View Full Version : Weak eyesight

09-05-05, 17:00

My left eye has weakened recently. Now, at almost 21 years old, I see worse with my left eye than my stepdad, 56, does.

Can anxiety do this or am I in need of glasses?!

09-05-05, 17:02
Another thing I've noticed recently, when I lie down and breathe I get dizzy. I don't even have to lie down, if I sit down and tilt my head back a little I also get dizzy.

09-05-05, 17:12
i would get eyes checked out just to be on the safe side, anxiety can make you feel very dizzy at times, best to get it checked out put yr mind at rest

kairen x

09-05-05, 17:17
Good idea to get your eyes checked!! :D

09-05-05, 17:23
I agree with the others - sounds like a trip to the eye dr is in order. Nothing to worry about tho' and glasses are very in these days!

Good luck,

09-05-05, 17:28
I was at an eye doctor a couple of months ago, everything was fine.

09-05-05, 17:38
wont do any harm to double check make app, with docs also just to put yr mind at rest

kairen x

09-05-05, 18:53
Hi there Krowo,
i don't think anxiety causes bad eyesight, by that i mean it doesn't cause long or shortsightness, etc. anxiety does affect the eyes in others ways, i.e by making you feel dizzy blurred vision when anxious and that sort of thing, As for the dizziness, i believe you have recently had a scan? anything dangerous would have shown up on the scan for sure. Dizziness is one of the major symptoms of anxiety and affects many people, as you gradually accept that the problems you are experiencing are due to anxiety, i think the sypmtoms will get less and less, take care and i hope some of this made sense. keep in touch.

09-05-05, 19:24
i wear glasses BUT when my anxiety is bad it gets worse!!!!!! very blurry at times! hope that helps xxx

09-05-05, 22:19

I am not sure if anxiety affects your sight long term, i know whilst suffering an anxiety of panic attack things can become a little blurred and as for leaning back and feeling dizzy i have experienced that and at times of extreme anxiety have taken no comfort from lying down.

Worth getting your eyes checked again so at least you know either way what the problem is.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.