View Full Version : How does it affect your life?

10-08-08, 17:06
Hi everyone,

I was just wondering how your anxiety affects your life?

I have been really poorly since having my daughter 19 months ago and at the begining it was more mental symptoms very low etc so I kept going and was diagnosed with post natal depression it just got worse and worse and is now showing itself in LOADS of physical symptoms which resticts my life.

My mum has to have my daughter a lot although I do make sure I spend most days with her, I cant work and we dont really go out very much (only local places etc..)
I was diagnosed with C.F.S by a GP at the C.F.S clinic but my therapist and myself think the physical symptoms could well be all the anxiety.


10-08-08, 17:11
In too many ways!

10-08-08, 17:27
I try not to let it affect my life. It's like if I had a bruise or something--it's there, and it hurts, but I try to ignore it and go on with my daily life as best as I can.

10-08-08, 17:31
18 months ago I was a confident, outgoing bloke, with a good social life, a well-paid career, a son I thought the world of, and planning a wedding to my partner. I thought I had it all.

One breakdown later.

Today, I'm out of work, savings dried up, facing losing the house, my son refuses all contact with me, my partner & I are snapping & bickering every day, and I can barely face going outside the front door, or be bothered to wash. The meds make me tired/forgetful/confused/clumsy and lost sex-drive. Most days I just sit and stare into space, brooding over events of the last year, unable to understand any of it, barely able to hold back the tears, unable to cope with anything, wondering what the point of life is.

Yeah - you could say it's affected my life.

10-08-08, 18:01
well its had affetct on me on a bad n gd teh bad iz wen i get ill now i get parinod but the gd way its made me a stronger person

10-08-08, 18:10
it greatly affects my life. i dont sleep properly, so i am tired a lot. i am nervous about what i eat in case it sets off my ibs, i push people away as i dont want them to be with me when i am having a bad day and other times i am clingy as i dont want to be alone. it affects my day to day routine, sometimes when i have my day planned it is changed because of my anxiety, i.e sometimes i dont feel able to drive, other days i dont feel able to go out. sometimes i am not up to doing my housework or cooking, and instead stay in bed or in front of tv with usually a hot water bottle on my tummy for my ibs symptoms. sometimes i drink too much to be able to sleep or relax then have horrendous hangovers the next day. it affects me a great deal unfortunately :(

The Fool
10-08-08, 18:12
well it afected my life but now im on top of it and im hopeing im better but if i tell you how it affected me you will be reading all year plus i havent ever actually told people like everything so you no id rather not.

10-08-08, 19:35
Thanks for replying everyone :hugs:

10-08-08, 22:24
Anxiety affects my life in more ways than I can count. I can't make plans as I know that I will probably have to cancel at the last minute. I can't go beyond my front door sometimes in case the panic hits me. If I do go out shopping I have to sit down every few yards in order to control my hyperventilation. I hate being like this.

So yes, anxiety has affected my life badly.

10-08-08, 23:05
It affects me from the moment i wake to the moment i try to sleep.My life is one of making up excuses for not doing things to feeling like i am living a lie.I hate taking the meds cos they make me sick...and they dont seem to do me much good anyway.I am ashamed of the way i feel...to me it is a weakness.I am not at work.Last week i had to go to department doctor for check up...the nurse that was in there is a woman that i have known for many years.I was so ashamed telling the doctor of my illness with the nurse sitting at my left shoulder.I didnt expect the nurse to be from the same town.I felt so down afterwards that i went and drank way too much.I had the worst hangover that i ever had in my life and thought i was going crazy.It was like one long panic attack the next day.All i can say is that it feels like a living hell.I often wonder where the person i once was is now...I dont think i will ever find that person again.I wish everyone all the best.

10-08-08, 23:24
hiya ..anxiety rules my life at the mo not just affects it ......every min of every day is based around my anx and its drivin me crazy ......in my youth I was out wiv m8s all tym havin a laff and hadnt a care in the world .........now im scared 2 leave the house with out panikin all day ......even 2 pop across street will take a day of worry and panic ........and if i have people pop round i just panic and want 2 b on my own ......the only person im comfortable with is my daughter ...but i fight hard not 2 show her my anx but she a very cleva girl and piks up on things xxx

ive overherd her tellin her m8s my mom goes dizzy if it gets hot .....bless cus thats wot i always say wen havin PA ...x

its hard but im hoping 2 get through it ....sumhow xx