View Full Version : Starting new job arrgghh...

08-05-05, 14:36
Hi Everyone:)

Ive been off work for 5 wks now(feels like a lifetime), I am feeling slightly more myself again after having counselling, still doing CBT and popping my herbal pills-im still very anxious headaches, dizzyness and all the lovely anxiety symptoms but what Im starting to understand is Ive had this for years now and even though it is hell sometimes with these symptoms they can not harm me, Ive thought for 5 years now Im going to pass out and I never have, so am trying my hardest to beat the crap out of this and send it packing!!. Well due to money an not winning the lottery or meeting a rich man and really just wanting to challenge my brain with other thoughts I am starting a new job tommorow its only 9am until 3pm but I just feel like because Ive been out of work for a while that im not up to scratch with work and meeting new people all in all Im cacking my pants!!but as gloria gaynor(if thats right??) said 'I will survive....', send me lots of good luck for tommorow everyone PLEASSSSEEE!!!P.S. This site is amazing and all your advice has meant the world to me Nicola and Meg I think you are STARS**[Yeah!]

08-05-05, 14:44
Good on you for realising that the symptoms can't really hurt you and that you have made a positive step in getting back to work.

Well done for that!:D

Make sure you get an early night tonight after a long relaxing bath.

Wishing you all the luck in the world and let us know tomorrow how it goes ok.

Big Hug for tomorrow.:)


08-05-05, 14:47
[Wow!]...youve got a really positive attitued and thats great :D

Good luck for your job tomorrow, it will give you somting to channel your thoughts into and (hopfuly) enjoy!!

Let us know how you get on :D

Tatty B xx

08-05-05, 14:54
Thanks Nic, Im armed and ready lets see candles around the bath-check, bubble bath-check, relaxation tape-check, lavender lotion-check, girly DVD-check, oh my god its only ten to 3 and im ready for bed already ha ha!!I want my pamper night NOW!!X

08-05-05, 14:57
aww thanks tatty I was thinking of you the other day I havent seen you on here for ages!!hope you are ok hunny X

08-05-05, 14:58
LOL...Youve made me want a pamper night now!! My boyf is out til late so I mite just have a girlie pamper nite....bath...chocs...dvd....[Yeah!]

Tatty B xx

08-05-05, 15:02
Ahh Thats sweet kirgray...thank you.

No ive not been on here for a while [:I] Had a bit of a busy week with one thing and another!

Im not to bad though thanks for asking :)

I really hope your job goes wel tomorrow. Is it Mon-fri?

Tatty B xx

08-05-05, 15:04
ooo yeah choccies!!i forgot that thanks I'll add that to my check list!Tatty I say do it we deserve it!!I lurve pamper nights!anyway Im gona go and iron my pj's now ha ha!:)

08-05-05, 15:05
Hehe...Happy ironing and have a lovely pamper night :D

Tatty B xx

08-05-05, 15:08
its a receptionist job in a gorgeous country hotel everyones dead friendly, get this Im working tommorow and tues and then my days off are wed and thurs!![Wow!][Yeah!], i relly hope ur ok tatty when i started on the sight your posts helped me to understand I wasnt alone!thank you for that and p.s. happy pampering night!!!;)

08-05-05, 15:14
Wow they sound like brilliant hours and days!! Sounds like a perfect job for you to settle into...I realyl hope it goes well Id ive got every faith in you that it will go fine :D

Im glad that my posts helped...yours and everyone elses on here also helped me so much..I think i am getting thru the worst now which is great ! And you sound like youve come on sooo much and youve got such a positive attitued! I just wish I could somtimes be as positive as you !!

Tatty B xx

08-05-05, 15:17
Good luck with the job!! :D

08-05-05, 15:31
Hi Kirgray

Great posting !! [8D]
Good luck for your new job, hope everything goes well.


** Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.**

08-05-05, 16:39
Wishing you lots of luck! Hope it all goes well :)

08-05-05, 17:13
hello kirsty matey,
ive just read your bit for today and all i can say is well done. your an inspiration to people. this can not harm you, i think i have finally realised this too. just keep poping those herbals. also a thing to remember cucumber is good to calm you, also its a healthy snack. thats where the saying cool as a cucumber. also perhaps whilst your at work you can read some power books, pop to the libraray and get some books on self esteem etc ie gael lindenfirld, claire weeks, they work a treat and youll look rather cool
brushing up on your reading skills. welkl done matey xxxx

08-05-05, 17:33
Hello Kirgray

Have a lovely time on your first day - you may be uncomfortable from time to time and thats to be expected. Keep things in perpective and watch that time fly.

You take good care and well done on all your progress.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

08-05-05, 22:37
Hi Kirgray

Best of luck for tomorrow and i am sure you will be fine. Even people that have had time of due to holidays feel a bit anxious about going back to work.

