View Full Version : panicking

12-08-08, 09:43
I have been to my gp with neck pain and dizziness, he gave me some exercises to do. Well now I think there is something wrong with my throat as muscles are pulling when I chew. Of course it has to be a tumour on my neck and within days I will not be able to eat and will have to be fed through a tube. We are moving at the moment and I don't want this to spoil our life in our lovelly new home in the country.Tears are coming now help!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-08-08, 10:18
Aw Les!

Moving is a huge thing and does generate stress. Your body is just responding to this in the way it has programmed itself to best.PANIC! Try not to though..before you know it youll be settled in your new home and glad you made the move

Take care

Pooh xxx

12-08-08, 10:27
I know how stressful I found moving and it affects you in all the usual anxiety ways. But could you have pulled something moving boxes etc?

12-08-08, 13:39
I have a very damaged neck with herniated disc and arthritis and the bigest problem I had for many many years was dizziness and vertigo on top of the neck and head pain. I felt for years as if I was walking on a bouncy castle and I would get sudden bad attacks of vertigo. This was all caused by my damaged neck as we have balance receptors in neck in bones and muscles and if they are out of syn as in injury or tension then our balance gets affected.

My neurosurgeon told me that my neck would fuse itself in 5-20 yrs and my symptoms improve which has happened unless I do something to annoy my neck.

I spent years and years in panic over my dizziness etc and could not accept it was from my damaged neck and had endless tests ( mri of brain and neck and ultrasound of neck arteries) and all was normal. Only when the symptoms improved and then I did something that hurt my neck and all the symptoms came back in hours did I accept what I had been told over and over again for years!!!!!!!!!

12-08-08, 13:51
Thanks for your replies,have taken dogs for a walk and feel a bit better.I know moving is stressful and why do I always fear the worst it can't just be a pulled muscle it has to be cancer or something bad.well I must get on with clearing out cupboards.Thank you for your help as always your there when I need you.:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

12-08-08, 14:59

Honey i suggest you have a look at TMJ on the internet it sounds very similar to what your having. I would recommend going to see a dentist too as they are really the only ones that can sort the problem out.


12-08-08, 16:07
Hi Nicola, thanks for the link, I will have a look.