View Full Version : Numbness sensation

10-08-08, 14:29
For the last 4 or 5 weeks ive been getting numbness in the right side of my face, and sometimes my hand. Sorry but its hard to describe as its not totally numb because if i touch it i can feel it, but its like a numbish sensation. Its been really stressing me out even more than usual.
Has anyone else had same?

Granny Primark
10-08-08, 14:50
Yes lesley ive suffered with numbness in my face and hands for the last 3 years. I also get a tingling sensation.
When it first happened we were on our way to a garden centre which was out of my safety area and I was particularly anxious about going.
I was told its due to stress and not breathing correctly. This was told to me by a close friend.
Go and have a chat to your gp or nurse about it.
Let me know how you go on.
Lots of love

10-08-08, 14:54
Thanks Lynn
Im relieved your ok hun. But iits the old story im reading more into it than there probably is....worried in case im going to have a stroke or something worse.
I will check it out with gp on my day off.

10-08-08, 17:03
Hi Lesleya I have had this for many years now and comes and goes always on the left though, numb but not quite numb. I have been to the doctors and Neuro and they say nothing to worry about.

If it is still bothering go to the doctors for peace of mind.

Take care.

10-08-08, 19:02
Hi Turnthelighton
Im going to make an appointment when im off work on wednesday to see what gp says and hopefully its just anxiety again. It seems worse when i get really hot and i panic and settles down a little when i calm down and cool down a little, its weird though isnt it, it was really freaking me out.
Thanks x

10-08-08, 19:11
Could also be migraine , but I very much doubt it is anything harmful. Stress can show itself in many ways this is just one of them. My advice is if they are short lived and pass soon give it as little attention as you can , the more thought you give it the worse it may get in that circle of anxiety.
If you need reassurance then go and see your GP after all that is a GP’s job to look after your mental and physical health.
All the best gel.

11-08-08, 00:08
I get migraines but just the flashing lights and headache. I will see what my gp says when i go during the week.
Thanks Gel