You have done well to turn yourself around in such a short time and get yourself back to work, thats a positive point you want to hold on to.

Hope it goes well and remember by Wednesday on your day of you will wonder how quickly those 2 days passed and i am sure everyone will be looking forward to having you back at work.

Thinking of you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

08-05-05, 23:04
Good luck for tomorrow Kirgray


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

08-05-05, 23:23
Hi Kirgray,

All the best for tomorrow hun! I'm so pleased for you! I hope it goes well!

All the best,

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X

09-05-05, 00:21
We are all supporting you and i am sure it will be fine. Remember you work with people who you get on with and they care about you.

Best of luck and with you all the way.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

09-05-05, 17:06

Well I survived!!I said I would and I did!!!Woo hoo!, my god last night I thought I wouldnt make it I woke up and my chest was soooo tight but I tried to ignore it and went back to the land of nod!didnt sleep very well coz was nervous, eventually got up at 7am and had my wee tea(camomile!) and poured loadsa rescue remedy down my throat!!I had a really bad tension headache and the dizziness was coming on, I thought oh **** please just go away!anway I got to my work 15 mins early and all in all it was great like Meg said I may feel uncomfortable a few times and I did but I just thought back to all your advice and it seemed to calm down!!Yey me!I just wana say your all amazing LOVE YA'S X X X X

09-05-05, 17:20
Well done you. I bet you feel so much more confident for getting up and doing it. Hope it carries on to go well for you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

09-05-05, 17:53
just thought i'd say well done for today! Hope you are OK
Em x

09-05-05, 19:18
Great news all round then.

Well done to you for doing it and coping well!


09-05-05, 20:20
Go Kirsty!!!!!

Well done hun....you should be really proud of yourself :D

Im sooo pleased it went well for you, and like Meg said, you may feel uncomfortable at times...but its only natural...and you've got thru your 1st day and each day can only get better :D

Reall really pleased for you [Yeah!]

PS.....did you have your pamper night??!! I did!! It consisted of a yummy stir-fry for starters...a lovely bath...face pack...chick flick DVD and loadsa toffee Ice Cream [8)] !! hehe

Tatty B xx

09-05-05, 20:42
Kirsty ,

Brilliant success.

Well done for getting through it so well. It will get easier and easier with the odd difficult moment ..

Are you enjoying the actual work ?


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

09-05-05, 20:45
Hi :DTatty!!:D

Thanks Tatty Im so pleased I did it, I wont deny it it was scary at first, am still anxious about work tommorow ....but I know I got through today so I can get through any other day!!.

Ha ha we were the pampering queens last nite!!hey u with your toffee ice cream I never thought of that one!!Hmmm I may have to have another pamper night tommorow night and purchase some.....haagan daaz mmmm!!, I started off with a roast dinner....bubble bath with candles....chocolates eaten whilst in the tub (HEAVEN!!) and then chick flick which was really cheesy but hey they are the best!!!X X X X

09-05-05, 20:52
Thank you Meg!. I had a few moments where my lovely headaches and dizziness tried to make an entrance but Ive started finding that some form of distraction i.e. moving around or thinking something nice can usually make it crawl back into its ugly shell!!, The work is fine its reception work and it was quiet today so it was a nice day to get myself back into it gradually!!. Bit anxious again about tommorow but like I said to Tatty I survived today and I'll keep on surviving!! Any other tips Meg on distracting myself from the nasty symptoms?X

09-05-05, 21:53
Hi Kirsty

Hope tomorrow goes aswell as today and the days that pass get better and better. Remember after tomorrow you have a couple of days of the chill out and look at what you have achieved in such a short time.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

09-05-05, 22:13
Well done Kirsty.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

10-05-05, 10:30
Hi Kirsty

I hope you are having a good day at work and feeling okay.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

10-05-05, 16:28
thank you Sal!!. Today I got a little bit stressed I was up at 5:30 am as was in work at 7 and theres just so much to learn I started feeling abit bewildered by it all!, when I get nervous I forget stuff easily!, Ive come home and Im writing down everything I can remember so I can read it over and over for Friday!!. Off now for 2 days aaah the relief!!X X X

10-05-05, 16:36
Good idea writing it all down Kirgray!! Sounds like you are doing really well - keep up the good work!! :D

10-05-05, 19:36
Hi Kirgray,

A huge WELL DONE to you. You did really well. Enjoy your days off hun!

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X

10-05-05, 19:53
Hiya Kirsty,

Good idea to write it down...then its always there to refer to if ya forget!

No you can have 2 lovely days off :D

Awwww.........eating choc when IN the bath?? I didnt think of that one [Duh!] :( Will be adding that to my Pamper scedule next time!! hehe

Take care hun


Tatty B xx

10-05-05, 20:25
Good Luck with the job, and keep writing.

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.