View Full Version : Sore Skin And Weird Feelings

12-08-08, 17:15
hi everyone im new on here just found this forum today...
i was diagnosed with anxiety just 2 weeks ago after seeing my doc with the following symptoms..
numb feeling on right side of face,(although felt normal when touched)
tingling in arms
pins and needles
odd nerve twitch on arm by elbow...
he gave me diazepam which i have been taking but still getting odd feelings, the other day i woke up and my left eye was sore this time and the skin around my eye and oddly my left shoulder and left side of chest felt sunburnt although it wasnt...
are these really signs of anxiety as i so far have diagnosed myself with hiv, brain tumour, ms and on it goes.
i feel like im going crazy, am back at docs tomorrow to go through it all again, i know it all sounds crazy but im really scared im going to die and leave my children...

12-08-08, 17:29
Hi there and welcome to the forum!
I am sorry to hear you have been feeling bad. I , like you self diagnose at every opportunity - I think we need to trust the doctors unless they give us reason not to, but I do know that is easier said than done.
If there was any reason for your dr to be worried, he/she would refer you straight away - they know all the warning signs to look out for.
Please try and keep positive - I know it's hard! I hope you can get some reassurance from the doc tomorrow, you could always ask for a routine blood test which would rule out a lot?

12-08-08, 17:31
Ps you don't sound crazy - far from it! :winks:

Venus Calling
12-08-08, 18:40
Depending on your age - these are also symptoms of the perimenopause - might be worth checking out. I have the burning skin on the chest. It was mistaken for heartburn but antacids don't touch it - not only that it moves. Did your anxiety come out of the blue?

12-08-08, 19:38
hi well i have always had anxious feelings and worried about things but always managed to control it i think, but this suddenly seems to have taken over me...its like i cant stop putting my symptoms in internet and telling people what i think i might have. Sometimes i laugh at myself because i know how ridicolous it all sounds but still i have this gut feeling of dread inside...
its great to find this website and talk to people who have had the same thing.

12-08-08, 22:41
Hi Sharon :D:hugs:

Please, please, DON'T google, your symptoms hun, this will only fuel your anxiety, you can only google if you put anxiety symptoms in front of what your searching for.

You are right to go back to your gp, after all peace of mind goes along way.

It is possible that ALL these symptoms are caused by anxiety,

It is due to the nervous system.

The nervous system is a very large complex network of electrically charged nerves which are found in every square centimeter of your body, around every organ, muscle and across your skin, the largest organ in the body. Abnormal nerve impulses due to anxiety can cause a vast array of strange sensations; although quite harmless these can be very disturbing.

I have had the tingling arms, mm legs mmm and other places.
Your feeling of being sunburnd, I have had this too, but said it felt like a minor burn, it felt very tender to touch, This happend to me, on the tops of my legs, the side of my face, it IS very strange, but will not harm you.

YOU ARE NOT going crazy hun, please don't think this, :hugs:

When we are acute, the flight, fight response is near, we fear we are in damger, we can't see it, BUT we feel it, so we go looking for what we fear, ohhhh boy, Mrs anx is waiting she knows what we fear, so we feed her our fears, after all, who knows us better than anyone, who knows are fears, WE DO. I got to a stage when I said to my sis, ohhh I am very good a frightend the life out myself, funny, but not funny really.