View Full Version : I Think Healing Is Taking Place...

10-08-08, 18:17
Hi, everyone.

I haven't posted in a couple of weeks. During that time, I seem to have undergone some changes. I believe they are steps forward, but I thought people here could provide their opinions.

I seem to have less of a sense of being in danger of losing my mind when I have a panic attack lately. The experience is still frightening, but somehow it doesn't seem to be quick as potent as it was even a few weeks ago.

My general anxiety level in my safe places seems to have lowered a couple of notches. One way I sense this is that everyday noise doesn't agitate me the way it did before. I have actually been able to watch a television program and lose myself in the plot, rather than getting nervous and have to shut off the program.

I still have anticipatory anxiety when I go out. And there is still a marked amount of anxiety while I am in a store or some other public place. But it feels more often than not the anxiety is only going up so far and then it hovers at that level until I complete my errand, rather than moving on to a full fledged panic attack. And as I mentioned, even if I do have a panic attack, it is not quite as bad as it was previously.

I do still have some dizziness, a little nausea now and then, and I have noticed lately that I tend to feel down a little more in between rounds of taking vitamins. At the same time, my small daily dose of Xanax seems to have more of an effect lately, sometimes to the point of chasing the blues away for several hours. I also seem to have entered a stage where I want to take a nap in the afternoon, an indulgence that I can allow myself since I work from home.

In spite of feeling blue more often the last couple of weeks, it feels like I am moving through another phase of my illness and taking some steps toward being well again. What do you guys think?

10-08-08, 19:37
Great news, that really sounds like a step in the right direction :hugs:

You should be really proud of yourself

11-08-08, 00:05
They all sound like sure steps in the right direction to me, too. Congatulations.

11-08-08, 02:12
This is great,good news at last eh?,Panic is a caged beast and when the door is opened we better be ready to face the fear.,it looks like you have tamed him somewhat and he is asleep most of the time. I am really pleased for you and it makes all the difference doesn't it when the days gel together.

11-08-08, 11:43

I think ....because you have carried on regardless of the panic and anxiety thats the reason it is being to fade. I too this year, have gone from really heightened extremes to niggles every now and then and my general anxiety is down because i chose to carry on. Not that this is an easy process its not but in the long run the benefits outweigh the intial absolute horribleness of experiencing the panic and anx

well done you hope the improvements just keep going

Pooh xxx

11-08-08, 19:51
Thank you everyone! Your encouragement is helping my week to start off on a high note.