of my own, had dogs growing up....

10-05-17, 10:30
He's not too bad as yet, however have been warned the next couple of months will be more of a challenge as his hormones rage.

First dog of my own, had dogs growing up....Sure I was told that too :) And the breed I have got is very challenging more than most still pushes my button now, even at 11 Years old! Think you have got some good 'tools' in place that will see you though this period, so long as you are a pack leader you wont go wrong :)A little, but useful tip (the trainer may already be doing this) N.I.L.I.F it's a kind positive way to train a dog. and stands for Nothing In Life Is Free Google it! What things has he learnt so far? Cheers

12-05-17, 15:29
Sure I was told that too :) And the breed I have got is very challenging more than most still pushes my button now, even at 11 Years old! Think you have got some good 'tools' in place that will see you though this period, so long as you are a pack leader you wont go wrong :)A little, but useful tip (the trainer may already be doing this) N.I.L.I.F it's a kind positive way to train a dog. and stands for Nothing In Life Is Free Google it! What things has he learnt so far? Cheers

What bread dog do you have?

Yes, been practising positive reinforcement, and he has to work for things before he gets them... waiting before eating, sitting before petting.. etc the thing is, the puppy himself isn't the problem.

Feeling a bit better today - however still quite anxious, and almost zero appetite.

12-05-17, 15:41
[QUOTE=LondonCityChap;1677695]What bread dog do you have?

Yes, been practising positive reinforcement, and he has to work for things before he gets them... waiting before eating, sitting before petting.. etc the thing is, the puppy himself isn't the problem.

Feeling a bit better today - however still quite anxious, and almost zero appetite.[/QUOTE Hi LCC It's a staffy bull terrier :) Sounds like you doing a brill job mate:shades: Glad you are feeling better, so if its not the puppy making you anxious, what is? Try and get something down you even if its a sandwich or toast :) Keep up the good work its paying off already:yesyes: Cheers

12-05-17, 15:48
[QUOTE=LondonCityChap;1677695]What bread dog do you have?

Yes, been practising positive reinforcement, and he has to work for things before he gets them... waiting before eating, sitting before petting.. etc the thing is, the puppy himself isn't the problem.

Feeling a bit better today - however still quite anxious, and almost zero appetite.[/QUOTE Hi LCC It's a staffy bull terrier :) Sounds like you doing a brill job mate:shades: Glad you are feeling better, so if its not the puppy making you anxious, what is? Try and get something down you even if its a sandwich or toast :) Keep up the good work its paying off already:yesyes: Cheers

Ah Staffys are amazing dogs - such a shame they get such a bad rap.

It's more the responsibility of having him I guess.. worrying about things off in the distant future, that really there is no point worrying about now. I.e. when can he be given free roam, what if I need to go back to commuting, that kinda stupid thing, that realistically, are pretty much all in hand now. Trying to work out everything... now.

Indeed, even with no appetite, am still eating. When my blood sugar is low, I get pretty ratty... which naturally aggravates the other feelings.

12-05-17, 16:22

Ah Staffys are amazing dogs - such a shame they get such a bad rap.

It's more the responsibility of having him I guess.. worrying about things off in the distant future, that really there is no point worrying about now. I.e. when can he be given free roam, what if I need to go back to commuting, that kinda stupid thing, that realistically, are pretty much all in hand now. Trying to work out everything... now.

Indeed, even with no appetite, am still eating. When my blood sugar is low, I get pretty ratty... which naturally aggravates the other feelings.
They are amazing dogs with out a doubt, and yet the shelters are full of them sadly, also I still meet biggots when I take her out like it should be on a lead or they can turn nasty at any time Ha ha yeah right:unsure: On the whole I get a lot of nice comments on how well behaved she is :) And with training which is constantly changing from my point of view I have many tools in my tool box(head) that I can bring out at any time and know they will still work down the line :) a dog can learn 250 verbal commands which is so :shades: Only found that out a few years back so I am still learning;)

As for free roaming it has to be earned if you have a garden/yard you can practice safely till it's 100% and gradually introduce distractions in to the mix keeps the dogs mind active and alert too!! I can certainly help you with many issues if you want advice I am here to help as it can be overwhelming at times so no need to worry only think about those things when the time is right Cheers

25-05-17, 04:55
Out of all the forums I've read, some of the responses in this one feel the most similar to what I'm feeling.
After waiting years to get a dog, we got a puppy a week ago. We researched everything, prepared the house, bought all the appropriate things, found a responsible breeder, had many discussion and a visit with the breeder before getting him. I told myself he was gonna be hard to manage as a puppy but it would pass. My partner and I have just become engaged, been together 5 years and have just moved into our own house a few months ago. Perfect time right?! We've wanted this for so long...

First day we brought him home, I was ok. Since then, I've been a mess. And I don't mean just upset or filled with regret. I cant breathe, I have dry mouth, I can't eat half as much as I used to and the smell of food makes me want to vomit, I have panic attacks every day, my chest feels constantly in pain, I wake up with huge anxiety and can feel my heart beating fast and loud. It's been 8 days.. I feel like I am getting slightly better, but overall, I still feel awful.

I have such mixed feelings towards the puppy. Two days ago I was coping so badly that I went to my GP and absolutely broke down and hyperventilated. I have always been an anxious person, but I have always managed it myself just fine. I was at a point where I thrived on being busy and now I don't have the motivation to do anything. I am constantly tired (even though he sleeps through the night), and am sick of feeling like this every day. I'll go through constant mood swings of liking having the puppy around, to being annoyed by him and not wanting to play with him.

My GP prescribed me some antidepressants and benzos (Paxtine & Oxazepam) for anyone that is familiar. I have never been on any antidepressants/antianxieties before and I'm not sure they're even working. I feel I don't cry as much over the past 2 days, but I am still filled with constant dread and remorse.
What makes it worse is my partner, who loves the puppy, is getting upset and anxious over me being anxious and is contemplating taking the dog back so we don't have to deal with it. I feel like I am ruining his life, the puppies life and my own. The thought of doing this for the next 10+ years terrifies me, but the thought of giving him back does too. I have given up on one major thing in my life (uni - after one week - cause I was overwhelmed) and I regretted it and it got to me to the point of breakdowns for 3 years until I went back to it later on.

Feeling really helpless at the moment. Some peoples stories fill me with hope. But I honestly feel like some of the success stories didn't begin with such severe anxieties to the point of medication and CONSTANT upset/depression.

25-05-17, 09:38
Out of all the forums I've read, some of the responses in this one feel the most similar to what I'm feeling.
After waiting years to get a dog, we got a puppy a week ago. We researched everything, prepared the house, bought all the appropriate things, found a responsible breeder, had many discussion and a visit with the breeder before getting him. I told myself he was gonna be hard to manage as a puppy but it would pass. My partner and I have just become engaged, been together 5 years and have just moved into our own house a few months ago. Perfect time right?! We've wanted this for so long...

First day we brought him home, I was ok. Since then, I've been a mess. And I don't mean just upset or filled with regret. I cant breathe, I have dry mouth, I can't eat half as much as I used to and the smell of food makes me want to vomit, I have panic attacks every day, my chest feels constantly in pain, I wake up with huge anxiety and can feel my heart beating fast and loud. It's been 8 days.. I feel like I am getting slightly better, but overall, I still feel awful.

I have such mixed feelings towards the puppy. Two days ago I was coping so badly that I went to my GP and absolutely broke down and hyperventilated. I have always been an anxious person, but I have always managed it myself just fine. I was at a point where I thrived on being busy and now I don't have the motivation to do anything. I am constantly tired (even though he sleeps through the night), and am sick of feeling like this every day. I'll go through constant mood swings of liking having the puppy around, to being annoyed by him and not wanting to play with him.

My GP prescribed me some antidepressants and benzos (Paxtine & Oxazepam) for anyone that is familiar. I have never been on any antidepressants/antianxieties before and I'm not sure they're even working. I feel I don't cry as much over the past 2 days, but I am still filled with constant dread and remorse.
What makes it worse is my partner, who loves the puppy, is getting upset and anxious over me being anxious and is contemplating taking the dog back so we don't have to deal with it. I feel like I am ruining his life, the puppies life and my own. The thought of doing this for the next 10+ years terrifies me, but the thought of giving him back does too. I have given up on one major thing in my life (uni - after one week - cause I was overwhelmed) and I regretted it and it got to me to the point of breakdowns for 3 years until I went back to it later on.

Feeling really helpless at the moment. Some peoples stories fill me with hope. But I honestly feel like some of the success stories didn't begin with such severe anxieties to the point of medication and CONSTANT upset/depression. Hi Ashlee iam sorry to hear you are going through this right now, reading through your post I thought this is good they have researched everything, planned out things, bought things etc etc which is excellent and makes for a better all round experience :) Then this strikes you (: Basically what I think has happened is the reality has kicked in and your mind is going over it again and again what if this happens, what if that happens etc It's normal to feel like this but this is to the extreme. Dogs too can pick up on our emotions Take each day as a new day and fun day with your puppy
Puppies are a source of happiness!! Can I ask what breed is the dog and the name?!The thing is there is always hope, always :) Please don't hesitate to ask about anything Iam here to help! Pic of him if you have one? Take care:hugs:

26-05-17, 00:16
Hi Ashlee iam sorry to hear you are going through this right now, reading through your post I thought this is good they have researched everything, planned out things, bought things etc etc which is excellent and makes for a better all round experience :) Then this strikes you (: Basically what I think has happened is the reality has kicked in and your mind is going over it again and again what if this happens, what if that happens etc It's normal to feel like this but this is to the extreme. Dogs too can pick up on our emotions Take each day as a new day and fun day with your puppy
Puppies are a source of happiness!! Can I ask what breed is the dog and the name?!The thing is there is always hope, always :) Please don't hesitate to ask about anything Iam here to help! Pic of him if you have one? Take care:hugs:

Thank you so much for replying. I really appreciate it. I'm at a loss of what to do.
The puppy is a cavalier x poodle (needed a non shedding dog because of skin allergies) and his name is Harvey. I feel like everyone tells me all the right things "He's just a baby", "you'll get used to it", "give it some time". There are moments of calmness throughout the day but otherwise I am full of dread, panic and heavy, pulling chest pain.
My partner's dad has offered to take the dog if we want to give it back to the breeder. Which is nice of him, but kind of makes me feel worse, like there's more pressure to decide whether I should keep him or not...
What's also making things worse is I think I'm experiencing side effects from one of the new medications I am on. First night I took them I slept so great! But the last two nights I have been waking up an hour or two earlier than I need to be, needing to pee every 10 seconds, which is making me MORE anxious, MORE tired and MORE at a loss of what to do.
I had a nap on the couch with my partner yesterday afternoon, only wanting to nap for 30 minutes. An hour and a half later i wake up in complete panic that we overslept, have screwed up our routine of playing with him outside in the afternoon and was inconsolable and in so much chest pain for well over an hour.
There are moments where I feel like I am getting better, but overall I feel like I can't keep going on like this.

