View Full Version : constant swallowing

11-08-08, 14:42
does this ever get any better im sick of swallowing its really getting me down sometimes i get sharp pains with all the swallowing but i guess thats just part of it hah also sometimes feeling of food getting stuck had a throat scope dont think they will do any more tests if they found nothing i dont suppose maybe once im on meds thee symptoms will dissapear for good any suggestions appreciated thanks fin sometimes drinking harder than eating too is this possible thanks again joyce

11-08-08, 16:12
why is your username maryann if your name is joyce? This is joyce99 isn't it?

11-08-08, 16:23
yes had to change somethings can you help with this

11-08-08, 16:24
hi charlotte,

i thinkk it is from reading previous posts

joyce- you have been given advice many times. the answers are there. the cure is within you.

11-08-08, 16:25
Joyce you're just going to get banned again, listen to us and stop posting the same thread a million different times. I've reported you to the mods.

11-08-08, 17:04
so are all these symptoms anxiety related then are they please

11-08-08, 17:04
its not the same symptoms there different and theres loads on here posting the same things why pick on me just tell me that

11-08-08, 19:33
Because you keep posting the same thing and we've already told you it's anxiety. The difference is other people listen to us, you keep making the same posts over and over again even if we try and reassure you.

11-08-08, 21:03
im listening honest just sometimes its scary thats all and hard to believe theres nothing going on

11-08-08, 21:13
Hi maryann

It is hard to accept that anxiety causes all these horrible symptoms but what you are talking about does seem to be anxiety and sometimes we just have to try and accept them for what they are and try to move on with our lives.

I have had some horrible symptoms to deal with and still do and in the past I have dwelled on them so much and made them far worse, now when they appear I try to take less notice of them and not let them spoil my life. I'm not saying this is easy to do but once you can start to accept them for what they really are they do become less scary.

I wish you well maryann


12-08-08, 00:14
thankyou very much for the advice im trying real hard to accept these symptoms

12-08-08, 02:16
i only get that when there is a strong wind in my face! or even a hair dryer