View Full Version : Advice please, really struggling.

13-08-08, 19:12
Hi all,

This is my first post apart from on the introduction page, so I hope you'll bear with me here. 3 weeks ago I had some sort of bug that involved an upset stomach and severe nausea, I had to go into work and spent the whole time feeling close to throwing up, but i managed to stay (it was only a 4 hour shift). I have general/health anxiety and I am mildly emetephobic, so the ordeal was quite difficult for me.

However, since then I have have felt sick practically every day (although, not been sick so far) and my anxiety has shot through the roof. The dr has upped my amitryptaline dose to 50mg and gave me a short course of anti-emetics. The trouble is I wake up in the morning with a feeling of panic and dread about how bad I am going to feel throughout the day, which obviously immediately brings on the nausea. I am still getting out and about to local places, but I am really struggling and I am worried that I will become too scared to go out eventually.

Also I start a new full time job on the 1st of Sept and I am terrified of it now because of the way I feel, it's a horrible vicious circle! At times I can distract myself and the nausea does recede for a while, so I am convinced it must be the anxiety causing it, plus I can eat normally (although can be hard going, but don't want to lose anymore weight as lost 1/2 stone in a week a few weeks ago because of not eating). What can I do? I am getting very angry and frustrated at myself and also very scared that this feeling will never go away, has anyone ever suffered like this before and if so, how did you cope/beat it? Many thanks for reading.

13-08-08, 19:27
Think about it logically. You had a tummy-bug and now you don't. You were sick one day, 3 weeks ago? Since then, you've had 20 days of not being sick? The chances are good that you won't be sick tomorrow, or the next day.

Research a few things to lessen the nausea. What sort of nausea is it? Acid bile? Gas? keep a packet of antacids in your pocket. Keep a bottle of pepto-bismal in your desk. Have you tried Ginger tea, Camomile tea, mints? They are all good for settling a queasy stomach.

13-08-08, 21:29

Thanks. Logically I do know that I won't throw up, that it is my anxiety that is causing the nausea. As to what type of nausea, ranges from mild to quite dibilitating, although it is slightly better than it was a few weeks ago. I keep meaning to try peppermint tea, as Mum uses that to settle her stomach, I have bought some "sea bands" and I try to distract myself when I can, but I do find that hard. I am not very good at relaxing and find myself panicking everyday that I don't feel well, because I want to be better.

I am seeing a MIND counseller in 2 weeks time, so hopefully she maybe able to help me with that. What I need to do is stop the anxiety and I am pretty sure the nausea will go too! But how?