View Full Version : General Panic and Alcohol

09-05-05, 09:53

I'm new to this forum and would like to know if anyone else suffers the same as me and what they've done about it. I've read a lot of the information on this site and am now trying to put it into practise.

I've been suffering general panic attacks for 3 years now and after counselling I've stopped them lasting the 3 weeks they did at the beginning. I can now control them to the extent where if I do take time off work it's only for the odd day or two.

However, I've now noticed that I'm more likely to suffer an attack on Monday or Tuesday ( I do drink a lot over the weekend it must be said) and my partner puts it down to alcohol. After reading this site, I've decided to cut down (not stop drinking altogether) and this last weekend went ok with no attack today. My problem is that I'm now scared that if an attack occurs now then a. my hard work in cutting down will have been wasted and b. I'll feel helpless again as I did when the attacks first started.

Does anyone else feel this way?

09-05-05, 10:22
hi tomma, welcome to the site! were all here to help, i to can relate to this, when i first started having my 'funny turns'(this is what i first described them to everyone until people said these were anixty and panic, )i used to neck a large glass of red and speak to a mate on the phone until it passed which at first it helped but of course after a couple of weeks it had the oppesite effect and made my attacks 100 times worse, so yes i think acholol brings these attacks on, what i miss now is being able to enjoy a nice glass of red but i know i will suffer in the night or the next day if i do. xx jwonka

09-05-05, 10:30
Hi Tomma

Welcome to the forum

It's a well known fact that alcohol stimulates anxiety and panic and many people have their first panic attack after a heavy night on the booze!
You have done well ot be able to control your attacks to a certain extent and have been able to carry on working , thus you are facing up to you fear.
You will not feel helpless if you have another attack after cutting down your alcohol intake as it can take longer than you think for it all to go away, so persevere with what you are doing and gradually your symptoms will begin to subside more and more.
You are doing really well and taking very positive steps towards your recovery.
Keep up the good work

Take care

Elaine x

09-05-05, 10:52
hello Tomma,

Welcome aboard!! :)

It is a well-known fact that alcohol and anxiety just don't mix. My first panic attack happened after a night of heavy drinking and I haven't touched the stuff since as I'm too scared. There is nothing wrong with having a few drinks but if you are drinking quite a bit, it could very well be contributing to your panic attacks..

Sarah :D

09-05-05, 10:59
Hi Tomma

Welcome to the forum. Pleased you have found it very useful and informative so far.

It is true that alcohol and anxiety dont mix well. I use it to calm me down then the next day it makes me feel worse and it then become a viscious circle. Try cutting it down over the next few weeks and you will see the benefit.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

09-05-05, 13:34
Tomma ,

Glad you've been doing some reading here and are trying to apply it..

If you do drink quite heavily its good to cut down and not cut out straight away ..

First Steps : First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

Alcohol : alcohol and panic-do they mix? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2409)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

09-05-05, 15:36
Hi Tomma,

I havent had a bad attack prob in about a year now, but do fint if i have had a drink i get that horrible feeling and it normally last all day,
try not to worry about it as you are doing all the right things in trying to help your self, and the more you think about it the more likely it is to happen just relax, you seem to be doing the right things,

good luck and welcome to the forum

kairen x

13-05-05, 16:36
HI Tomma,
i can definitely empathise with your predicament. I often find that when I go out with friends I become really self-conscious and unable to feel comfortable in such intense environments. Drink helps to calm me down- to begin with. Then i get so relaxed that I hit the floor!
Im a student (soon to be unemployed!!) and the last time that I binged on drink I was incapacitated by anxiety and mental fatigue for about three weeks. This compounded my "normal" anxiety" and interfered with my work- i missed a load of lectures etc. Indeed, my second year was nearly written off because of my problems. My finals are coming up shortly, and the old procrastination/fleeing defence mechanism is kicking in. My mind is slowing down, yet barely conceived nightmarish scenarios are coming into my head.....
You can never eradicate this disorder- all you can do is accomodate it and learn how to alleviate its effects. Im going to go on a long walk (hoping i dont get happyslapped!!!) and have a hot bath this evening. Reading ANYTHING also helps, even when the concentration levels are poor. Sorry if i rambled, but procrastination must be obeyed!!!

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