View Full Version : worried

12-08-08, 03:09
Went back to work today after 5 weeks off sick. Had a meeting with the operations manager and my manager before i started work as ive been getting texts from a person at work telling me all sorts of things that have been going on in the office...for eg (naming and shaming) people who were making mistakes in procedures ortalking to people over the phone and in the use of the comp system. According to this person people at work were calling it 'the walk of shame' as they were being taken into the managers office and also being named on boards around the office!! Another example apparently being timed when you went to the loo and told off if you were away too long!!...and thats just 2 examples. So you can imagine i got myself in a right tizzy worrying over all these things as my job is stressful enough without anything else to add to it. So last week I rang my manager and went into work to talk about it as it was really worrying me. After a lengthy chat he basically said all this stuff wasnt true..yes they had implemented a few new things but certainly nothing like id been lead to believe??
I trained this person and have helped them all i could. Why are they telling me all this stuff while im off, making me feel so ill? Ive kept all the texts sent to me and the ops manager asked me to print them off so they could discipline this person as they class it as harrassment and a form of bullying!!. Im in a state again as i dont know what to do. I just want to go to work..do my job..come home and forget it until ive to go back. I dont want any ill feelig ive worked there for nearly 4 yrs..this persons been there 4 months. Ive never had anytrouble or bother. My manager even sent me across the road to our other office block today so that i could have my first day back wthout the worry of having to see this person, as they were texting me until after midnight sunday night worried in case i told anyone what theyd told me? What do i do? Im feeling so uncomfortable about all this. Ive woken up in a fright feeling i couldnt breathe...shaking as if i were cold about 11:45...and its after 1am now and ive got to be up at 5:30am to get ready for work today. Dont know what to do..ring in sick again...or go to work ?

12-08-08, 03:13
the person who tells you about them , well tell them about you
these people are dopes dont trust them

Hope 2
12-08-08, 13:27
Hi Lesleya

Tell this person just what you told us, you just want to come to work, no hassle, go home etc. It sounds like u have yr managers support which is reassuring. Ask this person to stop texting you as it makes u anxious....and leave it at that?

Hope today goes ok, try not to let this person get in the way of your progress :hugs: . I have just gone back to work after 7 yrs and I know how these things can 'do yr head in' xx

Chin Up Chuck
Julia xx

12-08-08, 19:47
Evening london and hope....I went into work eventhough i felt ill as ive hardly had a wink of sleep all night worrying. I feel like i want to just jack it all in:weep: :weep:
Ive been blanked all day by this person (a god-send really) but her cronies cant look me in the eye either, and its making me feel so uncomfortable.
My manager and ops manager called me in again before everyone else started work as i get to work for 06.30am and they seem determined to try talking me into letting them have a copy my texts from this person because they said they dont normally encourage someone to take these matters further but they think i should! I told them i felt like resigning but they said thats the last thing they want me to do as ive done nothiing wrong.
Am i am being used by management to help them get rid of someone whom i think reading between the lines want rid off? as this is the 2nd time theyve interfed where they werent wanted after only being there 4 months. I can honeslty say in the 4 years ive worked there ive never known any bitching or arguing amongst the staff before now.
I just feel so low and dont know whether im coming or going. I dont know what to do.