View Full Version : Do you ever fully recover?

11-08-08, 18:18
Hi all,

I am pretty new to this site and to learning all about anxiety disorders etc but can any of you help me with answering this question? Do you ever completely get rid of this illness or is it just a case of keeping it controlled? Like you know its always there but you know how to deal with it? Thats how I feel like I have dealt with it for the past 5 years an at some stages I feel like its completely gone and then I will relapse 6 months or a year later!
If anyone has any insights that would be fantastic!!!!


Cathy V
11-08-08, 18:41
Hi Ruby, welcome to nmp. I think if you are prone to anxiety then it can be always just below the surface but that we learn how not to be afraid of the symptoms, through reading up on it and through forums like this one, where you can share the symptoms and realise that there are many ppl in the same boat.

Sometimes anxiety and panic can be a 'one off' reation to stress and may never return, but for most people the anxiety comes and goes throughout life, but yes i think you can make a full recovery, in that you can learn how to cope with it, and go on with life again in the knowledge that you are prepared for a possible future relapse.

Hope that makes some sense!
Cathy xxx

12-08-08, 15:36
I agree with what Cathy said above.

I've had anxiety/panic attacks since my early teens (now in my 20s) and they have ranged from feeling perfectly content and not at all anxious to months of absolutely hellish anxiety/panic attacks during which I've needed medication and professional help.

It is a case of getting through those awful periods with as much help as you need, and making the absolute most of the periods during which you feel completely free of the anxiety (although, it has to be said, a certain level of anxiety at certain times is perfectly 'normal').

Saying that, we all experience it differently. Some people I have known have had a bout of stress-related panic attacks and then never had them again. Whereas others experience them throughout their lives. It is an individual matter and certainly not a one size fits all condition!

12-08-08, 17:27
The problem with growing up in a protected society is that we don't learn how to cope with panic at a very early age, so when it first hits us when we are older we don't know how to cope with it. What we have to do is learn new skills to cope with this new emotion.
You do get better and mostly forget about it, but you are sometimes aware that you have a gagged up monster that you can't completely eradicate.


12-08-08, 19:39

i think cathy is right

i dont think i will ever get rid of my anx ect but i have been doingk the last few months with a few blips but not as many,i think i am just that sort of person i allways worry about things way to much and have allways been a bit panicy ,but the key is how you deal with it and making sure you get the help you need

jodie xx