View Full Version : Painful Shoulder

11-08-08, 15:10
Ok, have never before written in the Health Anxiety part before..but I so need some help.

Most of you know that I am agoraphobic, but for the last six or seven weeks now I have been suffering so much with a painful right shoulder, so painful at times that I cannot raise a cup of coffee to my mouth.

I thought at first it was because, after a few alcoholic drinks, my boyfriend decided to pick me up (he was drunk too) and stumbled and dropped me, and ended crashing down on top of me...at the time my back hurt...but now my back is fine.

I wasn't too worried to begin with about my shoulder, that is until I was reading a magazine and there was a story in there about a woman, who had been suffering with a painful shoulder on and off and went to the doctor with it..who sent her to hospital for tests..and it turned out she had breast cancer...and now I am worrying myself sick. I have also noticed that of a night time when I lay on my left hand side that I have an ache (only way I can describe it) in the bone at the side of my right breast (for women that wear underwired bras...its where that wire runs). I have checked for lumps (terrifying in itself) but cannot find any).

Please help, I need some advice as I am driving myself crazy. I have not mentioned this to anyone in my family because they are already sick of me being an agoraphobic.

If I could get to the Doctor I would go...but the Doctors is too far away for me and is off the estate which I so struggle to get off of.


11-08-08, 15:11
I forgot to mention also that I cannot carry a shopping bag on that side or even pick up my 5 year old son.

11-08-08, 17:28
Welcome to the frozen shoulder club! My husband has this on and off and it can take up to a year to right itself and when his goes, the last time was after he fell and landed on it, he cannot lift his arm out sideways or upwards or put his arm behind his back to tuck his shirt in to his trousers.

The Dr can tell immediately by what movements you can't do as to what it is - I once hurt mine and I coulnd't put my arm forward like trying to hold the stearing wheel it was agony and that was a rotator cuff injury.

My husband uses his other arm to lift the bad one up to keep it mobile every day because worst scenario is that if you don't move it it will sieze up and you need a cortisone injection into joint to loosen it!!!!!!!

Can you ask to speak to a Dr by phone, if you explain your agrophobia then they are duty bound to do a cosultation by phone.

11-08-08, 17:56
Ok, have never before written in the Health Anxiety part before..but I so need some help.

Most of you know that I am agoraphobic, but for the last six or seven weeks now I have been suffering so much with a painful right shoulder, so painful at times that I cannot raise a cup of coffee to my mouth.

I thought at first it was because, after a few alcoholic drinks, my boyfriend decided to pick me up (he was drunk too) and stumbled and dropped me, and ended crashing down on top of me...at the time my back hurt...but now my back is fine.

I wasn't too worried to begin with about my shoulder, that is until I was reading a magazine and there was a story in there about a woman, who had been suffering with a painful shoulder on and off and went to the doctor with it..who sent her to hospital for tests..and it turned out she had breast cancer...and now I am worrying myself sick. I have also noticed that of a night time when I lay on my left hand side that I have an ache (only way I can describe it) in the bone at the side of my right breast (for women that wear underwired bras...its where that wire runs). I have checked for lumps (terrifying in itself) but cannot find any).

Please help, I need some advice as I am driving myself crazy. I have not mentioned this to anyone in my family because they are already sick of me being an agoraphobic.

If I could get to the Doctor I would go...but the Doctors is too far away for me and is off the estate which I so struggle to get off of.


Do you find it painful to sleep on? I have problem with both shoulders (caused by nursing) after years of physio and steroid injections I had them manipulated under GA. They are still not a 100% but as I have suffered problems with them since the seventies...........:shrug:

Try and get to see the doctor he may want you to have physio.

11-08-08, 21:26
Hi Kaz,

I too have had two frozen shoulders and got to say one of the most painful things I've ever endured. I also had to go through physical therapy and had cortizone steriod injections. You can get it from an injury and you lose use of your arm. It is rare to get them in both arms but as usual I am rare. I did not have them at the same time though. I got to the point I could not blowdry my hair or even open up my kitchen cabinets. Only a doctor (I saw an Orthopedist) can tell if it is a frozen shoulder, a rotator cuff injury or just a bruise. I doubt it is breast cancer since this pain occurred after your injury. Whatever you do, don't stop moving your arm, worst thing you can do. Please do your best to see a doctor as soon as possible because you probably need an x-ray. This is not to scare you because none of this is serious just very painful. The sooner you can get into physical therapy the better. I let my one arm totally freeze up before I got help, huge mistake. Let us know how it goes.

Take care,


12-08-08, 09:49
Thank you for your replies.

The rational side of me did think it might be a frozen shoulder or just badly bruised. I have days when I can use it and just get twinges...others like was said above..I go to open a cupboard and the pain is really bad.

I shall try my best to speak to a doctor...again thank you all


12-08-08, 14:06
Hi Kaz........it sounds very much like a frozen shoulder or possible a rotor cuff tear, both are very painful. You really do need a doctor to check it out and confirm it. Any chance of a home visit from a nurse or doctor from your practice, especially if they are aware of your agrophobia?

Please try not to worry that it is something nasty. Chances are it's something trapped/frozen/torn. It just needs checking out.

Do you have trouble raising your arm straight up? I had a very painful shoulder for a couple of years. I couldn't raise my arm, do up buttons or zips at the back, it felt really limp. Driving was also a problem. Turned out to be a rotor cuff tear. It has repaired itself and at the moment it's not bad at all.

Good luck


12-08-08, 14:20
It's kind of hard to explain the pain...I notice it more so when I am trying to carry something i.e. a pile of ironing to take upstairs...when I try to pick up my 5 year old son or even a carrier bag with shopping in...apart from that I do have more or less full use of it. When I lay in bed, at times when laying on it, it can be extremely painful. I can life my arm up...and sometimes its just an ache....and yet on another dayit can be agony...so this is why it confuses me so much.
