View Full Version : sharp pains in chest

12-08-08, 20:43
ok- i've never had any heart issues but since suffering a panic attack 2 months ago I've started worrying about my heart for no reason, therefore during these two months i have had flutters, missed beats, beats coming too close, ectopics or whatever. the past 3 weeks i also occasionally have these sharp pains in my left breast area, under it, or on top of it, right around the heart...they last like 1-3 seconds and happen only like 2-3 times a day...

i've had blood tests done, cholesterol is fine, BP was checked d is "excellent". never had an EKG, but my doc says "heart is 110%", idk how he can say that without an EKG or ultrasound but w/e.

so am I gonna collapse and die????:weep: :scared15:

12-08-08, 20:45
also i've been getting this feeling of wanting to throw up after a meal that lasts like 30 mins along with feeling very tired and sleepy after i eat?????

12-08-08, 21:33
read this link it may help you


Albert Couture
12-08-08, 21:39
I used to get sharp pains in the chest, sometimes right over the heart, all the time. A close family member gets them too. When they happen, I used to try and hold my breath, as inhaling would increase the pain, and I sort of had this image of a balloon rubbing up against a needle! My GP experienced them too when he was younger, and says it is just the chest muscle contracting involuntary (and uncomfortably!).

Years later, after experiencing my first panic attack and real anxiety symptoms, I had an echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart) done, and an ECG. Everything checked out fine, and yet I was suffering from palpitations, nausea, fatigue, etc. around the clock.

If something was wrong with my heart, I figure it would of killed me during my initial bout with high anxiety. So I hope you can take confidence in knowing that you're still here, despite having a panic attack and these resulting chest/heart sensations for 2 months.

As for tiredness after eating, I get this too! If I get active (go for a walk) after a meal, I can avoid taking a nap, but it's always easier just to sit around than making a real effort.

Hang in there Yanks!

12-08-08, 21:40
thank you =)

12-08-08, 21:43
Albert- thank you, that was very reassuring!!

13-08-08, 00:54
ok- i've never had any heart issues but since suffering a panic attack 2 months ago I've started worrying about my heart for no reason, therefore during these two months i have had flutters, missed beats, beats coming too close, ectopics or whatever. the past 3 weeks i also occasionally have these sharp pains in my left breast area, under it, or on top of it, right around the heart...they last like 1-3 seconds and happen only like 2-3 times a day...

i've had blood tests done, cholesterol is fine, BP was checked d is "excellent". never had an EKG, but my doc says "heart is 110%", idk how he can say that without an EKG or ultrasound but w/e.

so am I gonna collapse and die????:weep: :scared15:

i think doctors know a lot just by looking