View Full Version : need some advice

12-08-08, 08:58
Im really desprate for some advice for something that is holding me back from recovery.

I met my best friend for the first time late last year and we got on very well from day one, we spent hours and hours online to each other (we live opposite ends of england) and would often wake early and spend all day online.

My friend lets call her A is married but not happy and has two young children.
I at the time had a boyfriend Id been with for 8 years but also wasnt happy.

Dec last yr we realised and confessed we had fallen for one another, for us this ment we had to also exept we werent who we thought we were as neither us knew we were gay.

we started a realtionship in Jan this year and met for the first time in real life in march. we got on well and went on to meet a few more times over the months.

I split from my boyfriend in april and me and A started talking about her leaving hubbie and us living together.

May we saw one another for the weekend and it hurt alot to say goodbye.

end of june out the blue she finished the realtionship saying it wasnt working, but wanted to remain best friends and for me to still visit for a week later this yr.

now shes decided she dont wanna be best friends, doesnt want to meet in sept and only spends time online with me when it suits her.
she only replies to 50% of my texts and if we talk makes it sound like shed rather we didnt.

her excuse for not talking online has been that busy she dont get time to come on, but this morning i know shes online and yet says she wont talk on msn to me.

how do we move forward, I live by talking about things which is what ive tried but she says she cant talk about them, Ive argreed to not talk about them if she invests more time with me to sort this friendship out. she agreed yesterday but now is back in old ways again :weep:

13-08-08, 17:46
Hi TattyTeddy,

I think you need to go by her actions and not by her words. In my opinion she is back with her hubby and children and does not want to move forward. I think even though it will hurt you at first, you need to do the same. I am sorry. If you need to, ask her out right if that is what she really wants.

Take care,


13-08-08, 17:59
It does sound as if she has had second thoughts and has now decided to stay with her husband and children and does not want to continue a friendship with you. Whilst this may be difficult for you to come to terms with, you probably need to accept that your relationship with her is over, and that it may be best for you to look elsewhere for a friend.

13-08-08, 20:18
hiya i think that the above is right hun and u need to go by the actions and not words, best friends is great but no matter wot sex u r if u cross the line in friendship it is very hard to get the friendship back to being as good as it was before. sometimes also if we are not getting wot we need in our relationships its easy to feel close to someone else who mayb does make u feel needed, wanted, feel good etc. try and move on hun and mayb try and not contact her, if they miss u that much they will be in contact but u need to move on and make a happier life for u, i know its hard but u will get through it. xx