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View Full Version : You are Very Special

10-08-08, 20:33
Whether you believe in this or not is your choice but it was something that was given to me which I wanted to share because there is truth within it. I don't know who wrote it.:hugs:


In all the world there is nobody, nobody like you. Since the beginning of time there has never been another person like you. Nobody has your smile, your eyes, your hands, your hair. Nobody owns your handwriting, your voice. YOU’RE SPECIAL.

You’re different from any other person who lived in the history of the universe. You are the only one in the whole of creation who has your particular set of abilities. There is always someone who is better at one thing or another. Every person is my superior in at least one way. Nobody in the universe can reach the quality of the combination of your talents, your feelings.

Like a roomful of musical instruments, some might excel in one way or another, but nobody can match the symphonic sound when all are played together. YOUR SYMPHONY.

Nobody can paint your brush strokes. Nobody has your taste for food or music or dance or art. Nobody in the universe sees things as you do. In all time there has never been anyone who laughs in exactly your way. And what makes you laugh, or cry, or think or do exactly like you. YOU’RE SPECIAL.

You’re rare and in all rarity there is enormous value and because of your great value, the need for you to imitate anyone else is absolutely wrong!

YOU’RE SPECIAL and it is no accident you are. Please realise that God made you for a special purpose. HE has a job for you to do that nobody else can o as well as you can. Out of the billions of applicants ONE is qualified. Only ONE has the unique and right combination for what it takes and that ONE is YOU.


11-08-08, 23:22
Hi Bill,:)

Thank-you so much for this post and the many others that I have also read. I have found that they have given me new & positive ways of looking at things.

Your help is much appreciated. :yesyes:

All the best :D

milly jones
13-08-08, 21:27
bill u are special hunny

love mill xxxx

13-08-08, 22:56
Thats lovely

Im going to put that in a card for my sons birthday

thank you

lilibet x:)

15-08-08, 22:29
Some say -- in fact most say -- that we need to learn to love ourselves before we can ever hope to love others.

I never really understood this, however.

To me, and in my own real-life experience, I found that I had to learn to love others first, before I could love myself.

Isn't it amazing -- as Bill's post points out -- how different we all truly are.

The Fool
16-08-08, 19:39
wow that is so amazing.poeple should print that off and read it everyday.

16-08-08, 22:20
Hi Bill

That was really lovely Bill and so very true. Thanks Bill



17-08-08, 18:54
I know what you mean Frank, that's my experience too. I find that valuing others helps me to value myself... although I'm still pretty hard on myself from time to time!
Thanks for the post, Bill. xxx

24-02-11, 04:52
I hope it was ok to post this because I don't know who wrote it or where it originated from. It was given to me so I just thought it would be good to share.

My only hope is that it helps anyone in need of a lift.:hugs:

blue moon
24-02-11, 05:06
Hello Bill xx:D....It has given me a lift up today...ThankYou xx:hugs:
Love Petra xxxxx

Vanilla Sky
24-02-11, 08:33
What a lovely poem Bill . Thankyou xxx


Paige xx

24-02-11, 10:11

What a lovely post, thank you.

We are indeed all special and we are all worthy of regaining good health.

You forget how special you are when you are consumed with anxiety.

This is a lovey reminderx

paula lynne
24-02-11, 10:32
Bill, thats a brilliant piece of writing. If you dont mind, Im going to use that in a card for my friend who lost her mother a while back, its bound to give her a lift, as it has me. Thanks Bill :)

24-02-11, 11:13
lovely post as always Bill, big hugs Donna xx

24-02-11, 11:42
Aww Bill! ,

not seen you around in ages and was wondering how you were getting on then you come on with a beautiful post like that!

I think thats your talent, knowing when people need help and knowing exactly what to say.
As always youve made me smile
Take care Bill
Munkey x