View Full Version : worst panic attack

13-08-08, 20:35
I have always had anxiety symptoms and have even had small panic attacks, but this one was different. I was with my dad shopping and all of a sudden I felt really strange. I felt like I was about to faint. I couldn't really hear and felt like my vision was going. I sat down for a bit outside the store for a bit, but then started to worry about why I felt like this. I went back in the store and felt weak and really spaced out. I stayed in the store and tried to ignore it. I couldn't wait to get back home, but I am still feeling really weak and spaced out. I also feel so exhausted. Usually I can cope and just distract myself, but it isn't working this time. I have felt like this for about an hour. Is it normal for an attack to last this long? Was this really a panic attack? I feel like something is really wrong. I would appreciate any advice.

13-08-08, 20:42
Hi feels_like_home

It could be a simple dizzy bout that started it off. I was in a store a few weeks ago and crouched down to look at something. When I got up I just seen stars and the next thing I can remember was sitting down on the floor. It's happened before, it's just with standing up all the blood rushed out of my head that caused it. But If it happens again or you still don't feel much better I'd go see your doctor, but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about.


13-08-08, 20:50
a panic attack can last aslong as u keep panicking n worring about it. i have had a panic attack whats lasted neraly 2hours. u felt faint space out sounds syptoms of anxcity to me dont worry about it Michelle u b ok.

Granny Primark
13-08-08, 20:55
I agree with chriscmi,
The more you worry about it the longer it lasts.
However it really is difficult not worry.
I sometimes worry that something will happen and Il put it down to a panic attack when its actually something more serious.

13-08-08, 21:35
Hi Michelle!

I used to panic so much during the day that a day in my life seemed like a one big panic attack! Plus, my panic attacks lasted for half an hour or more.
I used to feel spaced out and disoriented. Actually, the most common symptom I was experiencing was depersonalization.
I rarely have full blown panic attacks now (thank goodness!), but when I do, I find it extremely hard to calm down :weep: .
Btw, I also feel exhausted after a panic attack. It's so energy-consuming!

Hope you're feeling ok now :hugs:

14-08-08, 15:22
Thank you all for your kind words! I am feeling a bit better today. Had trouble sleeping, but I usually have trouble sleeping.

14-08-08, 19:54

It could be a panic attack but it also could be a vasovagal attack. A Vasovagal attack is basically a simple faint and is a non life threatening condition that is very common throughout the general population. See your doctor and get checked out.
All the best

14-08-08, 20:18
Hi Michelle,
Did you have any other symptoms such as headache,feeling flushed,sweating,fast pounding pulse ? did anyone take your blood pressure ?

I think it's to dangerous for us to assume that it's always our anxiety,I think you should see your Doc. specially if it happens again.

Best wishes