View Full Version : Feel like im going round in circles, ill again.

13-08-08, 13:53
I posted last week about my anxiety and how it was making me feel. No different this week, saw my GP again last night, told him I was feeling quite low in my mood and he just said I need time to relax which is not easy with 3 children. He thinks im just low because ive had a virus for 2 weeks (constant cough) and now on top of it he says ive sinusitis, my eldest child has had a diorrheoa bug for the last 48 hours, my youngest is teething badly and my middle child has yet another infection down below and yesterday was finally refered to hospital to have a circumsition. I am just waiting now for us all to get this bug my son has. I feel like its one thing after another.

I feel poorly so im struggling to look after my 3 children, I have no support off my family at times like this. I rung my mum in tears earlier because I am absolutly exhausted, the children were all up in the night and my hubby buggered off to the gym at 6am!!!!

I have spent all morning ironing and then telling my children off, they are all tired out so very wingy:weep: I am just not coping today at all. I am sick of hearing tears from them and constant fighting.

Yesterday my dr (not usual one, this is a new GP) put the fear of god into me about the sinutisis, I told him I had a pain in my head and a feeling of congestion plus ear pain. I told him I am prone to sinus probs but this is abit worse than usual so he said 'oh you probably have chronic sinusitis' I then explained to him id had a CT scan 2 yrs ago after being refered to an ENT specialist and my CT was clear and so the consultant said it can't be chronic, they think my flare ups are due to allergies so I take a spray daily and steam when it flares up. He then said 'I had chronic sinusitis and my CT scans were clear but I ended up having an op and im fine now' I then said I hoped I didn't have chronic because the consultant says he can't do much more for me and silly me read on the net about sinusitis years ago and scared myself silly with complications of sinusitis to which he said 'oh yes it can spread into the bloodstream, meningitis or even tumours' I mean jeez what was he trying to do to me.

I am now worrying I do have chronic but the consultant said to me if I had chronic id have green snot from my nose constantly and a constant headache and probably a temperature so unless I have those don't worry its just allergy related. This GP now has made me doubt that and all my old fears have risen to the surface.

God I just feel so c**p right now with all of this on my plate. Its one illness after another which is making my anxiety peak. I am now worried im gona have an infection from this sinusitis and it will spread, the GP said antibiotics won't help at all so just to steam as much as possible.

Does anyone want 3 kids for the afternoon?:winks:

13-08-08, 14:04
Libby all I can say is no wonder you are feeling crap - you poor thing - feeling low is bad enough at the best of times but when you have kids that are poorly and you are too there is nothing worse. forget what gp said and make an appointment with usual one when he is back. can you ask any family member to give you a hand - so they may not be happy - tough - also your husband - thats not fair him going off first thing - . just sending you lots of love xx

13-08-08, 14:14
Hi Bab,

I was told by this new GP that its jsut a virus so to plod on and come back if the sinusitis gets worse so I shall see how i go but if no better by friday i will ring an make an appointment to see my regular GP next week. It will then be 3 weeks since I first started with this virus.

I am taking my son up to the GP later with this bug, he is pretty worn out today and not able to keep anything in for long, poor love.

I am dreading going, I was only there yesterday with my son and myself, the receptionist and other staff stare at me:-(

I don't like to ask my family but I rung my mum earlier in tears, she still didn't offer to come over, she was out shopping with my other sis so I said nomore, I rarely ask for support anymore so I am kinda stuck in my ways;-) My hubby is leaving at 4pm today to help me out, so he says;-)

Thanks for replying, I just needed to rant, I hate times like this.

Venus Calling
13-08-08, 15:21
I can totally sympathise with you - I have six kids and at times we just went around in circles with various illnesses and the like. One was/is a chronic asthma and eczema suffer and spent a lot of time in hospital. I remember once I had two of them in hospital at the same time, was working and had to run around like a mad woman keeping it all together (husband oblivious and thinking his work was more important!) - I used to feel like a member of staff at our doctors surgery I was there so often but you get through it and makes you realise how happy and healthy the family is more often than not. Four of mine are over 20 now so look after themselves or get their girlfriends to - those days seem so far away now - thankfully!

