View Full Version : Losing my mind!!

10-08-08, 20:25
Hi All,

Hope you are all ok :D.

I have had panic attacks for years, and they have never been a problem as I have always been able to control them, that is untill now....

The last 8 months have been hell, I have had them constantly, sometimes tiny ones which I can contol, but mostly full blown, climbing the walls, I just want to die attacks..

I just want to curl up in a ball and be left alone... They are seriouly affecting my life at the moment, everything is a struggle even just getting out of bed..

I am on Citalopram and Beta blockers, which are making me feel rubbish, I am going to see if doc can prescribe something else, I want to come off them but my counsellor has advised me to stay on them for now..

The tablets seemed to be working (been on them for one month) just making me feel crappy, untill today when I had a full blown attack......

I just want them to go away, there was a time when I didn't have them so surely that can happen again...

Thanks for reading...... any help/advise would be greatly appreciated. xxx:scared15:

10-08-08, 21:32
hi hun, is there something thats happend that may have triggered these to be so bad? i guess distraction is the best way try to keep busy.
sending u a big hug and i hope u manage to find a solution to this cos it must be horrid for you. i am sure quite a lot on here will be able to offer u good advice though. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

11-08-08, 07:31
Distraction always worked for me. Try finding a comedy or something happy to read or watch, or have a pleasant conversation with a friend. I've also used drawing and writing to calm me down, but not everyone has the same idea. If you ever want to talk, just message me!

=) Jessica The Gnome

edit: oh yes, childrens books are always fun to read when you are having a panic attacks. They are so beautifully innocent and full of life...and isn't that what we all need?

11-08-08, 10:13
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here. You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. Keep posting and we will help as much as we can

take care.


11-08-08, 12:10
Hey and welcome,
all I can do is agree with the other posters, distraction is the best possible action but also positive thinking although this is a hard thing to do when you in the middle of a full blown attack.
You need to try and change your train of thought.

Hope this is of help to you


11-08-08, 12:11
Hello Louisa And Welcome , I Wish Ya Well, Linda

11-08-08, 19:39
Hi Louisa,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


11-08-08, 21:56
Hi Louisa

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

milly jones
13-08-08, 21:33
Hi hun

a warm nmp welcome to u

hope that u gain as much support and help here as i do

love milly xxxx

15-08-08, 22:43
Hi All,

Thank you for all you're kind welcomes and support, I feeling a bit better now knowing that there are more people like me out there and i am not alone..

Speak to you soon.

Love Lou xxx