Again, thank you so much for your reply. I'm so glad someone's listening.
Could you please let me know your thoughts? Do you think it's going to get better? When I will stop living each day with dread and sadness?
(Please private message me if this is too much to reply to on the post)

26-05-17, 07:44
Thank you so much for replying. I really appreciate it. I'm at a loss of what to do.
The puppy is a cavalier x poodle (needed a non shedding dog because of skin allergies) and his name is Harvey. I feel like everyone tells me all the right things "He's just a baby", "you'll get used to it", "give it some time". There are moments of calmness throughout the day but otherwise I am full of dread, panic and heavy, pulling chest pain.
My partner's dad has offered to take the dog if we want to give it back to the breeder. Which is nice of him, but kind of makes me feel worse, like there's more pressure to decide whether I should keep him or not...
What's also making things worse is I think I'm experiencing side effects from one of the new medications I am on. First night I took them I slept so great! But the last two nights I have been waking up an hour or two earlier than I need to be, needing to pee every 10 seconds, which is making me MORE anxious, MORE tired and MORE at a loss of what to do.
I had a nap on the couch with my partner yesterday afternoon, only wanting to nap for 30 minutes. An hour and a half later i wake up in complete panic that we overslept, have screwed up our routine of playing with him outside in the afternoon and was inconsolable and in so much chest pain for well over an hour.
There are moments where I feel like I am getting better, but overall I feel like I can't keep going on like this.

Again, thank you so much for your reply. I'm so glad someone's listening.
Could you please let me know your thoughts? Do you think it's going to get better? When I will stop living each day with dread and sadness?
(Please private message me if this is too much to reply to on the post) Sounds very nice Harvey does a cavapoo :) I think it's the calmness periods you need to get more of. And yes other people are right, give it time :) But also as I am dog owner and had my dog from a puppy too Yes I will get better 100% My dog is now 10 years old I would now start with some training to keep your mind and Harvey's mind active and good and yes it's really nice of your dad to take the dog on but may be when the going gets tough then this is a good idea even if it's not permanent! Glad you played out side with him for a bit, no you mustn't think like that this dog has changed your routine but in a good way so don't punish your self cause you have slept in :) Off to work now Cheers

31-05-17, 13:19

Just thought I'd come back and give an update.

I self-referred for my local time to talk service, and had my initial assessment today. In the mean time, I'd purchased a Pacifica subscription (iPhone based CBT), and been going through that for the last week or so, and found it quite useful, and something I am going to continue.

The time to talk service, offered their online CBT service, which I declined, as am into the Pacifica version (and it's better rated!), however they then offered a telephone based talking treatment for between 4 to 6 weeks. There is a waiting list of around a month, but said I'd like to sign up for it, and even if when I get there and feeling better, it might help me if the pacifica service doesn't do what I need.

Dealing with my anxiety has been the main thing for me, all the other symptoms I feel are caused by that.

What has really helped me is

1. Writing down my concerns, and brain storming possible solutions. So when I get stuck in a loop worrying about those things, I can refer to my plan.
2. Chunking up my work. Got a bit of a backlog due to not being overly productive. Seemed like a daunting task to get back on it, but small pieces of work are easier to complete.
3. Routine with Puppy - has really helped.
4. Continued training with Puppy - he's really starting to get the hang of things and I can focus on getting him to do the right things through fun training for him.
5. Taking a day at a time - this has been the real thing for me... worrying about next week, next month...etc
6. Not worrying about work so much (new contract)... pretty lucky in that I have a buffer and it's not a big drama to take some time off. If I do need to go back to work and commute (rather than work from home), puppy is used to daycare now, and can have a few hours rest when he gets home before I get back (can hold his bladder for that amount of time..etc)

I wouldn't say I am back to my normal self, but compared to when I wrote my first post, I am in a much better place. Sure I still feel tied to the house quite a bit, and have thoughts/worries still but with the skills I've learnt through CBT so far this has massively helped, and this will only get easier as time goes on.

I just wanted to give my own perspective, as it's very easy to read posts that people say 'it gets better..etc', and with time, I can see that it does. I'm not sure without some of the steps above, time would be the only healer. Whilst I have felt like the anxiety has really crippled me at points, and all I've wanted to do is hide and cry under the bed sheets, this whole experience I do feel has made me understand that part of me a lot better... and has helped me grow as a person. I certainly can empathise a lot more with people who unfortunately suffer from these sorts of feelings on a longer term basis.

Just wanted to say thanks for the historic posts and replies to me, it really has helped.

Will keep an eye on this thread, and hopefully give an update a bit further down the line.

31-05-17, 13:54
004 (2)

31-05-17, 14:39
004 (2)

Exactly that :roflmao:

31-05-17, 16:42
Hi LondonCItyChap this is great the you have made good progress on all counts so well done:yesyes:Its like you say tackle small chunks at a time and one day at a time! Yes And when ppl say it will get better we never really believe it till it happens :) Well Yeah pleased it's all working out for you. If you need any more training tips or what to train do let me know, I will be glad to help. BTW the 004 (2) what does this mean? Never seen it before LOL. Cheers

31-05-17, 17:02
Hi LondonCItyChap this is great the you have made good progress on all counts so well done:yesyes:Its like you say tackle small chunks at a time and one day at a time! Yes And when ppl say it will get better we never really believe it till it happens :) Well Yeah pleased it's all working out for you. If you need any more training tips or what to train do let me know, I will be glad to help. BTW the 004 (2) what does this mean? Never seen it before LOL. Cheers

Thanks BigBoy :) Yes, you're absolutely right... seeing/feeling is believing.

and as for the 004, no ideal... my sarcasm may have leaked out there :roflmao:

I Don't Get it!
31-05-17, 17:17
The same thing happened to me when I got my first dog. He wasn't a puppy, he was nearly a year old but I ended up taking to my bed and begging my partner to return him. I had diarrhoea, was constantly crying and felt terrible dread and fear and nausea.

Thank goodness he didn't listen to me because we had 15 years of unconditional love, laughter and joy with him. I miss him so much and I'd now give my right arm to have him lying under my chair whilst I write this.

I had also longed for a dog my whole life (since I was 5!) and done a ton of research beforehand. I was stupefied at my reaction to him and couldn't understand why I felt so ill and fearful. Oddly, I'd thought he was gorgeous when we went to pick him up and he was no trouble on the long car journey home and I thought I'd love him to bits, I was so excited to have a dog at last.

I didn't even realise in those days that I had anxiety, but it was probably very mild then.

Don't lose hope.:hugs:

31-05-17, 17:50
I HAVE A PATTERDALE TERRIER, named BUDDY he is 1 now and still hard work but he doesn't have a bad bone in his body , i could never take a dog back its like giving in , BUDDY chewed a £2000 couch he thought it was just another leather chew. i booted him all the way down the garden, then he looked at me has if to say WTF we at 1 year are great mates he sleeps on the new couch with me

31-05-17, 18:40
You booted him all the way down the garden

31-05-17, 18:49
Thanks BigBoy :) Yes, you're absolutely right... seeing/feeling is believing.

and as for the 004, no ideal... my sarcasm may have leaked out there :roflmao: No worries LCC more than welcome :) Cheers

---------- Post added at 18:49 ---------- Previous post was at 18:41 ----------

You booted him all the way down the garden I hope not, not the WTG.All It takes is leadership! My Staff chewed 3 of her beds up (when she was a pup) so she lost out by having to sleep on the floor, as I didn't buy another bed after that now she is allowed on the sofa but she has learnt chewing up things that aren't specifically made to be chewed like her toys etc is not tolerated so she has earned her place on the sofa and is only allowed on with permission if she gets on with out being told then she is sent off with the 'OFF' command which is very rare now :) Cheers

31-05-17, 18:53
And kindness too not 'booting'

31-05-17, 18:57
And kindness too not 'booting'
Absolutely and if you need to get a point over you use your eyes and voice tone to convey the message, dogs can read your emotions through these tools. Learnt that on docs and on a dog forum too. Cheers

31-05-17, 22:09
Thank you so much for replying. I really appreciate it. I'm at a loss of what to do.
The puppy is a cavalier x poodle (needed a non shedding dog because of skin allergies) and his name is Harvey. I feel like everyone tells me all the right things "He's just a baby", "you'll get used to it", "give it some time". There are moments of calmness throughout the day but otherwise I am full of dread, panic and heavy, pulling chest pain.
My partner's dad has offered to take the dog if we want to give it back to the breeder. Which is nice of him, but kind of makes me feel worse, like there's more pressure to decide whether I should keep him or not...
What's also making things worse is I think I'm experiencing side effects from one of the new medications I am on. First night I took them I slept so great! But the last two nights I have been waking up an hour or two earlier than I need to be, needing to pee every 10 seconds, which is making me MORE anxious, MORE tired and MORE at a loss of what to do.
I had a nap on the couch with my partner yesterday afternoon, only wanting to nap for 30 minutes. An hour and a half later i wake up in complete panic that we overslept, have screwed up our routine of playing with him outside in the afternoon and was inconsolable and in so much chest pain for well over an hour.
There are moments where I feel like I am getting better, but overall I feel like I can't keep going on like this.

Again, thank you so much for your reply. I'm so glad someone's listening.
Could you please let me know your thoughts? Do you think it's going to get better? When I will stop living each day with dread and sadness?
(Please private message me if this is too much to reply to on the post)

:bighug1: Ashley, it absolutely gets better!

I've always been one to get the "puppy blues" and I knew that when I got my last dog three years ago. But as I've said before, the last puppy I brought home was a NIGHTMARE. He was around 8 weeks old, came with several other dogs from a massive hoarding situation, and was incredibly anxious, fearful, and even aggressive. He refused to interact with anyone but me so I never got a break. He would attack - yes, attack - my other dogs, sometimes over food but sometimes randomly. He even redirected and bit me once. :scared15:

I was depressed when I got him, and certainly more depressed/anxious after. My parents tried to help but as he wouldn't go with them there wasn't much I could do. It was awful.

