View Full Version : heart palpitaions and pain

12-08-08, 21:50
I have been having these awful palpitations with skipped beats and my heart will just beat so hard and fast! I get chest pains above my heart and in my shoulder a lil bit and yesterday my heart rate was 160 for a really long time and it would flutter and skip and it drove me nuts. I thought I was having a heart attack! I have only had an EKG done but it was after the episode and they said if I wasnt having an episode then it wouldnt pick up anything. I feel anxious a lot but this scares me and sometimes when this happens im not even feeling anxious! Should I go get my heart checked out by a specialist first and make sure this is anxiety??

12-08-08, 21:55

yes this does sound like anxiety but def go get it checked with doc first. They will be able to advise you more. Let me know how you get on. xx

12-08-08, 22:05
have you ever had this before your anxiety?? I used to occasionally have a skipped beat once every...oh 2 months or so, maybe even less...but since my anxiety began i have had many heart "symptoms".

12-08-08, 22:23
Hi yeah you should get it checked out i just came off of a heart monitor and the doc found thay my heart rate was the same as yours. so he put me on a beta blocker to help your heart less stress. You may want to see a cardiologist so they can monitor it to see if your heart is doing it all the time or just when you are anxious. are you working?

13-08-08, 22:32
have you ever had this before your anxiety?? I used to occasionally have a skipped beat once every...oh 2 months or so, maybe even less...but since my anxiety began i have had many heart "symptoms".

Hey no I can remember times when i was little that I would just be too weak to play and just so tired for no reson.

13-08-08, 22:35
I am not working at this time. I was looking for a job but feeling so awful all the time I decided I just cant work right now. This isnt new I remember times when I was little where I would just get so weak and couldnt play and even in late teens I had times where id just feel dizzy and my heart would race it just seems like now its a lot worse and there are newer and scarier symptoms.

Rachey poos
13-08-08, 23:05
u will find its stress!!!!!! for sure .. bee there so many times! you will b fne hunny xxxx

14-08-08, 00:30
You should always get checked out by a doctor before putting anything down to anxiety. If you are getting pains in your chest, jaw, neck, or left arm you should always seek medical help.
