View Full Version : medication diazapam

12-08-08, 12:56
would taking diazapam help with the control of constant swallowing as it seems to be freeking me out and ive tryd not thinking ab it but noothing else seems to work annd im getting scared what it might lead to when sleeping at night

12-08-08, 13:38
It might do the trick. If you are comfortable taking it then it might be worth giving a shock. If it helps relax you more then you may start to be less aware of the sensastion and that is the only way it will stop bothering you.

All the best


12-08-08, 17:47
thanks for the advice is tis a common symptom then constantly swallowing

12-08-08, 19:38
I wouldn't take any medication until you have had the baby.

You are overdue now aren't you?

12-08-08, 22:47
hiya joyce hope u are well, hows it going with pregancy? must be on its way soon. hugs xxx

12-08-08, 22:58
im due today having some contractions today but going regular then irregular can i ask you something with you losing the head with me please

12-08-08, 22:58
was due today

12-08-08, 23:11
wow kinda exciting and scary i guess hun, not long to go then xx

12-08-08, 23:16
Umm I am confused - the baby was due on the 8th you told us - that is 4 days ago now.

Can we at least have some truth if we are to help please.

12-08-08, 23:17
Wow - Good luck,
God bless you and the new arrival.

12-08-08, 23:19
no i did sazy the 12 th was my scan date 8 th was my date

12-08-08, 23:21
You posted on the 3rd and said due in 5 days - I am confused now

Hopefully it will come soon for you anyway - what sex is it do you know?

12-08-08, 23:27
aww bet u looking forward to it now? will u be a fulltime mum or will u go back to work do u think? i like being fulltime mum i think, but we are all different. mind u the baby may take your mind off this anxiety u having

12-08-08, 23:30
You won't have time to think about the throat with a new baby lol

An instant cure I reckon!

12-08-08, 23:31
I Do Hope So Im Having An Awful Time Again With This Saliva Is Lik Pouring From My Mouth Making Me Swallow More So Im Hoping Its Hormonal As Ive Reaallly Had Enough Of All These Symptoms My Mouth Is Constantly Full Of This Stuff God Knows Where Its Come From

12-08-08, 23:33
Why have you gone all caps lock again?

12-08-08, 23:33
yeah must be horrid for u, have u got support once baby comes hun?

12-08-08, 23:52
have u got support mate once baby comes incase u need it? cos they are hard work as nice as they are, i have 3 lol.

13-08-08, 11:24
Joyce, your writing style keeps changing. What's going on there?

13-08-08, 12:34
hiya joyce hows contractions? do u have support once baby comes? umay need it. do u have a partner or family to support u?

13-08-08, 22:49
Hello one and all

May I suggest we dont play this game, its boring and i think this site is for real people with real problems. This is just making me feel sick to be honest. Why dont you and do one of two things:

1) If you are really this ill get proper medical help

2) If you are just winding people up then i pray that you never need real help.


13-08-08, 22:56
i cant get proper help till after my baby comes which is now over due you dont no the half of it of how deppressed i actually am

13-08-08, 23:00

I have read ALL of your posts under various NAMES and to be honest with you, and i dont mean to upset you but i really feel that you need expert help from someone who can give you the help you need. You seem to change your story from one post to the next, why is this?


13-08-08, 23:05

If you are that depressed you MUST tell the GP now as this will totally stress the baby out and you need to be strong for that.

You can't carry on posting on here like I said unless you are really genuine and take time to help others as well.

You ignore all I ask and this is the last chance I can give you on here to be honest - I have been very patient as you will know.

13-08-08, 23:31
joyce be honest with us all and we will help u, if u dont then we cant help. do u hav support once baby is here? please answer me cos u keep ignoring my posts. xx