View Full Version : Help Panic attack or something to worry about!!

11-08-08, 00:31
Help, think I am starting with a panic attack. I was lying down after a frought day with the kids and family. I am watching television and I was resting myself on my left arm when I had to move as I had pins and needles in my left hand and fingers. Then I lay down again and had my legs crossed I think and noticed that my left foot was suffering with pins and needles. I tried to convince myself that they were both brought on by me applying pressure to them in one way or another. Then I thought that I had felt lightheaded today while driving home with the family. I now feel like I am on board a ship. I have walked about had an asprin and i still have a little pins and needles in my left foot and left fingers. My mind is now tring to process all the symptoms that I have noticed today and this is making me more lightheaded which in turn is making the irrational thinking worse. My face feels flushed and hot, my tongue feels like it has been in a boiling cup of tea and burnt the end. It feels tingly when I rub it on my gums. Luckly my right foot is starting to tingle too which makes me feel better as I remember all my limbs tingle in the past.

I cant help thinking its a PA even though I have been fine for a few months now, I have noticed I have been suffering with a tight band around my head now and again and feeling very jumpy etc..Why, I havnt got a clue. Just been on hols with family which was a bit stressful but I sufferd with no symptoms while on holiday, as soon as I have come back the physical symptoms return mildlyand then this.

Can anyone offer any quick advice or reasurrance...


11-08-08, 00:40
It really does sound very much like a panic attack. Maybe just the stress of the day triggered it. But dont be discouraged that they are going to return it could be a one time thing and you may be fine again. I know with me a stressful day or lack of sleep can trigger an attack very easily.
I hope you are able to ease your mind and get some sleep.

11-08-08, 00:46
Thanx Alison.
I should add the hoilday was RVing in NS with three boys. Lovely sights but five of us in a 22' RV is a little taxing. I am sure you are right. Tahanks for the quick reply..

I wish you happiness and good health for the future.


11-08-08, 01:43
Thanks. I see you are still up. If you need to chat let me know ok. Its only 8:45 pm here.