View Full Version : Anxiety Gene and Horror Movies!

11-08-08, 09:40
I just came across this and thought some others might be interested to read this:


It's about a so-called 'anxiety gene' scientists claim to have found that makes some of us into sobbing, screaming wrecks whilst watching horror movies, whilst others laugh!

Personally I'm more of the running away, hiding under the covers type that screams and my partner sits there hooting with laughter - I always thought he was completely nuts, but it just seems that he has a totally different gene!!

11-08-08, 09:46
" However, he said a single gene variation could account for only some of people's anxiety differences, otherwise, up to half the population would be anxious, he said."

LOL - could you imagine?! There would be a definite increase in numbers of people shopping online!!

11-08-08, 17:05
I must share the same gene as your partner. I can't remember being scared for years. The last time i think was as a wee boy after watching Salem's lot. Above my bedroom door was a little rectangular pain of glass and every night I dreaded a scratching sound coming for there.

I'm not having a go at these people in particular but it really does get my goat that people get paid good funding to come up with this sort of thing. It's doubtful our reactions are genetic, I'd imagine they are conditional.

All the best
