View Full Version : Horrendous day!

12-08-08, 17:50
Thought I was handling my insomnia and anxiety quite well recently but today I have had a terrible time of it.I went out shopping with my mum at lunchtime and felt quite jittery on the way into town,my husband is off work at the moment but we got the bus instead of asking him to give us a lift. After reaching the shops I was generally ok but felt panic rising up in me every time I went into a shop or had to queue,Mum didn't say anything if she noticed so I thought I was ok. On the bus on the way home I nearly got off as I felt very panicky and unwell all of a sudden.
I reached home and told my husband I was having a bad day,I don't need to tell him really as I think he notices now just by looking at me.We made tea and then all of a sudden I just felt very tearful and suddenly burst into tears,I didn't want my daughter to notice so I went into the garden and suffered in silence,it was bloody awful. I ate my tea slowly but felt sick all the way through but managed to get some down.I still feel nervous and know that it is my irrational fear of having a fit that brought it on. I don't know why this fear is here but I am terrified of something happening like that.I told my doctor and he said you have to be dispostioned to something like that but I am still frightened. My hubby finally got it out of me and said I wouldn't have one so to put it from my mind. I think I am overtired as I don't sleep at all well so this makes it worse. Does anybody else have fears like this or the same fear as me?I don't know what I would do if I didn't have this site to come to it just would make matters worse,I wish I had found it years ago. Sorry to depresse people but I feel pretty bad and scared today,I hope tomorrow is better.

12-08-08, 18:54
Tomorrow will be better :)

I have found that not getting enough sleep makes me 100 times more prone to panic. Insomnia is horrible, I feel your pain.

Chin up, tomorrow is another day!!

12-08-08, 21:10
Thanks Jenfromdenver it helps to know other people are there for me. I feel a little calmer now and hope I can switch off when it's bedtime later. Most of my panic happens at night(or so I thought) today was an exception.

12-08-08, 23:25

Hope u are feeling better now.

I dont sleep very well, its been especially bad past few weeks and i know this makes my anxiety worse.

Tomorrow will be a better day for both of us

take care

love mandie x

13-08-08, 00:35
hiya i hope u manage to get some sleep tonight mate cos that is enough to make anyone in a state. i duno how i managed with 3 kids as babies haha i really hated the no sleep stage and i was permanently grumpy. i dont need loads of sleep but 8 hours is nice. tomorro will be a better day hugs xx

13-08-08, 03:12
Lack of sleep wil certainly make you feel more jittery because when we feel overtired it affects our security as we need to feel in control of our thoughts and our symptoms. When we're overtired we can't concentrate so well, we might feel giddy or dizzy and these feelings will make us feel ill which then makes our anxiety worse just as anxious symptoms cause more worry causing worse symptoms.

Mothermac, you life is revolving around anxiety 24 hours a day. At night you're having trouble sleeping because of your ever present worries because you feel unable to switch off and relax.

When our days are being controlled by "worry", the worry causes anxious symptoms making us "feel" ill making us worry we're going to fit or pass out etc so we then worry about our health which makes our symptoms worse and so on in a cycle when it's actually worry that is causing the symptoms in the first place.

Also though, when our days are filled with worries, the worrying not only causes anxious symptoms but also creates "stress" which then makes us feel trapped because we feel unable to escape the stress and worries that are causing our anxious symptoms.

When we then go into a crowded situation such as a shop, a queue or a bus etc, these situations emphasis our feelings of feeling trapped which then cause us to start feeling panicky.

The panic then builds creating more worries, more symptoms, more stress making us feel more trapped until it all becomes too much for our minds to take so has to be released which we do through our emotions by crying because the stress becomes too much to bear.

We then feel bad about ourselves thinking we're weak etc which then creates guilt for not being "stronger" and more capable so we beat ourselves up and feel ashamed making us want to be alone.

Of course when we feel so stressed, all our muscles tense up including around the stomach making us feel sick or making us need the loo!

You need to target your worries. Learn to control them rather than allowing them to control you. Learn how to switch off and keep relaxed. Learn how not to focus on worries. Learn not to be afraid of anxious symptoms. Learn to accept your symptoms as being a normal reaction to worry. Learn to come to terms with your past and the events that have caused your worries. Learn to keep your mind focussed on "other" outside interests rather than your worrying thoughts. Set yourself goals and what you want to achieve but learn to take small steps each day towards them to enable tomorrow sort itself.:hugs: