View Full Version : Horrible Dreams

11-08-08, 08:50
I just had one of the worst dreams/nightmares in a long time. I have not long woke up and it feels soo real like it happened and I feel all funny and a bit horrible.

I had alot of horrible/negative thoughts before I went to sleep and I felt like I was going mad/losing my mind and still feel worried by this.

Has anybody else suffered this? I went to bed feeling a bit low not sure if that's caused it? :weep:

11-08-08, 09:47
ya sometimes after a nightmare you can feel how you felth in the dream, don't worry it's totally normal,

11-08-08, 10:28

are you on meds.....cause they can cause bad dreams.

i laugh at the dreams i have because they are truly mad, i dream about people i havent seen in donkey years....

don't worry, part of anxiety im afriad

love dawny x

Albert Couture
11-08-08, 12:32
I'm a definite dreamer, and sometimes I get truly horrific dreams! One thing to keep in mind is that most dreams will fade from memory over time, and at a much faster rate than experiences you have when you're awake. Like, I can hardly remember my worst dreams, I just know that I had them!

11-08-08, 12:57
The last horrible dream I had was that my husband had a sneaky phone, on which he was still contacting his mistress who I had found out about some 6 months previous and who he swore he would never contact again. Made feel lousy for most of the but not as bad as FINDING the sneaky phone in the side pocket of his car later that day.

13-08-08, 13:24
I have horrid weird dreams that I can remember very vividly when I wake up, I wonder why I have had this weird random thoughts and it makes me feel very low and all the negatives set in, ie I think I am going mad or is it some sort of dementia etc the dreams are all about all sorts of things usually my past is jumbled up with my present etc is this normal, I was going to do a seperate post but stumbled on this one is it the same sort of things
any feedback on this would be very much appreciated.

Cheers me dears



milly jones
13-08-08, 20:43

i get bad dreams thast end up in night time pas

most of the time my meds prevent this now. but having just been away for a few days, they have returned. i guess cos ive been extra anx

it is the most horrific and disturbing way to wake up. not knowing if what has happened was real or not.

when i get it i either see if any msn mates are online, or go into nmp to chat.

only anx ppl seem to understand.

take care

thoughts are with u

mill xxx

13-08-08, 20:54
Hi I too have bad dreams. They feel so real when you wake up it is hard to shake them. I find that I get them when I am having a bad night. Hope you are feeling better.

13-08-08, 21:00

i had a bad dream last night it was horrid and when i got up i was soooo upset like it was real it took me ages to sort myself out and belive it was not real ,but still it got to me all day ,i am hopeing i get more sleep tonight

jodie xxx