Three years later and I can't imagine my life without my little psychopath. He's still not a normal dog - he is reactive and has some pretty serious struggles with anxiety - but he's MY dog. He's loving and wonderful and even on the bad days I wouldn't trade him for the world. He's helped me a lot with my anxiety too, because I've had to learn to become an advocate for him (many vets refused to treat him, particularly for anxiety).

The best advice I can give you is to take a puppy class if you can - you get to show off your pup, make friends, and get all kinds of awesome advice. My one regret was not taking him to classes sooner.

Keep pushing, you'll get past this. Would it help to have your father in law take the pup for a weekend so you can get some rest?

01-06-17, 01:07
And kindness too not 'booting'

I hope he means taking him down there, or pushing him out of somewhere, both of which can be called booting too. :ohmy:

01-06-17, 12:25
You booted him all the way down the garden
YES he took it like a man ,:whistles:he had just chewed a hole in a £2000 couch what should i do. give him a biscuit

01-06-17, 12:39
YES he took it like a man ,:whistles: Booted him as in kick?? Argh no way :huh: cheers

01-06-17, 12:40
i have had 4 Patterdale pups in my life and everyone would die for me ,yes buddy got a boot up his jaxy he was also put in his cage for the night. next day all is forgiven he knows he did wrong and he is back by my side . If you let them get away with anything you loose out big time. My dog BUDDY will walk off lead by my side and never leave it because he has been brought to respect his master . He is loved by all my family but i am the one he listens to we respect and love each other 3055

01-06-17, 12:51
Hi I have a very stubborn breed at home my self, but saying that would never do that. This is why I say use your eyes and voice as a effective tool it does work. When my staffy just for one day wouldn't let me have my chair back I did push her off the sofa quite gently she went for me oh yes, but didn't touch my skin, but with my body language she knew she did wrong by going for me, my eyes and tone over voice soon shifted her off the chair she has not challenged me since now I just either click my fingers or just off gently and she complies, Discipline yes I have no problem with the other yes I do, but you have a beauty there :) Cheers

01-06-17, 13:39
IF my dog BUDDY went for me he wouldn't no what hit him, i have grandchildren in my house and and sign like that he would be gone .BUDDY was brought up with tough love and he is all the better for it:shades:

01-06-17, 16:02
Booted him as in kick?? Argh no way :huh: cheers

I completely disagree with treating an animal like that. :ohmy:

01-06-17, 16:18
Me too Terry

01-06-17, 16:31
And me too!! Not saying anymore about it :mad:

01-06-17, 18:08
Just look at him, you won't see a happier dog , HE has never gone to bite anyone or anything. He was taught how to behave has a puppy HE WAS ALWAYS LOVED he just go taught how to act . A lot in this post haven't a clue with there pup and are stressed to the max BUDDY lives for his family and would die for them , can any of you say that. He is a big strong breed with a reputation of fight and never surrenders can you imagine having a dog like that without proper training and respect. He is not a trendy breed that sleeps all day he can run all day and need lots of exercise i have breed these dogs for years and reared many litters of pups BUDDY is not my only PATERRDALE he is my first chocolate dog and was brought from a working kennel , he could have had bad habits but i trained him to the loving dog he is today tough love yes but thats the only way with a working dog if you want a loyal pet:winks:

---------- Post added at 18:08 ---------- Previous post was at 18:04 ----------

And me too!! Not saying anymore about it :mad:

my buddy has never gone to bite me ???????????

01-06-17, 19:22
Just look at him, you won't see a happier dog , HE has never gone to bite anyone or anything. He was taught how to behave has a puppy HE WAS ALWAYS LOVED he just go taught how to act . A lot in this post haven't a clue with there pup and are stressed to the max BUDDY lives for his family and would die for them , can any of you say that. He is a big strong breed with a reputation of fight and never surrenders can you imagine having a dog like that without proper training and respect. He is not a trendy breed that sleeps all day he can run all day and need lots of exercise i have breed these dogs for years and reared many litters of pups BUDDY is not my only PATERRDALE he is my first chocolate dog and was brought from a working kennel , he could have had bad habits but i trained him to the loving dog he is today tough love yes but thats the only way with a working dog if you want a loyal pet:winks:

---------- Post added at 18:08 ---------- Previous post was at 18:04 ----------

my buddy has never gone to bite me ??????????? Ok so what are driving at? Dogs will challenge (for top dog status)you like mine did over 'MY' Chair she didn't bite but gave me warning as if to say this is my chair, but no way was I going to tolerate Resource Guarding but I didn't have to resort by dragging her or pushing her off the chair that probably would have got me bit and I would have deserved it!!My body language and tone of voice did the job perfectly. And mine was taught also to be loyal and loving dog but with out the need for what you did. It would be interesting to have another thread on here 'How do you train your dog' Sure I agree most of the posters that have posted on here I would say would need help and guidance to help them through rough patches. While Iam not a dog trainer I have learnt a lot, I certainly would say to any new poster what I think is the best way to go about a specific problem
and still say to you it wasn't necessary to do what you did to get your dog to realise what he had done was very wrong :) It's like some people still believe in using Shock/Prong collars to correct their dogs behaviour (I know this as I am a member of dog forum) totally wrong way to go about it in my book.
And there's tough love and OTT tough love too.Cheers

02-06-17, 01:50
Just look at him, you won't see a happier dog , HE has never gone to bite anyone or anything. He was taught how to behave has a puppy HE WAS ALWAYS LOVED he just go taught how to act . A lot in this post haven't a clue with there pup and are stressed to the max BUDDY lives for his family and would die for them , can any of you say that. He is a big strong breed with a reputation of fight and never surrenders can you imagine having a dog like that without proper training and respect. He is not a trendy breed that sleeps all day he can run all day and need lots of exercise i have breed these dogs for years and reared many litters of pups BUDDY is not my only PATERRDALE he is my first chocolate dog and was brought from a working kennel , he could have had bad habits but i trained him to the loving dog he is today tough love yes but thats the only way with a working dog if you want a loyal pet:winks:

Easily. My dog is a loving family dog. He's not a working dog but my brother has had several working dogs and never done what you did...and they are fine.

It's not the only way. Tough love can be achieved without being so physical.

02-06-17, 10:35
Ok so what are driving at? Dogs will challenge (for top dog status)you like mine did over 'MY' Chair she didn't bite but gave me warning as if to say this is my chair, but no way was I going to tolerate Resource Guarding but I didn't have to resort by dragging her or pushing her off the chair that probably would have got me bit and I would have deserved it!!My body language and tone of voice did the job perfectly. And mine was taught also to be loyal and loving dog but with out the need for what you did. It would be interesting to have another thread on here 'How do you train your dog' Sure I agree most of the posters that have posted on here I would say would need help and guidance to help them through rough patches. While Iam not a dog trainer I have learnt a lot, I certainly would say to any new poster what I think is the best way to go about a specific problem
and still say to you it wasn't necessary to do what you did to get your dog to realise what he had done was very wrong :) It's like some people still believe in using Shock/Prong collars to correct their dogs behaviour (I know this as I am a member of dog forum) totally wrong way to go about it in my book.
And there's tough love and OTT tough love too.Cheers

I didnt have big jackboots on and kick the crap up of him, a £2000 couch had just been trashed , some would have taken him to the pound . i just booted him up his rear out the back into the garden he wasnt hurt .Stop making a bid deal about it my dog BUDDY loves me and would die for his family, he plays with all my grandchildren, your dog went for you thats 1 time to many i would not leave your dog with children. i have bred Patterdale Terriers for 20 years my pups were known for the temperament a lot were sold to the forestry commission has pest control .you can only wish your dog loved you like my
BUDDY loves me:D

---------- Post added at 10:35 ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 ----------


02-06-17, 12:58
I didnt have big jackboots on and kick the crap up of him, a £2000 couch had just been trashed , some would have taken him to the pound . i just booted him up his rear out the back into the garden he wasnt hurt .Stop making a bid deal about it my dog BUDDY loves me and would die for his family, he plays with all my grandchildren, your dog went for you thats 1 time to many i would not leave your dog with children. i have bred Patterdale Terriers for 20 years my pups were known for the temperament a lot were sold to the forestry commission has pest control .you can only wish your dog loved you like my
BUDDY loves me:D

---------- Post added at 10:35 ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 ----------

http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=3058&stc=1&d=1496396044It's good job I don't take offence but not like that :) Like I say it was a resource guarding problem and was swiftly dealt with and I have to laugh regarding my dog may not be safe around children what a joke she is sound and has a very good temperant andloves children, gee I can only wish my dog loves me ha ha she DOES love me and gives me loads of cuddles and wet kisses and I love her to bits and she respects me too so all is good :) Ahh

02-06-17, 14:27
It's good job I don't take offence but not like that :) Like I say it was a resource guarding problem and was swiftly dealt with and I have to laugh regarding my dog may not be safe around children what a joke she is sound and has a very good temperant andloves children, gee I can only wish my dog loves me ha ha she DOES love me and gives me loads of cuddles and wet kisses and I love her to bits and she respects me too so all is good :) Ahh:bighug1:

02-06-17, 15:07
:bighug1:Thank you:shades: Cheers

07-08-17, 14:19
First I have to say how AMAZING this entire thread has been for me. I have read every single post (even though the beginning ones are quite dated), and they have felt as if I'm reading exactly how I feel.

My husband and I just purchased our first home in February, which was an amazing and fulfilling feeling. After the house began to feel more like a home, it somewhat felt empty. I've always wanted a dog (never had one because I grew up in apartments which didn't allow them). I wanted to wait until I was done with my schooling. I currently work full time and I'm also finishing up my teaching certifications. I wanted to wait until I was teaching full time to get a pup.

However, the husband fell in love with a breed of dog (American Bully) and he found that his new co-worker was currently breeding pure American Bullies. We did a ton of research and it felt completely doable. I was extremely excited to bring on a new member of our family! I totally knew it would be a lot of work. Everyone keeps asking me "didn't you know it would be a lot of work" and I reply "YES but I can't explain why I feel the way I do".

Then the beautiful pup came home... We had to bring him home on a Tuesday in which we had just returned from a theme park road trip. We were already exhausted and got a phone call from the breeder saying that we should take the pup 4 days early because he had just had his ears cropped and him and his littermates were messing around with each other's ears too much.

