View Full Version : Brand new here - at nearly 4am!

10-08-08, 04:01
Hello all

I'm 24 years old and have suffered with anxiety for the last 6 years. It started with panic attacks when I was travelling on my gap year and has developed over the years into a more generalized anxiety. I still have the occasional panic but never as full blown as the first ones - I have learned to prevent this with breathing and distraction techniques now. I've had CBT on and off and found it very helpful, however it hasn't been able to completely nip this problem in the bud. My anxiety creeps back up as soon as I have something stressful going on. The first symptom is always my stomach - my digestion goes out the window and I have to rush to the loo lots, feel extremely nauseous and or be sick, and lose appetite / ability to eat. When the anxiety subsides I get this flood of emotion - as if I have just got the old me back - and I want to call my other half and tell him I love him or I want to do something creative. This is an upside but it makes me sad as it reminds me what that the anxiety smothers these feelings and my personality :weep:

I went on Citalopram for a year and came off it one year ago. It really helped me through a difficult time. However I put on two stone and it affected my sex drive so I was really keen to come off as soon as possible. It has taken me a year to lose this weight again and it has been difficult!

I am currently considering going on Escitalopram though. My GP has prescribed it and I have been carrying the prescription around in my bag for the last 3/4 weeks. I feel really reluctant to go back on an AD but I think I might have to. I've been feeling more and more anxious recently, and here I am at 4am posting on this forum because I can't sleep because of my anxiety and I just feel terrible.

Off to read forums about Escitalopram. Nice to meet you all and hope I'll be able to offer others support / advice.

10-08-08, 05:23
Welcome. I have no experience with that prescription but I am sure you will find others that have. I gained weight and lost my sex drive while on Paxil and no how awful it can be. But sometimes it is necessary just to be able to lead a normal or somewhat normal life.
I hope you find this forum as helpful as I have and also hope you get some sleep!! Its only 12:30am here but I should be in bed as well as I have two little ones that will be waking me up early! LOL

10-08-08, 10:12
Hiya Miss :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here. You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
I remember before i first joined NMP I was a lot like you, Not being able to sleep and when i did fall asleep through sheer exhaustion i would wake again at about 5am haveing an anxiety attack and struggleing to breath.
With in a few months this place had me sleeping through the night and helped me to take control of my thinking. Just reading other ppls posts and talking to other members in the chat room was such a help to me.
I hope we can help you to so keep posting and we will help as much as we can

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


10-08-08, 12:42
Thanks for your messages guys.
It is really bad at the moment and I didn't sleep at all last night. Ended up coming downstairs to watch early morning Olympics so I didn't wake my other half!

Seriously considering Escitalopram today. I just keep thinking what if I never get over this and have to keep relying on ADs all my life? That thought is so depressing. Also read some other posts saying that people with anxiety disorders really struggle being a parent - and this scares me as I'd love to have kids one day but what if it causes anxiety and makes me a crap parent?

As I said, feeling particularly bad this weekend. I have noticed that I tend to feel worse on weekends - which is wierd. But then it kind of makes sense because I am more likely to have a glass of wine or two on the weekend and that effects my mood. I am also out of my weekly routine, tend to get up late and that affects my sleep the next night.

Also having to do long distance with my partner at the moment and we are only seeing each other on weekends. Hence find myself relaly up and down as when I see him im really happy but then it flies by and he has to go again. He has to go back today and it makes me feel so looooooooowwwwwww :weep:

Sorry for the major lowness and crapness especially as I am new, I just feel so rubbishy at the moment. Thanks for the support guys.

11-08-08, 12:16
Hello Miss And Welcome To The Site, I Wish Ya Well, Linda

11-08-08, 19:44
Hi Miss A,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support. Glad you are here.

Take care,


11-08-08, 21:53
Hi Missanxious

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

milly jones
13-08-08, 21:35
Hi hun

a warm nmp welcome to u

hope that u gain as much support and help here as i do

love milly xxxx