I never ironed unless absolutely necessary - stuck everything in the tumble dryer and gave it a good shake or didn't buy anything that needed ironing! The housework can wait - you need to take care of yourself as well as the children. Once you have one layer of dust you don't see the others (that's my theory anyway!) When I was growing up, my mum had an embroidered saying on the wall which didn't make sense to me as a kid but it said 'Our house is dirty enough to be healthy and clean enough to be happy'. It makes perfect sense now! My kids don't remember the dust and finger prints on the wall when we go down memory lane but do remember us snuggled up in duvets on the settee watching Disney films.

It'll get better just take one day at a time...

13-08-08, 15:27
I have 2 young kids and thats bad enough, I feel so tired all the time and have neck problems which cause me headaches, well I think its that! I worry all the time about health and just wish I had more energy and more patience with my kids.
Thats the trouble men have no idea and its something I often bring up in conversation, when do we get the house to ourselves and an hours peace? I love my kids dearly and worry sick about my health, but an hour or so peace is really precious.
I hope you feel better soon, sounds like you need a good rest. Hope you don't all get the bug.
Have no magic answers I am afraid, but you need to rest xx

13-08-08, 15:59
Thank you both,

Your both right I need to take time out and think of myself rather than the house. Just frustrates me that I am feeling so rundown lately, ist illness after illness though. They are healthier during school term, lol!

My husband should be home abit earlier tonight, he knows he is in my bad books though. We had a terrible night, 2 children awake from 2am, his phone going at 4.30am with an emergency call from work!!!! then just as I nodded off he decided to go to the gym at 6am as usual!!! he is feeling very very guilty now indeed knowing what a tough day ive had with my 3 and feeling ill.

Thanks for your support.

13-08-08, 20:08

13-08-08, 20:55

That was a spam post - we are looking into that user now.

13-08-08, 22:02
Thank you.

14-08-08, 21:06
Hiya Hun
How are you?
Its been ages since we last chatted,sorry i havent been about much...
Anway u poor thing with your sinuses,dont be frightened of chronic sinusitis hun,as you know i had it..
Unfirtunatly what i'm gonna say is gonna contadict some of the things you've been told,but as you know i have had lots of experiance with this.
Acute sinusitis is with GREEN OR YELLOW mucus
Chronic sinusitis is generally with CLEAR mucus (mine was clear)
Yes the surgeon can do things to help as you prob remember i had among other things Functional endoscopic sinus surgery which drains the sinuses..
You had your last CT scan 2 years ago hun,i would suggest if they really DO think you have chronic sinusitis you ask to be refered and see anther ENT and CT scan,as only then can you really know..
Antibiotics didnt get rid of it for me,but during the last 8 months before my p i was on them pretty much constantly,not nice,BUT it DID control it to a degree and made life a bit easier for me during the waiting time..ANtibiotics also stop an infection spreading as Acute Suinusitis is INFECTED whicch can cause other things,but CHRONIC is NOT INFECTED so CANT SPREAD,it is in effect a kinda blockage in your sinuses(or something similiar,ie nasal congestion)which stops the sinuses draining properly,but it is NOT AN INFECTION,so please try not to worry that it will spread if you do have it.
Big Hugs
xx xx

14-08-08, 21:19
Hi hun,

Long time since we chatted, how are you??? are you well?? pm me:-)

Thanks so much thats very reassuring to hear. My symptoms are like what I had 2 years ago and it was then that I was told my ct scan was fine so I didn't have chronic. I was also told if I had chronic its constant, day in day out, is that what you were like hun?


14-08-08, 21:29
Hiya Hun have Pm'd you