The first night was terrible. The pup yelped, howled, cried, whimpered all night long. Which we already knew would happen due to research. So we just let him cry in his crate (we are crate training him). I didn't sleep that night. I slept on and off and awoke to the dog crying. We set up a camera so we could see the pup and I nearly cried as I watched him jump around and paw at the crate. I felt terrible. And this is where the insane anxiety began.

I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't watch TV, I miss my old life. Anxiety bubbles in my chest to the point where I feel I will explode. I have moments of nausea that are so bad that I gag and cough. I've never had panic attacks this bad. I cry all the time and I wonder WHAT WAS I THINKING?! I want to send him back so badly but that makes me feel even worse. I've been suffering with GAD for many years but I had a really good control over it and over my well being but this last couple of days have been horrible. I go back and forth in my feelings, one moment I love the dog and the next I don't want him near me. To add to this boat of anxiety, I'm also allergic to him. My home no longer feels like my sanctuary and I don't wanna be there anymore and I basically am/was/always have been a homebody.

My husband says to give it a few weeks and if I'm still unhappy, we can re-home the dog. However, he doesn't want to but he says he will do it for my happiness. He says if allergies don't ease up in a few months we can also transition him to be an outside dog as soon as he has all of his shots.

I'm just constantly overwhelmed with anxiety and the responsibility tied into training this pup. I can't help but wish I had never done it and I miss my old life :'(. The thing that makes me feel the worst is that he's a really good pup! He's barely 8 weeks old and hes already peeing and pooping on the wee pad 90% of the time. He barely whines when we put him in the crate (he feels like it's his puppy den). Still, the immense load and responsibility is crushing me. I'm falling apart and I feel completely helpless.

Any help would be immensely appreciated and DM's and comments are more then welcome! I try to see the light at the end of the tunnel with all the posts that say to stick it out and it'll get better but I can't help but worry that it wont be that way for me.

07-08-17, 15:05
[QUOTE=DREAMER05;1704679]First I have to say how AMAZING this entire thread has been for me. I have read every single post (even though the beginning ones are quite dated), and they have felt as if I'm reading exactly how I feel.

My husband and I just purchased our first home in February, which was an amazing and fulfilling feeling. After the house began to feel more like a home, it somewhat felt empty. I've always wanted a dog (never had one because I grew up in apartments which didn't allow them). I wanted to wait until I was done with my schooling. I currently work full time and I'm also finishing up my teaching certifications. I wanted to wait until I was teaching full time to get a pup.

However, the husband fell in love with a breed of dog (American Bully) and he found that his new co-worker was currently breeding pure American Bullies. We did a ton of research and it felt completely doable. I was extremely excited to bring on a new member of our family! I totally knew it would be a lot of work. Everyone keeps asking me "didn't you know it would be a lot of work" and I reply "YES but I can't explain why I feel the way I do".

Then the beautiful pup came home... We had to bring him home on a Tuesday in which we had just returned from a theme park road trip. We were already exhausted and got a phone call from the breeder saying that we should take the pup 4 days early because he had just had his ears cropped and him and his littermates were messing around with each other's ears too much.

The first night was terrible. The pup yelped, howled, cried, whimpered all night long. Which we already knew would happen due to research. So we just let him cry in his crate (we are crate training him). I didn't sleep that night. I slept on and off and awoke to the dog crying. We set up a camera so we could see the pup and I nearly cried as I watched him jump around and paw at the crate. I felt terrible. And this is where the insane anxiety began.

I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't watch TV, I miss my old life. Anxiety bubbles in my chest to the point where I feel I will explode. I have moments of nausea that are so bad that I gag and cough. I've never had panic attacks this bad. I cry all the time and I wonder WHAT WAS I THINKING?! I want to send him back so badly but that makes me feel even worse. I've been suffering with GAD for many years but I had a really good control over it and over my well being but this last couple of days have been horrible. I go back and forth in my feelings, one moment I love the dog and the next I don't want him near me. To add to this boat of anxiety, I'm also allergic to him. My home no longer feels like my sanctuary and I don't wanna be there anymore and I basically am/was/always have been a homebody.

My husband says to give it a few weeks and if I'm still unhappy, we can re-home the dog. However, he doesn't want to but he says he will do it for my happiness. He says if allergies don't ease up in a few months we can also transition him to be an outside dog as soon as he has all of his shots.

I'm just constantly overwhelmed with anxiety and the responsibility tied into training this pup. I can't help but wish I had never done it and I miss my old life :'(. The thing that makes me feel the worst is that he's a really good pup! He's barely 8 weeks old and hes already peeing and pooping on the wee pad 90% of the time. He barely whines when we put him in the crate (he feels like it's his puppy den). Still, the immense load and responsibility is crushing me. I'm falling apart and I feel completely helpless.

Any help would be immensely appreciated and DM's and comments are more then welcome! I try to see the light at the end of the tunnel with all the posts that say to stick it out and it'll get better but I can't help but worry that it wont be that way for me.[/QUOTE Hi and welcome to NMP :) Hmm Yes its normal for a pup to do this. but I have extra tips to help I too have Bully breed but the Staffordshire Bull Terrier very similar traits in the breed more on that in a bit :)

Ok get a old T shirt and rub your body scent on the T shirt and get a ticking alarm clock (make sure the Alarm part is off LOL) put that in the crate and put the T shirt on top this will make the pup feel it's still with it's mother the ticking of the clock mimicks the heart beat and T shirt will have your body odour on leave both in place for about 4 weeks it does work :)

Give you puppy plenty of time out of the crate and start potty training NOW :) This was for me one of the hardest things to get right Consistancy and repetition for any training is essential HTH so far? Cheers

07-08-17, 15:59
[QUOTE=DREAMER05;1704679]First I have to say how AMAZING this entire thread has been for me. I have read every single post (even though the beginning ones are quite dated), and they have felt as if I'm reading exactly how I feel.

My husband and I just purchased our first home in February, which was an amazing and fulfilling feeling. After the house began to feel more like a home, it somewhat felt empty. I've always wanted a dog (never had one because I grew up in apartments which didn't allow them). I wanted to wait until I was done with my schooling. I currently work full time and I'm also finishing up my teaching certifications. I wanted to wait until I was teaching full time to get a pup.

However, the husband fell in love with a breed of dog (American Bully) and he found that his new co-worker was currently breeding pure American Bullies. We did a ton of research and it felt completely doable. I was extremely excited to bring on a new member of our family! I totally knew it would be a lot of work. Everyone keeps asking me "didn't you know it would be a lot of work" and I reply "YES but I can't explain why I feel the way I do".

Then the beautiful pup came home... We had to bring him home on a Tuesday in which we had just returned from a theme park road trip. We were already exhausted and got a phone call from the breeder saying that we should take the pup 4 days early because he had just had his ears cropped and him and his littermates were messing around with each other's ears too much.

The first night was terrible. The pup yelped, howled, cried, whimpered all night long. Which we already knew would happen due to research. So we just let him cry in his crate (we are crate training him). I didn't sleep that night. I slept on and off and awoke to the dog crying. We set up a camera so we could see the pup and I nearly cried as I watched him jump around and paw at the crate. I felt terrible. And this is where the insane anxiety began.

I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't watch TV, I miss my old life. Anxiety bubbles in my chest to the point where I feel I will explode. I have moments of nausea that are so bad that I gag and cough. I've never had panic attacks this bad. I cry all the time and I wonder WHAT WAS I THINKING?! I want to send him back so badly but that makes me feel even worse. I've been suffering with GAD for many years but I had a really good control over it and over my well being but this last couple of days have been horrible. I go back and forth in my feelings, one moment I love the dog and the next I don't want him near me. To add to this boat of anxiety, I'm also allergic to him. My home no longer feels like my sanctuary and I don't wanna be there anymore and I basically am/was/always have been a homebody.

My husband says to give it a few weeks and if I'm still unhappy, we can re-home the dog. However, he doesn't want to but he says he will do it for my happiness. He says if allergies don't ease up in a few months we can also transition him to be an outside dog as soon as he has all of his shots.

I'm just constantly overwhelmed with anxiety and the responsibility tied into training this pup. I can't help but wish I had never done it and I miss my old life :'(. The thing that makes me feel the worst is that he's a really good pup! He's barely 8 weeks old and hes already peeing and pooping on the wee pad 90% of the time. He barely whines when we put him in the crate (he feels like it's his puppy den). Still, the immense load and responsibility is crushing me. I'm falling apart and I feel completely helpless.

Any help would be immensely appreciated and DM's and comments are more then welcome! I try to see the light at the end of the tunnel with all the posts that say to stick it out and it'll get better but I can't help but worry that it wont be that way for me.[/QUOTE Hi and welcome to NMP :) Hmm Yes its normal for a pup to do this. but I have extra tips to help I too have Bully breed but the Staffordshire Bull Terrier very similar traits in the breed more on that in a bit :)

Ok get a old T shirt and rub your body scent on the T shirt and get a ticking alarm clock (make sure the Alarm part is off LOL) put that in the crate and put the T shirt on top this will make the pup feel it's still with it's mother the ticking of the clock mimicks the heart beat and T shirt will have your body odour on leave both in place for about 4 weeks it does work :)

Give you puppy plenty of time out of the crate and start potty training NOW :) This was for me one of the hardest things to get right Consistancy and repetition for any training is essential HTH so far? Cheers

THANK YOU for your reply!

He's doing well with the wee wee pads but we cant take him outside to wee until he has his 4 month vaccines (rabies). So far so good, we have him on a schedule where we take him out to eat,play,pee and poop every 4 or so hours 3 times a day. At the last session we just play and potty and we tire him out before putting him to bed. He doesn't whine at night but he starts up when he feels movement in the morning. My anxiety is okay right now. Husband is stepping up and taking more responsibilities for the pup so that my anxiety can ease.

07-08-17, 17:04

THANK YOU for your reply!

He's doing well with the wee wee pads but we cant take him outside to wee until he has his 4 month vaccines (rabies). So far so good, we have him on a schedule where we take him out to eat,play,pee and poop every 4 or so hours 3 times a day. At the last session we just play and potty and we tire him out before putting him to bed. He doesn't whine at night but he starts up when he feels movement in the morning. My anxiety is okay right now. Husband is stepping up and taking more responsibilities for the pup so that my anxiety can ease.

I promise you it will get better. I was just like you when we got our first dog - anxiety through the roof and wondering what I had done. For me, it was the dramatic change in routine.

