View Full Version : slow heart rate

13-08-08, 02:07
Hey anyone on meds that reduce your heart rate? been on metoprolol about tow weeks and i noticed that when i'm sitting or relaxing my heart rate is about 50-57 i'm just freaking out cause i feel dizzy. don't know if this is coming from my meds or inner ear. just wanted yo know if anyone else feels like this.

13-08-08, 05:32
I was on a beta blocker that slowed my heart rate badly. I ended up in the ER and had to be taken off them. However my resting heart rate now without any medication is usually 50ish and in the evening it drops in the 40's. Normally I dont get any side effects from it unless I focus on it and start to worry about it. 50-57 is still a good healthy rate, it means your heart doesnt have to work as hard. However if you faint or feel really bad then see your doctor. But otherwise be happy cause the harder your heart has to work the better!

13-08-08, 12:04
I have always had a low heart rate and low blood pressure. It runs in my family. The only issues I have is that sometimes I get a bit light headed when standing quickly. Anaestetic also has a bad effect (last time I had a local my heart rate went sub 30 beats per min and they had to wake me up rather rapid with oxygen). I just need to remember to let them know.