View Full Version : Greetings!

11-08-08, 23:22
Hi all,

I came across this site when submitting my repeat prescription for propanonol, and decided to see (with the help of google) what my little pink buddys actually did to my body.

Anyway, my name's Mike, i'm 40 years old and i've 'suffered' from panic attacks since the age of 17. Sorry i'll rephrase that i'v been 'crippled' by panic attacks since the age of 17.

I wont bore you with my story............. i wont go on about the crippling symptons, higher strength propanonol, 'safe shops', hand shaking when signing credit cards, crashed interviews, cognitive therapy, cause and effect..... annnnnnnnd it seems hypnotherapy.

however i would like to say:-

I'd been off propanonol for many years (post hypno), and recently took over a Procurement department where i need to report to the board ....and guess what!!!..... i'm back again on 10mg Propanonol, as an when i need it (once or twice a week).

Yup...................here we go again

My thoughts:-

1) I guess it's 'my lot' now, so no point fighting the need to reduce the symptons with drugs........i suppose 10mg as and when (usually before a board meeting) aint so bad ???????? (compared to the early days of 40mg 2-4 times a day, monged out with bad circulation!)

2) am i kidding myself..........no doubt the frequency will increase

3) why me :shrug: .........we'll actually i know the reason why, i just thought CBT and hypno had got rid of it.

I Feel better for sharing my pain, thankyou!

Veronica H
12-08-08, 10:18
Hi Munzey
I sounds as if you are getting a handle on things again. I am sure you have learned a lot over the years that will help you now. It was probably a bit unrealistic to think that you would not overload on adrenalin given the current pressures of work etc. We need adrenalin to survive afterall. Please don't let this current set back defeat you as you have obviously done so well.
Best wishes
Veronica H

12-08-08, 10:36
Hi Mike

Welcome to the site. It seems to me that your main problem is that your still fighting the panic attacks and the anxiety. The key to disabilling the panic attacks is not to fear or fight them. It is you that is escillating the panic withing your mind from an abnormal thought pattern. This thought pattern can be fleeting and so not instantly recognisable but make no mistake it is definately there. When you feel the start of the panic attack, welcome it and say to it do the worst you can. Call it a name and fight it with humour. You will soon realise that it is you that is driving it. It is then that you have conquered the panic attacks. You may never stop the start of panic attacks but you can stop the escillation.

I used this technique and I still feel the start of the panic which always starts with either a thought or a mental image. I can now ignore it and it dissipates immediately. As far as general anxiety goes except that is how you are and with patience it will take a back seat. It is good that you have managed to lower your dose of your betablocker so it shows that something is happening. Maybe as you say you have accepted that fighting dosen't change anything so things will settle.

One thing that you have to realise is that you will never get rid of anxiety, we need it to live safely and effectivelly. What we have to do is to learn how to cope with it better. An uphill struggle, Yes but as one clinical psychologist said

" You wont get better untill you stop trying to get better"

No truer words spoken. This advice always works as it allows your mind to rest and those nerves to heal.

Please do not get despondent and I wish you well

12-08-08, 14:18
Hi Mike,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support. Glad you are here.

Take care,


12-08-08, 14:41
Hi hun, :D:hugs:

:welcome: to the site,

There are lots of nice people here who will help and support you. YOU ARE NOT ALONE and with friends here, people who understand.



12-08-08, 16:35
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

12-08-08, 19:37
Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement, i cannot believe (as someone whose internet savy and 'in touch' with my issues) i didn't link the two and stumble across this kind of forum/support platform earlier.

With reply to Ronski, what you've detailed sounds like an unachievable nirvana to me - unfortunately, the cause of escalation is based on an impending moment of truth and the requirement(s) to deliver a verbally intelligent and confident self (a self so infinately far away from how i actually feel)...........it would not be an option for me (at point of delivery) to welcome my nemisis, negate its impact and humour it on the 'off-chance' it dissipates when i open my mouth. That to me would be a game of roulette with only one (very public) outcome.

In essence, I feel its a step to far (with regards to board meetings) and the consequences of experimentaion could and would be disasterous..........I DO accept however, a certain irony in the fact it may be the very anxiety that blights my life that may be making this decision for me :huh:. As such - I will use your technique when chairing meetings in my office (nothing like a bit of home territory in situations like this) and let you know how i get on. (I just need to name the b*stard now :D )

A genuine thankyou for your insight


12-08-08, 20:39
Hiya Hun :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurane and make some great friends along the way.


12-08-08, 21:04
Hi Munzey

:welcome: to the site I am sure you will get lots of good advice and support on here

Take care


12-08-08, 21:58
Hi Mike

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

13-08-08, 10:49
Hi Mike

Yes at the moment it probably seems an impossible monster to defeat especially in the boardroom. Have you tried counselling in regard of your lack of confidence when delivering a verbally and confident message to your peers. As then eventually with time and hard work you wouldnt be pretending as you may gain the confidence to be as you appear. I believe you are suffering from anticipatory anxiety. Most anxiety problems have there roots in this type as the apprehension of what may happen is always the highest point of the anxiety cycle. You probably find that when delivering your message it is not as bad as you envisaged just before you appeared in the boardroom.

I do agree with you it probably would not be a good ideal to try the technique in a large important group on a first attempt but certainly try it in the presence of friends or in the privacy of your own home. But above all please do not try and fight it as that always makes it far worse, it then trully becomes the monster you fear the most.

I wish you well

13-08-08, 13:48
Hello Mike And Welcome To The Site, I Wish Ya Well, Linda

milly jones
13-08-08, 20:31
Hi hun

a warm nmp welcome to u

hope that u gain as much support and help here as i do

love milly xxxx