Work your way through it and you'll start to get used to it. The best advice I can give is to book on to a puppy training class. We went every week for a year and it was a life saver. We learned how to train the hound and we also got to meet loads of people in the same situation as us. Training at home is one thing. Training when surrounded by other dogs is much harder but gets better results for behaviour in the real world. Honestly, do it! You'll be so glad you did.

Good luck - you'll be fine!


07-08-17, 17:27

THANK YOU for your reply!

He's doing well with the wee wee pads but we cant take him outside to wee until he has his 4 month vaccines (rabies). So far so good, we have him on a schedule where we take him out to eat,play,pee and poop every 4 or so hours 3 times a day. At the last session we just play and potty and we tire him out before putting him to bed. He doesn't whine at night but he starts up when he feels movement in the morning. My anxiety is okay right now. Husband is stepping up and taking more responsibilities for the pup so that my anxiety can ease.

you should have bought a more docile breed, an American bulldog is not the first choice i would pick for a first dog, a la para Tso or poodle a gentle type of dog is needed if your fretting, do you think you could take him for walks on your own, if he gets into a fight it will be a battle you will poop yourself , i bet your husband was behind getting a macho dog , that's why they cut there ears off so there opponent in a fight wont grab them has an advantage

07-08-17, 17:48

you should have bought a more docile breed, an American bulldog is not the first choice i would pick for a first dog, a la para Tso or poodle a gentle type of dog is needed if your fretting, do you think you could take him for walks on your own, if he gets into a fight it will be a battle you will poop yourself , i bet your husband was behind getting a macho dog , that's why they cut there ears off so there opponent in a fight wont grab them has an advantage

Perhaps you could offer some words of advice and support seeing as you understand the breed. Saying that the OP should have chosen another breed isn't exactly helpful in this situation. What should she do now?


07-08-17, 17:55
Hang on in there. It will get better. It's simply the change in your routine, your household etc. We don't like change, it upsets out delicate balancing act, our normality.
After a while the pup will slot in, your new routines will become your 'normal'. I should know I've got 4 dogs and each new one has bought on the anx. In fact last year I got a kitten too.

07-08-17, 18:12
First I have to say how AMAZING this entire thread has been for me. I have read every single post (even though the beginning ones are quite dated), and they have felt as if I'm reading exactly how I feel.

My husband and I just purchased our first home in February, which was an amazing and fulfilling feeling. After the house began to feel more like a home, it somewhat felt empty. I've always wanted a dog (never had one because I grew up in apartments which didn't allow them). I wanted to wait until I was done with my schooling. I currently work full time and I'm also finishing up my teaching certifications. I wanted to wait until I was teaching full time to get a pup.

However, the husband fell in love with a breed of dog (American Bully) and he found that his new co-worker was currently breeding pure American Bullies. We did a ton of research and it felt completely doable. I was extremely excited to bring on a new member of our family! I totally knew it would be a lot of work. Everyone keeps asking me "didn't you know it would be a lot of work" and I reply "YES but I can't explain why I feel the way I do".

Then the beautiful pup came home... We had to bring him home on a Tuesday in which we had just returned from a theme park road trip. We were already exhausted and got a phone call from the breeder saying that we should take the pup 4 days early because he had just had his ears cropped and him and his littermates were messing around with each other's ears too much.

The first night was terrible. The pup yelped, howled, cried, whimpered all night long. Which we already knew would happen due to research. So we just let him cry in his crate (we are crate training him). I didn't sleep that night. I slept on and off and awoke to the dog crying. We set up a camera so we could see the pup and I nearly cried as I watched him jump around and paw at the crate. I felt terrible. And this is where the insane anxiety began.

I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't watch TV, I miss my old life. Anxiety bubbles in my chest to the point where I feel I will explode. I have moments of nausea that are so bad that I gag and cough. I've never had panic attacks this bad. I cry all the time and I wonder WHAT WAS I THINKING?! I want to send him back so badly but that makes me feel even worse. I've been suffering with GAD for many years but I had a really good control over it and over my well being but this last couple of days have been horrible. I go back and forth in my feelings, one moment I love the dog and the next I don't want him near me. To add to this boat of anxiety, I'm also allergic to him. My home no longer feels like my sanctuary and I don't wanna be there anymore and I basically am/was/always have been a homebody.

My husband says to give it a few weeks and if I'm still unhappy, we can re-home the dog. However, he doesn't want to but he says he will do it for my happiness. He says if allergies don't ease up in a few months we can also transition him to be an outside dog as soon as he has all of his shots.

I'm just constantly overwhelmed with anxiety and the responsibility tied into training this pup. I can't help but wish I had never done it and I miss my old life :'(. The thing that makes me feel the worst is that he's a really good pup! He's barely 8 weeks old and hes already peeing and pooping on the wee pad 90% of the time. He barely whines when we put him in the crate (he feels like it's his puppy den). Still, the immense load and responsibility is crushing me. I'm falling apart and I feel completely helpless.

Any help would be immensely appreciated and DM's and comments are more then welcome! I try to see the light at the end of the tunnel with all the posts that say to stick it out and it'll get better but I can't help but worry that it wont be that way for me.

Hi Dreamer,

Welcome... glad you found this thread. I've recently gone through a very similar experience, my threads are only a little way back.

It really does get easier... I wouldn't say I am over my anxiety, and it comes back to kick me in the butt at times... one thing I have learnt through this though is how to deal with it, and knowing it will fade is reassuring. Since last week, my chap has had an upset stomach, so gone from one extreme to the other... all of course is new to me, and start to stress about things... but as time goes on, it all becomes a lot easier. Being pretty strict (but fair in my expectations) and starting training from day 1 home, has helped wonders. I get lots of comments on how well behaved he is - but he didnt come like that :)

An American Bully is going to get pretty big and strong in no time at all. One of my puppy's fav play mates is an American bully who is a month or two older than him... she is a lovely dog, but now getting to the stage where her owners are finding it difficult to find play mates for her, as she is much stronger/powerful than the other puppies/dogs around here. Training is going to be essential for you as it's a breed that is very strong both physically and willed... I'd try and seek out a puppy class or trainer as soon as you can... not only will this help massively, but if a class, you'll also see that pretty much everyone else is in the same situation.

Wish you all the best of luck... do let us know how you get on / if you have any questions.

07-08-17, 18:16
Hang on in there. It will get better. It's simply the change in your routine, your household etc. We don't like change, it upsets out delicate balancing act, our normality.
After a while the pup will slot in, your new routines will become your 'normal'. I should know I've got 4 dogs and each new one has bought on the anx. In fact last year I got a kitten too.

Absolutely right! I now have a complete menagerie and have adjusted to the changes. Dogs actually help anxiety and you'll see this when you've settled into your new routine and accepted the wee beastie into your life. You'll soon wonder how you ever managed without him.

P x

07-08-17, 19:24

THANK YOU for your reply!

He's doing well with the wee wee pads but we cant take him outside to wee until he has his 4 month vaccines (rabies). So far so good, we have him on a schedule where we take him out to eat,play,pee and poop every 4 or so hours 3 times a day. At the last session we just play and potty and we tire him out before putting him to bed. He doesn't whine at night but he starts up when he feels movement in the morning. My anxiety is okay right now. Husband is stepping up and taking more responsibilities for the pup so that my anxiety can ease. You are welcome :) I will say these breeds along with the Staffordshire bull terrier (bully breed) will need early socialisation there is only a small window between 8 and 16 weeks not saying after that window it isn't possible but the early the better so may be a doggy play class or simply going out on walks where he can mix with other dogs so important this :)
As for other training and commands they are know to be very head strong, but don't let that put you off you have to be firm but fair I was bit a lax on training mine at around 3 months, so glad I stepped up to the plate and now I have a 10 year old really obedient and loving, loyal dog :) If you any further questions I would be only too happy to advise Teach him many things too as tired dog is a happy dog And good luck!! Cheers

---------- Post added at 19:12 ---------- Previous post was at 19:07 ----------


thank you for your reply!

He's doing well with the wee wee pads but we cant take him outside to wee until he has his 4 month vaccines (rabies). So far so good, we have him on a schedule where we take him out to eat,play,pee and poop every 4 or so hours 3 times a day. At the last session we just play and potty and we tire him out before putting him to bed. He doesn't whine at night but he starts up when he feels movement in the morning. My anxiety is okay right now. Husband is stepping up and taking more responsibilities for the pup so that my anxiety can ease.

---------- Post added at 19:24 ---------- Previous post was at 19:12 ----------


thank you for your reply!

He's doing well with the wee wee pads but we cant take him outside to wee until he has his 4 month vaccines (rabies). So far so good, we have him on a schedule where we take him out to eat,play,pee and poop every 4 or so hours 3 times a day. At the last session we just play and potty and we tire him out before putting him to bed. He doesn't whine at night but he starts up when he feels movement in the morning. My anxiety is okay right now. Husband is stepping up and taking more responsibilities for the pup so that my anxiety can ease. You are welcome :) It's extremely important early socialisation of any breed but especially the bully breeds :) The window is only a small window 8 weeks to 16 weeks how ever doesn't mean you still cant achieve this but it will be a lot harder doggy day care classes will help but so will meeting other nice dogs in your area and yes you are right a tired dog is a happy dog so keep up the good work and teach him many things too dogs are clever and amazing too :) Cheers

07-08-17, 19:26

thank you for your reply!

