View Full Version : Letting it all out!

12-08-08, 02:03
Didn't know if this was the correct place for this thread but just wanted to let you all know what's going on.I have been a member of NP for a few months now after suffering from anxiety and panic most of my life,those who have read my posts will know about the early death of my father causing me trauma in the past and what has happened since,I just wanted to share my thought about health anxiety with you all.
My husband Gary has always been a person who has handled stress very well considering he has had an emotional life with a mother who doesn't want contact with him,a brother who is indifferent and nobody else in his family who has supported him over the years,He looked after his grandmother for years but she was a difficult person who demanded a lot and in the end took her frustrations out on him resulting in them being estranged just before her death which affected him deeply. He has never suffered with my illness and managed his anxieties and woes admirably,I used to think how do you do it,even when he was a policeman years ago he never took the job home with him.
Last year he was going through a very intense time at work(he is a business manager now)and was been assessed by a company so he could become a proper business consultant.During this time he began to lose a lot of weight(and I mean a lot)had constant diarrohoea andnausea and was really ill. I worked part time then and began to worry whilst working,this showed up in panic attacks at work and I had a lot of time off. This resulted in me being put through staff disciplineries for absence which resulted in me leaving.Gary's health was paramount and I was worried sick,I really thought he had cancer. After numerous tests(some invasive)we finally found out he has Chrohns Disease and this is stress related.
The object of telling you all this is the fact that nearly everyone suffers from some form of anxiety at some time in their life but might not know it.Gary said he didn't feel stressed and thought he was managing life well,his body thought otherwise and turned his worries inwards.I have read many people's posts on here regarding their particular problems and have been moved sometimes to tears reading them.We must all remember that it is better to admit we have a problem.or that there is something wrong than to hide it and suffer in silence.My mother is a person who hides her feelings and is not well right now with depression and has had a few really bad episodes of internal anguish.Anxiety can strike anybody at any time and leave sufferers at any time too it's just finding a way to manage it.My doc years ago said that I was too hard on myself and managed my illnesswell.I don't smoke or drink and he said I didn't have an outlet like other folk. I took up gardening and I feel this helps me sometimes not all the time.
It just goes to show that people who suffer from anxiety are not weak or any less a person who is macho or cocky we just are sensitive people who know how to express our innersmost fears and address them instead of burying them and ignoring them.We face the music head on and we should be proud.

12-08-08, 11:56
I agree mothermac. It takes alot to battle through every day and although at these times we feel like we are the only ones we certainly are not. It is a shame that we usually, in my case anyway, hang on to the negatives and forget the positives. Really we should be bigging ourselves up for getting through each day.

All the best
