View Full Version : Any more information on issues related to heart and health??

13-08-08, 20:09
Hello to all. Recently I stumbled upon some threads that were related to heart problems and keeping up our health, generally speaking. The folks there were discussing some of the major heart disorders and related approaches to dealing with and managing them. It was informative and I was also able to visit the links page that led me to some other interesting sites to learn even more about heart functions and subsequent heart health. I seem to have come to an end, as I cannot find anything new and I do not believe that I have an appropriate course of action and solution yet. Does anyone have any site suggestions or links on the subject?

13-08-08, 20:16
If you find info, let me know....I think educating ourselves on our heart is very beneficial to understanding how our state of mind can cause such physical problems. I have to say the times when I had the least palpitations was when I was mentally happy, and not worrying about a physical ailment, or family/relationship problem. I think the lack of confidence in ourselves, and those who keep telling us we are fine, drives our anxiety out of control.

13-08-08, 20:19
what seems to be your concerns about your heart?

16-08-08, 19:32
Yes, you can find numerous threads with interesting discussions that will lead you to good information sources. And yes, it’s always good to keep on top of potential problems, so that you may prevent as well as treat; the heart is a complicated organ and the body a complex system! I too was recently on a thread that provided some good heart health resources (http://www.heart-health-resources.com/). I think this will help to gather some additional resources and maybe even some solutions.
Best luck.