He's doing well with the wee wee pads but we cant take him outside to wee until he has his 4 month vaccines (rabies). So far so good, we have him on a schedule where we take him out to eat,play,pee and poop every 4 or so hours 3 times a day. At the last session we just play and potty and we tire him out before putting him to bed. He doesn't whine at night but he starts up when he feels movement in the morning. My anxiety is okay right now. Husband is stepping up and taking more responsibilities for the pup so that my anxiety can ease. You are welcome :) It's extremely important early socialisation of any breed but especially the bully breeds :) The window is only a small window 8 weeks to 16 weeks how ever doesn't mean you still cant achieve this but it will be a lot harder doggy day care classes will help but so will meeting other nice dogs in your area and yes you are right a tired dog is a happy dog so keep up the good work and teach him many things too dogs are clever and amazing too :) Cheers

08-08-17, 11:28
If the pup notice her anxiety he may play on it, her man will be the top dog in the house or should be , she will be pushed down to 3rd in line/ WHAT MORONS cut a dogs ears unless there used for fighting, i live in England and have seen the breed many time but they all have there ears, Only in AMERICA do the cut bull breeds ears and for 1 reason only for fighting . ADVICE no 1 the dog will be to strong for her . always make sure your the 1 that feeds him that way he knows your the food machine and he will respect that. like all the bull breeds and terriers you cannot just shower them with love and they will love you back, you have to be very firm with them its called tough love. IF he senses that you are frightened of him in any way you are lost . I have kept bull breeds Staffordshire bulls and English bulls and for the last 15 years PATTERDALE TERRIERS. the ultimate small terrier that are used in rural areas to go to ground for fox and badger and ultimate rat killers. but my dogs do none of that there trained tough love to be a family loving pets. I have young grand children who my dog buddy loves to pieces, i also have a bitch patterdal who has had 3 pup litters in her life she is 10 now and never put 1 paw wrong, only on 1-year-old buddy she ticks him off if to playfull and he takes it her respects her. SO ITS ALL ABOUT RESPECT if you get your dog to respect you you have a winner for life ,if you fail your in the shit , GOOD LOOK:shades::shades::shades::shades

---------- Post added at 11:28 ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 ----------


08-08-17, 11:49
If the pup notice her anxiety he may play on it, her man will be the top dog in the house or should be , she will be pushed down to 3rd in line/ WHAT MORONS cut a dogs ears unless there used for fighting, i live in England and have seen the breed many time but they all have there ears, Only in AMERICA do the cut bull breeds ears and for 1 reason only for fighting . ADVICE no 1 the dog will be to strong for her . always make sure your the 1 that feeds him that way he knows your the food machine and he will respect that. like all the bull breeds and terriers you cannot just shower them with love and they will love you back, you have to be very firm with them its called tough love. IF he senses that you are frightened of him in any way you are lost . I have kept bull breeds Staffordshire bulls and English bulls and for the last 15 years PATTERDALE TERRIERS. the ultimate small terrier that are used in rural areas to go to ground for fox and badger and ultimate rat killers. but my dogs do none of that there trained tough love to be a family loving pets. I have young grand children who my dog buddy loves to pieces, i also have a bitch patterdal who has had 3 pup litters in her life she is 10 now and never put 1 paw wrong, only on 1-year-old buddy she ticks him off if to playfull and he takes it her respects her. SO ITS ALL ABOUT RESPECT if you get your dog to respect you you have a winner for life ,if you fail your in the shit , GOOD LOOK:shades::shades::shades::shades

---------- Post added at 11:28 ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 ----------

[/COLOR]https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1575295322481038&set=pb.100000017568459.-2207520000.1502187993.&type=3&theaterExcellent post Braindead :yesyes: But even with 2 or more humans in the house they must be the leaders the dog(s) must be at the bottom of the pile even children at a certain age should be encouraged to help with the training and ALL must sing from the same hymn sheet :) Yeah quite agree with a dog in the house hold ticking off another dog love it and glad Buddy respects that :) !00% your last bit is ace If you get your dog to respect you have a winner for life so true and if you fail then you are in the Shite for deffo :eek: Thanks for your post Cheers

08-08-17, 12:13
There are also loads of resources on line to get you started with training and socialising. Start with the basic behaviours such as not eating food until you say, and walking to heel. Don't be afraid to teach him a few tricks as well. It keeps them interested (pups love learning) and it's fun to show off once in a while! We do an awesome play dead..

When it comes to socialising, expose him to lots of different environments, animals and people: men, women, children, high vis vests, cyclists, other dogs of all shapes and sizes, traffic, horses... you can find charts to help with all this which you tick off as you experience different things.

The main point is to start young. As a previous poster said, the window is quite small and after that it becomes more difficult to get them used to new things (not impossible though). We didn't get our hens until the dogs were older and they soon got used to them (they cuddle up together and nap in the sun). All depends on the approach you take and the breed of course. I don't think a terrier would find it easy to resist its natural urges around small animals and we'd probably end up with some serious casualties.

I stand by my initial advice most strongly - training classes! You'll love it, your dog will learn new things and meet other dogs and people. And you'll realise that everyone goes through the same issues.


08-08-17, 12:30
MY AVATAR IS BUDDY my 1 year old dog patterdale, with my grandchild LEXI hanging on his neck, HE knows she is the baby or pup when she is in our house and he stands guard over her like i told him. but secretly he loves her to bits so he his happy to take any shit she gives :yesyes:

---------- Post added at 12:30 ---------- Previous post was at 12:25 ----------

Excellent post Braindead :yesyes: But even with 2 or more humans in the house they must be the leaders the dog(s) must be at the bottom of the pile even children at a certain age should be encouraged to help with the training and ALL must sing from the same hymn sheet :) Yeah quite agree with a dog in the house hold ticking off another dog love it and glad Buddy respects that :) !00% your last bit is ace If you get your dog to respect you have a winner for life so true and if you fail then you are in the Shite for deffo :eek: Thanks for your post Cheers

08-08-17, 12:34
There are also loads of resources on line to get you started with training and socialising. Start with the basic behaviours such as not eating food until you say, and walking to heel. Don't be afraid to teach him a few tricks as well. It keeps them interested (pups love learning) and it's fun to show off once in a while! We do an awesome play dead..

When it comes to socialising, expose him to lots of different environments, animals and people: men, women, children, high vis vests, cyclists, other dogs of all shapes and sizes, traffic, horses... you can find charts to help with all this which you tick off as you experience different things.

The main point is to start young. As a previous poster said, the window is quite small and after that it becomes more difficult to get them used to new things (not impossible though). We didn't get our hens until the dogs were older and they soon got used to them (they cuddle up together and nap in the sun). All depends on the approach you take and the breed of course. I don't think a terrier would find it easy to resist its natural urges around small animals and we'd probably end up with some serious casualties.

I stand by my initial advice most strongly - training classes! You'll love it, your dog will learn new things and meet other dogs and people. And you'll realise that everyone goes through the same issues.

Pip Awesome post Pip :yesyes: WIth my terrier breed it was difficult to stop her chasing cats etc but I did perseve with it with a 'Leave It' command and it's payed off even off leash she will simply not bother with chasing cats and I used loads of high value treat to train her on this and its much easier and no effort off the dogs part to comply with the command and get something really tasty in return, it all about the association technique ;) Cheers

08-08-17, 12:59
Awesome post Pip :yesyes: WIth my terrier breed it was difficult to stop her chasing cats etc but I did perseve with it with a 'Leave It' command and it's payed off even off leash she will simply not bother with chasing cats and I used loads of high value treat to train her on this and its much easier and no effort off the dogs part to comply with the command and get something really tasty in return, it all about the association technique ;) Cheers

You've made an excellent point there - different value treats. We have the usual small kibble for everyday tasks and then chopped cheese or sausage for more difficult tasks, or to distract them in difficult situations like when we need to keep them away from other dogs that don't look friendly.

Training never stops in our house. The dogs are over 5 now but I still do recall training with them on every walk, and they still learn new tricks. One of ours discovered that he gets a lot of attention if he begs. He taught himself, we didn't!


08-08-17, 13:13
14938189_1322921407718432_6933960498885569778_n.jp g (file://FOXY-PC/Users/foxy/14938189_1322921407718432_6933960498885569778_n.jp g) No image showing Braindead no IMG tags!

---------- Post added at 13:13 ---------- Previous post was at 13:01 ----------

You've made an excellent point there - different value treats. We have the usual small kibble for everyday tasks and then chopped cheese or sausage for more difficult tasks, or to distract them in difficult situations like when we need to keep them away from other dogs that don't look friendly.

Training never stops in our house. The dogs are over 5 now but I still do recall training with them on every walk, and they still learn new tricks. One of ours discovered that he gets a lot of attention if he begs. He taught himself, we didn't!

Pip Thanks PIp ;) that's exactly what I do normal every day kibble for simple tasks and actually my dog doesn't get automatic treat for doing as I ask used to do I use other rewards like a cuddle or extra play time. Like you see these drug busts with the police dogs no food is ever used only a fav toy :) Other wise the become reliant on food as a reward!!

And yeah for more complex commands I step the value of the treat up!
I have noticed often my dog will pre-empt a command before I have even asked her lol, some times I go with it other times I gently say no and just simply issue the command I have asked for, but pre-empted behaviour is great (some times) when walking her and we get to a road junction she will automatically sit which is cool I will look left and right she looks at me for carry on I will either say this or simply click my finger and point its so amazing ahh :)
Yeah that's cool always keep the training topped up!! So how many have you got and what breeds? Cheers

08-08-17, 14:37
Thank you all for your kind and helpful responses. I can't say enough how much I appreciate this forum and the lovely souls on here. :)

I'm feeling a bit better. Yesterday we went to the vet and he did really well. The vet gave us the OK to socialize with dogs that we know for sure are vaccinated and only in controlled areas (no areas where other dogs could be pooping) so in about a week or so we are having a play date with my friend's mini schnauzer. We're also having a "meet Maui" day at the house in a few weeks (waiting for his ears to heal) so that my nieces and nephews can come and play with him. The vet also referred us to a trainer that I will be reaching out to in a few days.

My anxiety is manageable today and right now my concern is that we will be changing routines in 2 weeks because I work in a school and my schedule changes when school starts so we will have to adjust him to that new schedule but I'm sure he will be fine. At the moment we are feeding him three times a day but in two weeks or so we will be working on switching him to two feedings a day. We're trying to feed him three times a day for as long as possible.

08-08-17, 16:52
Thank you all for your kind and helpful responses. I can't say enough how much I appreciate this forum and the lovely souls on here. :)

I'm feeling a bit better. Yesterday we went to the vet and he did really well. The vet gave us the OK to socialize with dogs that we know for sure are vaccinated and only in controlled areas (no areas where other dogs could be pooping) so in about a week or so we are having a play date with my friend's mini schnauzer. We're also having a "meet Maui" day at the house in a few weeks (waiting for his ears to heal) so that my nieces and nephews can come and play with him. The vet also referred us to a trainer that I will be reaching out to in a few days.

My anxiety is manageable today and right now my concern is that we will be changing routines in 2 weeks because I work in a school and my schedule changes when school starts so we will have to adjust him to that new schedule but I'm sure he will be fine. At the moment we are feeding him three times a day but in two weeks or so we will be working on switching him to two feedings a day. We're trying to feed him three times a day for as long as possible.

what happens to the pup while your at work ??????????

