View Full Version : Hi, I'm new here

12-08-08, 20:31
I just found this site and I never realized how many people suffer from panic disorders. I am 30 and have had panic attacks for a long time. Agoraphobia is my main problem but I have constant overwhelming anxiety all the time. The doctors have tried almost every medication on me and it doesn't work. Klonopin helps a little but I know I have to change my way of thinking and I don't know how to do that. I am starting to get a little less agoraphobic. I just started AA about 20 days ago and have also been sober for 20 days. I drank to try to calm my anxiety and my many fears. But I have realized that just made things worse. I had a very hard time walking into that group of people for the first time since my main fear is groups of people. But I have had a few panic attacks there. But it is helping me to get over my fear and also keeping me sober. I am also having alot of separation anxiety because my son is going back to school. I went through this last year when he started kindergarden. And I thought this year would be easier but I can not stop crying. I had to send him to a relatives house for today because I don't like him seeing me so upset and I don't want him to know why I'm crying. I don't want to make it harder on him. Can anyone relate to the separation anxiety. I need some advice. And I really just need some support from people who understand agoraphobia and panic disorder. Thank you.

12-08-08, 20:38
Hiya Hun :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurane and make some great friends along the way. has your doc offered you CBT theropy?
this can be very helpful with the way of thinking and helping change it
have a talk to him/her about it if they aint
keep posting and we will help you as much as we can

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


12-08-08, 21:07
Hello Suzanne

Welcome to the site you will meet many people on here who understand what you are going through

Take care


12-08-08, 21:57
Hi Suzanne

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

12-08-08, 22:05
Hi Hun, :D:hugs:

:welcome: to the site,

There are lots of nice people here who will help and support you



13-08-08, 00:26
hiya and welcome to nmp, you will find loads of support here and meet some lovely people. hugs xx

13-08-08, 13:52
Hello Suzanne And Welcome, Yes I Can Totally Relate Im A Recovered Agraphobic, And Ive Been Sober For 16 Yrs I Know The Drill, I Had Those Feelings When My Boys Went Back Too School When I Was Agraphobic, Like I Was The Child And They Were The Parent,but I Think We All Feel That Way Of Seperation Once School Begans For The First Week, Hang In There And Congrats On Ya 20 Days, I Wish Ya Well, Linda

13-08-08, 14:41
Hi Suzanne,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support. Glad you are here.

Take care,


13-08-08, 14:58
Hiya ..i would first like 2 say weldone for 20days sober thats fantastic.
I also suffer panic disorder and agoraphobia and drown my anxietys in a bottle of wine which then makes me feel worse next day so drink again 2 feel better ..and it goes on and on .....x
I undrstand the seperation anxiety as I was the same when my daughter started school and think all moms feel it at 1st .I found it hard as Im a single mom so it had just been the 2 of us then she was at school ..big shock ...but I have got used 2 it now .

U will get lots of help on NMP x
best wishes
Titch xxx

Veronica H
13-08-08, 16:20
Hi Suzanne
You will find support and comfort here. Congratulations on the 20 days. I think you have done really well considering your son is going back to school at the same time.
Best wishes in your recovery
Veronica H

milly jones
13-08-08, 20:04
Hi hun

a warm nmp welcome to u

hope that u gain as much support and help here as i do

love milly xxxx