View Full Version : Advice Needed

10-08-08, 15:51
hey everyone, i have been feeling so down lately and this is mainly down to work, i work at a cinema and i hate it there so much, i literally dread going in. i am so unhappy there, i have tried looking for another job but i can't seem to get anything. i dont know much longer i can cope with it, it driving me mad. i might be in trouble as well coz over my last 4 shifts i have been £10 down on my till 3 times so im really worried about that. i don't know what to do anymore, i am losing motivation to even do anything else. any advice?
Please reply
Luv Louise

10-08-08, 17:39
Do you think just taking a week off and going on holiday might help? Doesn't have to be expensive, just go to the countryside/seaside for a few days with a mate. Is it possible to speak to your manager about a temporary change in shift or hours? go part time for a couple of months?

10-08-08, 19:27
Aw hun i know just how your feeling.
Ive been off sick for 4 weeks and im due back tomorrow and i do not want to go its making me feel ill at the thought.
Ive definetly decided a change of job is needed as i cant face the thought of staying there indefinetly.
I like the people i work with but the travelling and the job is just not worth the way its affecting my health.
Keep looking in the job centre (i look at 'job centre plus' and 'work train' on the ineternet) im sure something will turn up, and like kendo says have a word with your manager maybe he can help if you tell him how your feeling.
I wish you all the luck.
Take care
:hugs: :hugs: