View Full Version : Gah! Still worried

10-08-08, 20:24
I had been feeling really good for months and just in the past couple weeks I feel awful.
I am exhausted. I cant get through the day without a nap and I use to exercise for 30 minutes or more a day and now I just dont have the energy. I have started bruising very easily as well. Also my hair is really dry and falling out(I had a baby 14 mnths ago and I know hair loss is normal) but there is still alot falling out.
I had a CBC done and my platlets etc checked and my thyroid checked about 1.5 years ago but I have no idea what could be causing this. I know I am not anemic, I have been getting vitamin B12 to help with the energy but even that doesnt help.
My doctor doesnt ever seem concerned about anything but normally I have a specific worry in mind but I really dont know what could be causing all of this.
Anyone have any ideas?

10-08-08, 21:24
I haate when docs ignore everything and say its just anxiety! but being tired and needing a nap everyday and your hair being dry and brusing easily! these are real symtoms, see a different doctor! trust your self ,

10-08-08, 22:10
Thanks. I hate when my doctor wont listen to me. I just want to feel better. Have the energy to play with my kids!

11-08-08, 19:45
I am the same, feel very tired and have young kids but have no energy last couple of days I could have slept in the afternoon which is unlike me.
Feel like I have pains everywhere and a bad head..

I am worried and hate getting in this state! Just want to feel normal and have energy back, and docs never seem interested so I haven't been , fed up of them looking at me thinking, what a weirdo!!

12-08-08, 00:09
Jackson01 I am completely confused by your post?