View Full Version : Wierd head pain

11-08-08, 14:23
I have a really wierd symptom today. It is not quite a headache but a tightness across the back of my head, just above the base of my skull.

If I bend my head backwards, I can feel it more and it feels tingly and tight. At times I thought I could feel a pulsing sensation.

I know I shouldn't google but I have done and it was saying about blood pressure and I have scared myself. Other than that I worry it is something else bad.

ANy ideas?

11-08-08, 14:41

Explains pains and where the come from

11-08-08, 14:47
That sound like a tension headache. Mine never felt like a true headache, just a pressure. When I put my hands on it and put some pressure on it, it felt better. Relax your shoulders and roll your head. This helps relieve some of the tension. I hope this helps.Take care

11-08-08, 14:51
I thought tension headaches were in your temples? There's no 'pain' anywhere else except in the back of my head.

It feels like i've banged my head but I know I haven't. Also the skin feels tender to touch.

11-08-08, 19:31
I reciently had a strange pain behind my left ear at the base of me skull. It flares up when I work out or get worked up. I have hypertension and can feel it throbbing when my blood pressure raises, I have seen my family phisican and he is unable do anything about it because it isnt preasent when Im in the doctors office, as Im not upset.... lol... He is unwilling to refer me to a specialist, and without that my insurance wont cover it, "another blog alltogether" lol... I am worried because I have had major head trauma several years ago, and have been diagnosed with Pseudotumor cerebri after, and have a family history of brain aneurysms which have killed several imediate family members.

Yeast Infection ( http://www.yeastinfectionadvice.com)

12-08-08, 09:14
Thanks for that, I'm in even more of a panic now.

12-08-08, 12:11

I can't say I've experienced this myself in that area but something occurred to me. How are your sinuses? I'm really blocked up at the moment and I find when I am I can get pain in various different places. I don't know if blocked sinuses would affect that area of the head but just something else to think about.

All the best


12-08-08, 12:17
This is what crossed my mind originally but I'm not sure you get it in that area. It feels like something is pressing on the back of my head and my ears are ringing (though that is nothing new) and my head feels full at times.

I'm worried it's something to do with my blood pressure or a clot or something.

When I then think about the occassional stomach twitch I get and then that I had palpitations the other day I start to worry myself again that it is something more.

12-08-08, 12:34
I can undertand your worry. It's very rare for me to get headaches and last week I got a humdinger along with a stiff neck. Not only was it really uncomfortable but really made me worry that it was something else I didn't want to think about. I never take paracetamol but I ended up having to as I could suffer it no more and it went- mind you it took about 2 hours to do so.

Have you taken any pain killers to see if it goes? I know it's not a pain as such but may take the sensation away.

I'm sorry that is all I can offer. I really hope it eases off to put your mind at rest.

all the best


12-08-08, 12:36
Just taken some. I'm the same as you though. I only take something unless it is absolutely necessary. My neck is a little stiff and I used to worry all the time about meningitis. It was one of the first things that I used to worry myself about as I very rarely get headaches as well.

12-08-08, 12:52
ya it could be because of a blocked nose i get that alot, i get alot of tightness in the back of head! i've been getting it for years, so try not worry its jus anxiety, if it gets worse see your doctor.

12-08-08, 13:36
And also that stiff neck. If your neck is a little stiff then the chances are you'll start to experience sensations in your head. That's how it always starts for me and then I feel it when bending over.

Hopefully when the pills kick in you'll be sensation free.

All the best


14-08-08, 13:06

How did you get on with this? Has it now gone?


15-08-08, 08:58
Well the pain has gone a bit, but it still lingers on. It still feels tight on the top of my head, where the flatter bit is on your head.

I'm starting to worry again today that it's something like intercranial pressure or something cos of my ears ringing as well.

19-08-08, 23:16
Hi i have the same sensation and it usually gets worse in the evening. It i tension headaches. Nurofen for tenson headaches is very good. Don'tworry urself too much about it. It comes from the neck and shoulder.

19-08-08, 23:41
I was going to say the same as I get all sort of head sensations originating from bad posture. It usually starts with a stiff neck and then can go anywhere after that. Usually if my neck gets stiff and/or sore then I expect some sort of head symptoms to follow.

All the best