08-08-17, 16:57
All sounds positive. I agree with previous posters about the ears though. What's all that about? I can't see any reasonable justification to do that. Like tail docking. Anyway, it wasn't you who did it and I'm sure you'll look after him well as they heal.

We do two meals a day. Some people do one which is supposed to mimic their behaviour in the wild (hunting). We just find that we can time the two meals with ours (we eat first) and it's easier.

Our dogs go everywhere with us and getting them used to sitting quietly in pubs and restaurants is really important. When you get to that stage, come back and ask for some tips. I tried every trick in the book to distract them when they were pups. Now, they just lie on our feet, only occasionally perking up if food makes an appearance!

Definitely listen to people who know the terrier breeds. I have no experience of them and whilst many things are applicable to all dogs, breed-specific info is great. There are always some good Facebook groups where you can ask questions and also help others.

You're going to be just fine. As I type, we've just got back from a day on the beach with our two hounds. They're exhausted and have gone straight to sleep, snoring loudly. Dogs are a real joy and your beastie will soon be an invaluable member of the family.

Pip x

08-08-17, 20:12
what happens to the pup while your at work ??????????

We are crate training him until he is trained enough to be loose without someone keeping an eye on him. He hangs out in his doggy den. :)

According to my camera he basically sleeps most of the day or plays with his toys.

---------- Post added at 15:12 ---------- Previous post was at 15:07 ----------

All sounds positive. I agree with previous posters about the ears though. What's all that about? I can't see any reasonable justification to do that. Like tail docking. Anyway, it wasn't you who did it and I'm sure you'll look after him well as they heal.

We do two meals a day. Some people do one which is supposed to mimic their behaviour in the wild (hunting). We just find that we can time the two meals with ours (we eat first) and it's easier.

Our dogs go everywhere with us and getting them used to sitting quietly in pubs and restaurants is really important. When you get to that stage, come back and ask for some tips. I tried every trick in the book to distract them when they were pups. Now, they just lie on our feet, only occasionally perking up if food makes an appearance!

Definitely listen to people who know the terrier breeds. I have no experience of them and whilst many things are applicable to all dogs, breed-specific info is great. There are always some good Facebook groups where you can ask questions and also help others.

You're going to be just fine. As I type, we've just got back from a day on the beach with our two hounds. They're exhausted and have gone straight to sleep, snoring loudly. Dogs are a real joy and your beastie will soon be an invaluable member of the family.

Pip x

Thank you for your reply Pip! I'm not thrilled about the ears. The breeder had already had it done to the entire litter. If he were in my hands at the time it would have definitely not happened. We hadn't left a deposit yet so we didn't really have a say in the matter until it was too late. At that point I didn't want to not take him because of the breeder. I'm just glad he's with me now so I can care for his ears during recovery. :(

The good thing about the bully is that he is a very good companion dog! They love people and tend to be big babies. They were crossbred so that they could have the aesthetics of the terrier but have a docile temperament. Which I can already see as a small pup.

08-08-17, 20:27
It Does sound very positive Pip :) Sadly the ear thing to me and many other bull breeds and owners is abhorrent Grrr makes me mad. In the Uk it is now banned and is illegal as is tail cropping and rightly so unless it's for medical reasons very sad. Moving on Ahh what was the breeder like did you see both parents of the pup and how old was the pup? 8 weeks old or a bit more is not a problem any younger than that I wouldn't have bought the pup.

As for the trainer fantastic as is the other things you have planned :) Word of advice and I would say this regarding any breed, any children around always supervise and make sure any children yours or friends respect the dogs space etc don't allow them to annoy the dog etc they are tolerant breed but that doesn't mean they can be pushed either. the bully breeds get a bad enough name as it is they are loyal, loving and obedient too Respect is paramount though they can be very pig headed and strong willed so need firm but fair training a need to know the boundaries too. One good way of training is N.I.L.I.F
(Nothing In Life Is Free) and it means exactly that so a couple of examples are feeding time you provide the food (domesticated dogs don't need to hunt for food any more) Put the bowl on the floor get him to sit he should look at you for a few seconds then say go on or any other command word you choose but before he is told his food is his food you go to the bowl and put your hand in his bowl and pick a bit of food out and pretend to eat it ( it may sound daft but it isn't) then put it back in the bowl then it's his this will prevent any food guarding which you don't want and keep this up day after day he will associate you are bearer of good things I still does this with dog who is over years old and she has never growled at me as I am her leader. I have been to other peoples houses and you only have to walk past their dogs and you get growled out it's called resource guarding and is NOT to be tolerated atall so it's preventable by what I have said :)

Another example is getting on the furniture even if it is allowed its again on your terms again using the N.I.L.I.F method. Type in Google dogs+nilf there's a whole host of things it will cover And it a kind way and fair way to teach your new pup Edit: Actually wether it's a mixed bully or full bully (like mine is) many are bred for a good tempremant Good luck Cheers

13-08-17, 16:57
Hi DREAMER05 How are you getting along with your pup? Are things still going great? A update would be nice too :) Cheers

15-01-18, 19:33
Hi everyone,

I don't know if this message will reach anyone but I just want to say thank you all so much for having this thread. I got a new puppy 1.5 months ago and for the first 3 weeks I was so depressed and anxious all the time. I thought I was going crazy and was gonna return the puppy to the breeder until I googled and found many people with the same problem.

I found this thread and read it every single day and all the nice comments filled with encouragement, as well as the updates, have helped me tremendously. It got a lot better for me and I am stress-free now. Still feeling overwhelmed but now I know I can do this.

Again, I want to thank everyone on here for sharing your stories and giving your support. You all are wonderful.

16-01-18, 01:44
Hi everyone,

I don't know if this message will reach anyone but I just want to say thank you all so much for having this thread. I got a new puppy 1.5 months ago and for the first 3 weeks I was so depressed and anxious all the time. I thought I was going crazy and was gonna return the puppy to the breeder until I googled and found many people with the same problem.

I found this thread and read it every single day and all the nice comments filled with encouragement, as well as the updates, have helped me tremendously. It got a lot better for me and I am stress-free now. Still feeling overwhelmed but now I know I can do this.

Again, I want to thank everyone on here for sharing your stories and giving your support. You all are wonderful.

That's good to here! :yesyes::yahoo:

Enjoy your loving pet. They are great help with mental health conditions so now you are getting through the initial problems from the anxiety that will start for you. :woof

16-11-22, 11:53
Resurrecting this thread because I am experiencing a surge in anxiety even though, as puppies go, my girlie is really good.

I think there are numerous factors here. One being that although we had the, 'this has to be a team effort' talk before we got her, but it's only me who is doing the work. So, this morning I had a little moment where I threatened Batty Boy with divorce if he doesn't pull his finger out..

Another issue, I think, is that I have had rescue dogs with really bad separation anxiety. (I'm talking holes in doors, and she was only small terrier!) and I think I am scared of something going wrong, or my pooch picking up on this anxiety.

I've only had one puppy before, and I had help with her because I lived with my in-laws. And that was 36 years ago. Reading through some of these posts, it seems to be a common occurrence of an increase in anxiety.

Girlie is having her first shots today and being chipped so Batty Boy can hold her through that (as penance), but the vets have just left a message to say that my recently deceased Girlie's ashes are ready for collection today. I'd say something about it being the easiest car ride regards my lurcher (she wasn't happy in the car, ever) but it's probably too soon..:unsure:

Aside the anxiety, there are moments where Pup Girlie nuzzles into me or falls asleep in my lap, and I can see the friend she will become and how, in time, she will help me with my MH issues. I know the next few months will be tough going, but this pooch has a clean slate and it's down to us to put the work in, so I'm happy to stand out in the rain at 5am while she takes a dump, and I am committed. I just need to try and relax into it a bit more and stop thinking that things will go wrong all the time..

Any advice will be most welcome.

Meanwhile, here she is. (Hopefully I've done this right and you can see her)

Cop a load of this cuteness! (And no, you can't have her!)

16-11-22, 12:39
She's going to be your "project" at the end of the day..despite the team effort pledge but you are a committed and knowledgeable dog owner and this little girlie is going to be well worth the initial hard work because she will reward you once the "new baby" days have passed and she is an established member of the Batty household..

Have confidence in yourself despite the "what have I done?" intrusive thoughts? Take things slowly and steadily and don't expect too much from her..It's very early days and she's going to have accidents and mishaps.You'll forget about them.

She's absolutely adorable and lucky to have found you..It's going to be ok. Your much missed pooch would approve...:hugs:

16-11-22, 13:39
Have confidence in yourself despite the "what have I done?" intrusive thoughts? Take things slowly and steadily and don't expect too much from her..It's very early days and she's going to have accidents and mishaps.You'll forget about them.

Accidents don't bother me, P. (My first girlie never managed to be completely clean in the house due to her separation anxiety).

Whippet Girlie had a few accidents on the day we brought her home, and that's it. Since then, she's performed outside or on the training pads. Mind you, I literally take her out after every drink, meal, sleep and play - regardless of the weather..

No jabs today. Mr Batty has let me down and it's next week now. I couldn't take her by myself because I've nothing to transport her in. I don't want to use the crate because I don't want her to have any bad associations with it as it's where she sleeps. (Frustrating because it pushed everything back by a week).

Tried the collar on her first time today. She wasn't much at first but a few treats later and she didn't mind it. (A few more days of this, then I'll introduce the lead).

A funny thing happened the other day..

I'd been trying to find a tuft of the lurcher's undercoat. She used to leave them everywhere. They were beautiful and soft. I couldn't find one, despite getting down on my hands and knees. But Whippet Girlie found one and dropped it by my feet!! :ohmy:

Your much missed pooch would approve...:hugs:

I think she would too, P.

16-11-22, 14:16
Congrats on the new puppy! There are challenges for sure with a new fur baby but ultimately, its all worth it. While I'm not even close to ready to get a kitten, my wife and I talked about and when the time and my heart are right, we'll do it :)


16-11-22, 15:03
Oh she’s a beauty! My sister has a whippet that was almost identical when he was a pup.

I think that begrudging anyone who doesn’t help you with something hard is very common. I hope you get some help soon, but also as you probably won’t, I hope that it all gets a bit better soon.

