View Full Version : New here

10-08-08, 03:24
Hi, I just joined the other day. I have had panic and anxiety for just over 6 years now. I am 30 years old. My disorder ranges from severe where I become agoraphobic to mild where I can do my normal day-to-day things and even manage to enjoy life. At this point, it is fairly severe. I went off Prozac just over 2 months ago after 5 months of being on it. This was due to side effects that weren't overwhelming but still unpleasant. As I have been on SSRI's for the better part of 12 years and I was feeling much better anxiety wise, I decided to wean off. So I was fine for the first month and was excited because I started to feel like the adventurous person I had felt like before I got the anxiety. Eventually though, I became extremely anxious again and then last week, I had a full blown attack which I have not had in ages. Then I missed 2 days of work due to anxiety and I decided to go back on the Prozac. I am still very anxious and close to housebound again. Today I took my dog for a walk and felt totally fine and then ended up having a massive panic attack from out of nowhere. I can usually feel my attacks coming on, so this was truly awful for me! It was like 6 years ago when I first started getting attacks. I am a registered nurse by profession and I work on an acute psych ward- ironic, I know. However, due to my illness, I have great empathy for my patients, whatever their illness, and I think it makes me a better nurse. I love my work and have not worked in just over 2 weeks now. I have also cancelled my upcoming 2 shifts as I am too chronically anxious to deal with the stress. I am a bit worried that I won't have a job, but then again, my manager was very cool about the whole thing during my last relapse in January- I just told him the truth and he was great.
I feel scared at times that I will never overcome this and be the person I want to be. People give great advice and I do listen but my symptoms are so overwhelmingly physical and after an attack I feel as though I have run a marathon. Generally speaking, it is chronic anxiety I deal with- as I said, I hadn't had full blown attacks for a long time until recently. I have severe worries about my heart- I get the pains, the palpitations and all that stuff that comes with the territory. Had all the tests, numerous times and been told I have nothing to worry about, but worry I do :)
Anyways, sorry for the long rant. Thanks for reading!

10-08-08, 04:04
Hi there

I've also just joined and introduced myself here. Are you feeling anxious tonight? I'm feeling awful, really tied up inside and unable to relax my mind at all.

I also used to get very scared about palpitations and my heart. I think it helps to know exactly what is going on when you start to panic - I'm sure you've learnt about the effects of adrenaline and when your body thinks there is something to fear. I have now come to understand this and that has taken away the fear relating to my heart beating faster because I know exactly why this is happening - so I know it isn't a heart attack.

Hope you're ok.

10-08-08, 05:20
Welcome. I too have health anxiety and despite having tests etc it really is hard not to worry, this forum is an excellent place for support, advice etc. I hope you find it as helpful as I have.

10-08-08, 10:15
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here. You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. Keep posting and we will help as much as we can

take care.


10-08-08, 12:18
Hi Nursey4,:)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

I also find that the symptoms of anxiety & panic can be so overwhelming, but reading the experiences of others on here has helped me a lot. It is so good to know that there are other people that can really understand what you're going through.

All the best xx :bighug1:

10-08-08, 12:30
hi nursey ..welcome2 NMP

I have severe anxiety at the moment aswell I hae had a relapse and Im off work which I worry about as dont want 2 loose my job .

I have suffered like you over many years but this tym its made me very agoraphobic .
There is lots of help and advice on here ..I just have 2 learn how 2 put it in 2 practice

Take care hun
Titch xxx

11-08-08, 12:18
Hello Nursey4 And Welcome To The Site, I Wish Ya Well, Linda

11-08-08, 19:46
Hi Nursey4,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support. Glad you are here.

Take care,


11-08-08, 21:53
Hi Nursey

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

12-08-08, 21:41
Hi nursey4
I'm new here also. I am also 30 years old. Just joined today. I also have severe panic attacks. I haven't been able to work for two years. Agoraphobia and all that. I never knew so many people suffer from this disorder. But I think this is a good place to talk to supportive people. I am glad we found this site.


12-08-08, 22:20
Hi hun, :D:hugs:

:welcome: to the site,

there are lots of nice people here who will help and support you



13-08-08, 01:40
Thanks for all the replies :)
This seems like a great site so far and I even recognize names of some people who I chatted online with years ago when I first got anxiety!
Looking forward to supporting each other through recovery~

milly jones
13-08-08, 20:56
Hi hun

a warm nmp welcome to u

hope that u gain as much support and help here as i do

love milly xxxx