View Full Version : Terrible morning

11-08-08, 18:29
I've suffered panic attacks for some time now but this morning's was in a class of it's own. I woke as usual feeling fine for a split second and then the old familiar panic surged through me. I got up and put the kettle on and felt nauseous (as always) and had a spell of dry heaving. I took half a 2mg of diazapam and waited for the panic to subside. It did.

Later I had promised to take my daughter to town (I'm agorophobic) and we set off. All seemed fairly well on the walk to the bus stop. We arrived in town and I felt my anxiety soar to great heights. I could hardly walk, I felt faint, dizzy and breathless. I started hyperventilating and had to sit down on a bench. We then went into a shop and I had to queue. I panicked and almost asked the staff to call an ambulance. I managed to restrain myself though and got out as fast as I could.

I decided to go to a coffee shop and sit down for a while. In there I took a Citalopram having missed yesterday's dose. After a bit I began to feel better and was able to get home okay. All I've done since is worry about going out again in case the same thing happens. I get panic attacks when I go out but this one was terrible. I really thought I would end up at the hospital. Anyone else felt like this and overcome it? I suppose I'm looking for reassurance that I'm not alone.


11-08-08, 18:41
Hi, Yes, I too am on Citalopram, been now for 6 weeks, how long have you been on them? I find they have helped the anxiety feelings when out and in queues etc as I am less anxious of everyone being around me.

11-08-08, 19:12
Thanks for your reply Lucy. I've been on them for five years now. I was on Prozac at first but was changed to Citalopram after a few months. I still get panic attacks but this morning's was really bad. I'm wondering if it's because I missed a dose yesterday.


11-08-08, 20:15
I don't think its because you missed your dose yesterday, how high a dose are you on?