16-11-22, 15:17
Congrats on the new puppy! There are challenges for sure with a new fur baby but ultimately, its all worth it. While I'm not even close to ready to get a kitten, my wife and I talked about and when the time and my heart are right, we'll do it :)


I wasn't ready, or so I thought. But I couldn't stop crying. I was struggling with depression before my pooch died and losing her was too much for me to handle. My thoughts were so much darker, and I think my husband thought that getting one sooner rather than later would help me. This little girl won't ever replace my old pooch. This is a new chapter with a new pooch. She's loving me back to life. I just want, so much, to get this right with her because, even if this isn't my last dog, this will most likely be my last puppy.

As hard as it is now, I know there will come a day where I will be snoozing on the sofa with her after a lovely stroll through the woods..:yesyes:

16-11-22, 15:19
Oh she’s a beauty! My sister has a whippet that was almost identical when he was a pup.

I think she's a blue whippet? She's got lovely blue eyes too. (I'm smitten)

16-11-22, 16:27
Oh Nora, she's adorable!

I wonder at times if I have a trauma bond with my current boy. He had a very rough start to life, so even though I got him at eight weeks old, he has struggled with severe anxiety, reactivity, and even aggression from the outset. I was expecting an uptick in anxiety when I brought him home, but due to his issues it skyrocketed. He's eight years old now and better, though we still have rough days and lots of management, and I'm pretty sure I'll need a good dose of therapy before I get another dog after him because I feel like I'll be constantly looking for "signs" that any new dog is going to display the same issues. It really is exhausting, 24/7, with him but yet I got to a point where I couldn't imagine not having him in my life, so that's hard too.

Anyway, enough about me. I'm sure once you find your routine it will go very well, but be sure to take time for yourself while you are both getting settled in. And take lots of pictures! My depression was so bad when Chisum was a puppy I have hardly any puppy pictures of him, and that's kind of a bummer.

17-11-22, 06:04
She is beautiful Nora!

I would say, just give it time and keep reassuring yourself you've done the right thing. You can do this and it'll be worth the initial hard work.

17-11-22, 06:39
He had a very rough start to life, so even though I got him at eight weeks old, he has struggled with severe anxiety, reactivity, and even aggression from the outset. I was expecting an uptick in anxiety when I brought him home, but due to his issues it skyrocketed. He's eight years old now and better, though we still have rough days and lots of management, and I'm pretty sure I'll need a good dose of therapy before I get another dog after him because I feel like I'll be constantly looking for "signs" that any new dog is going to display the same issues. It really is exhausting, 24/7, with him but yet I got to a point where I couldn't imagine not having him in my life, so that's hard too.

Those first weeks of a puppy's life are critical. I had my first dog at 8 weeks, but she had been abandoned in a box (with her siblings) on a moor in the middle of winter. Her anxiety was orbital and remained so all her life.

And take lots of pictures! My depression was so bad when Chisum was a puppy I have hardly any puppy pictures of him, and that's kind of a bummer.

I'm taking loads so prepare for puppy spam!

P,S, I love the name, Chisum. (Who was the John Wayne fan?)

17-11-22, 06:42
She is beautiful Nora!

I would say, just give it time and keep reassuring yourself you've done the right thing. You can do this and it'll be worth the initial hard work.

Thanks Catkins.

Mr Batty looks after her from 8pm when I go to bed. I came down this morning and she'd done a wee on the training pad last night. On one hand, it's good because she knows where to go. (Clever girlie). On the other, it means that he either wasn't watching her for the 'tells' or he couldn't be arsed to go and stand outside. So, I will be having words..:lac:

17-11-22, 15:00
Those first weeks of a puppy's life are critical. I had my first dog at 8 weeks, but she had been abandoned in a box (with her siblings) on a moor in the middle of winter. Her anxiety was orbital and remained so all her life.

They really are. His rescue seems to push the "love can cure all" narrative, and I think they maybe thought too with him being young he'd be fine. Unfortunately, he was born to a hoarder into a very stressful environment and came from a long line of dogs with behavioral issues to boot. The poor guy never really had a chance. He has come a long way, it's just been a hard road. I've had some very lovely rescue dogs, but I'm not sure if my next one will be or not. I'll definitely be putting a lot of thought into it and going into it very carefully, I'm not sure how well I could cope with serious behavioral problems again. It just takes so much.

I'm taking loads so prepare for puppy spam!

P,S, I love the name, Chisum. (Who was the John Wayne fan?)

Looking forward to the puppy spam! Whippets are such cute dogs! :)

I got Chisum right after I graduated from college; it was a hard time for me for a few reasons and my mom suggested I get a pup. I was still living at home at the time, starting my first job, and my (twin) brother was also living at home going to grad school. Neither he nor my father were thrilled about my getting a puppy, so my mom suggested giving him a name they would like - so Chisum it was. My dad especially is a pretty big John Wayne fan, though I don't think he would have liked him much as an actual person, he has a small ranch and loves the cowboy vibe.

I like the name because it's certainly unique! Even though I've never liked the actual movie. :roflmao:

Does your girl have a name yet? It can be such a hard thing finding the perfect thing that fits.

18-11-22, 06:53
I've had some very lovely rescue dogs, but I'm not sure if my next one will be or not. I'll definitely be putting a lot of thought into it and going into it very carefully, I'm not sure how well I could cope with serious behavioral problems again. It just takes so much.

Aside Whippet Girly, all my other dogs were rescue, but I had youth and health on my side to cope with their issues. We did look at rescue dogs this time, but we came across the same issue as before we had our lurcher. My son was 2 and most centres refused to let us adopt, so our girl was a private sale, but she was in such a poor state (underweight, fleas, unsocialised, and still in a chewed-up puppy basket as an adult) that I have always considered her a rescue. Then I developed fibromyalgia and along with that, depression. This time the rescue places wouldn't let us adopt because we have young grandchildren. I understand why these rules are in place, but it is frustrating. Also, this time it's a case of the dog rescuing me. Training her is keeping me busy and lifting my mood. I haven't had one single dark thought since we picked her up on Sunday. She has no anxiety issues, she's really chilled when she isn't killing her chew toys, and I spend hours with her curled up in my lap..

I left her for an hour yesterday. I went out to the shops. She was in her crate, Classic FM on, camera on - and she just snoozed. She was still zonked two hours after I came back. :yesyes:

I got Chisum right after I graduated from college; it was a hard time for me for a few reasons and my mom suggested I get a pup. I was still living at home at the time, starting my first job, and my (twin) brother was also living at home going to grad school. Neither he nor my father were thrilled about my getting a puppy, so my mom suggested giving him a name they would like - so Chisum it was. My dad especially is a pretty big John Wayne fan, though I don't think he would have liked him much as an actual person, he has a small ranch and loves the cowboy vibe.

Mr Batty tries to act all manly and tough, but I caught him taking a selfie with the pup yesterday. :roflmao:

18-11-22, 08:32
I'm so pleased that she's already working her puppy magic on you..and softening up Mr B!! She sounds as if she's going to be the perfect companion for you!

18-11-22, 11:58
I'm so pleased that she's already working her puppy magic on you..and softening up Mr B!! She sounds as if she's going to be the perfect companion for you!

Little bugger has run me ragged this morning. Fifteen mins of tug on the floor and my sciatica is back.

I managed to escape to Starbucks for a hot chocolate this morning. (I sat there with the Ring camera app open). :whistles:

Aside the first night, she's been clean in her crate at night. (I've obviously jinxed myself now) :roflmao:

20-11-22, 12:34

Pooch had her second trip in the car today. This was her approximately half an hour before my son pipes up from the back of the car, 'Mum, there's a situation here'. (Vomiting)

My lad doesn't do bodily fluids, so we had to pull over and change seats. Pooch doesn't seem anxious in the car (as you can see from the pic), but she vommed on the first journey too, so I'm thinking car sickness?

I left it a good hour and a half after feeding her before we went out. (Even so, BLEUGH!)

Any tips?

21-11-22, 06:34
My dog just seemed to grow out of it. She did it when she was very little but then it stopped on its own.

Sorry that isn't much help.

21-11-22, 09:36
My dog just seemed to grow out of it. She did it when she was very little but then it stopped on its own.

Sorry that isn't much help.

Not at all. It gives me hope lol

We really want to be able to take this dog most everywhere with us - something that we were unable to do with our old girl due to her anxiety..

25-11-22, 07:29
Third trip in the pap-pap and pooch no likey.

Trip one (threw up)
Trip two (threw up)
Trip three (I ended up holding her on the back seat (she was clipped into the seat belt), and she was instantly calmer and quietened down, but she had a little puke when we got home.

I'm hoping this is puppy stuff and she'll outgrow this car sickness because the plan is to take her to most places (Something that we couldn't do with our old girl due to her anxiety).

I will try her in her travel crate today. The booster seat we got her is a no-no (£30 up the shitter) as she refuses to stay in it and cries in-between voms.

Can't use food treats because there is obviously car sickness going on, so that'll make matters worse. (I'm using toys instead).

I should add that the car journeys at the moment are really short ones, but this is leading up to a 120-mile round trip on Boxing Day. :scared15:

Give me your tips, people. :yesyes:

25-11-22, 08:34
Have you ever tried Zylkene ? Is there a specific anti-emetic for puppies with car sickness?

26-11-22, 08:24
Have you ever tried Zylkene ? Is there a specific anti-emetic for puppies with car sickness?

That might be option going forwards, however, we had some success yesterday...

So, poocheroo doesn't like the travel crate either. She made an awful racket, and was not happy at all, so I got her out and clipped her harness into the seatbelt on the middle seat. She was lay next to me on a blanket and she shut up straight away. In fact, she was really chilled. (She dozed off at one point).

We got home and I'd just got out of the car when I heard her making those pre-vom noises, so I just held her over a pothole while she was sick.:yesyes:

Seems like she's one of those hounds who like to be on the back seat? (Mind you, she also likes the sofa).

We will try her again today to make sure it wasn't a fluke and regards the car sickness, we will see how she goes. She's only a puppy so she could outgrow it. (Vet won't give her anything yet).

28-11-22, 15:17
I really wanted my boy to ride in a crate in the car too, but he hated it so I had to get him a seatbelt instead. He does pretty well with the belt, thankfully, though it requires a lot of tossing treats from the front on my part. :wacko:

She may grow out if it with a bit of time.

29-11-22, 07:48
I really wanted my boy to ride in a crate in the car too, but he hated it so I had to get him a seatbelt instead. He does pretty well with the belt, thankfully, though it requires a lot of tossing treats from the front on my part. :wacko:

She may grow out if it with a bit of time.

She definitely prefers to be on the backseat. (Clipped into the seatbelt, obvs).

No pukes yesterday too! :yesyes: