View Full Version : Work

10-08-08, 20:14
Hey- just wondering how many people here are so debilitated from their anxiety that they are unable to work. In the 6 years that I have had this I had to take a year off school due to panic/anxiety; this past winter I took 6 weeks off work for it; and I'm currently off again for it. It makes me feel like such a failure as I love my work and I know I'm actually much better off when I am working. At home I feel useless and alone. I feel as though I have no purpose in my life. But with my anxiety the way it has been lately, I have so much anticipitory anxiety the day before and night before work that I can't sleep and work myself up so much that I'm exhausted- far too exhausted to work a 12 hour shift and deal with some serious issues. So I guess I feel like I'm at a bit of a loss here as to what to do. I have not worked in 2 weeks due to my anxiety and have requested my next 2 shifts off as well as I don't feel capable at the moment.
Can anyone relate?

10-08-08, 20:38
Hi Nursey.
Know exactly what you mean..........see my last post.
For me, I probably have the least amount of stress at work, I'm self employed and my work is no big deal. I don't earn a fortune but I get by. I can turn up when I want and leave when I want. However, all it takes it that dreaded anxiety feeling or a touch of the hypochondrias and bingo, I try a think of reasons not to go to work. Yes, I am better when I do work as lets face it, our mind is occupied with something else other than our symptoms which, in turn, give birth to other symptoms. I lose count how many days off I've had this year. It seems to be the thought of going to work that starts it, especially if I fell a bit queasy. It's not laziness, it's more of a 'what if' situation. I was the same before I used to go to school in the mornings and that was over 40 years ago. I firmly believe the answer may be deep rooted from the past somewhere. But how do we cure it.......God knows.


10-08-08, 21:06
I'm in the same boat... there's nothing like knowing I have to go to work to make my debilitating IBS kick in. I have had to take most of this year off.... I'm going to try again part time in September. I've no answers as to how to cure it, though, I just wish I could, as in a way I think work would do me good, if only I could get there and not immediately need to rush off to the loo, or burst into tears (as I did on one memorable occasion). I feel for you both, it's a nightmare. xx

10-08-08, 23:47
I wish I was well enough to work. I absolutely hate being home all day.
But I've been on a couple of job interviews and made a right fool of myself.

I used to have a quite high-pressure IT job, which I enjoyed. The last couple of job interviews I went on, when asked a technical question that I should easily know, my mind just goes blank, and I get very flustered. The harder I try to remember, the more vague I get. It was quite embarassing really.

It's really knocked my confidence.

11-08-08, 14:04
I am just about to change jobs from a high pressure one working for a large corporate company to working for a not for profit company. Its a quarter of my current salary but we have decided we would rather be poor and me happy than me totally stressed out. Oh and the big corporate company is not at all interested in its staff - I was off last year with PA anxiety and depression caused by my job and as a result I got no bonus and told I was a low performer.

11-08-08, 14:33
Sorry that you are feeling so bad. When this came back last year I took 6 weeks off from work. Went back and had the worst panic attacks. Took more time off. I felt safer at home. Everytime I though about goin back I would have an attack. I finally decided that I had to face it. It was horrible for the first 2 weeks. I go everyday now because I know if I dont it will only make it worse. I still have an attack or 2 at work but I float through them and feel better about myself at the end of the day. You can do it. It will suck for awhile but with some deep breathing and relaxation you will make it. Take care, I know you can do it.:hugs: