View Full Version : Noise

13-08-08, 21:15
I have a problem with loud noise. It seems especially bad at the moment as we have workmen repairing our cul de sac pavement and road. I am glad to go to work in the morning. Any noise that is not of my making I find very hard to cope with. Other peoples music, car stereos, builders noise, deliberate thumping and banging about. I know I have a problem with this and I expect if I wasn't feeling as vulnerable as I do I would be less affected by it. I'm sure others feel as I do.

13-08-08, 23:15

I know when i am feeling stressed with anxiety i too have problems with loud noises, i cant bear the tele to be on loud or music or noises outdoors, i even have had days when i play pop with my girls when they walk about the house with thier shoes on(i make them take them off) because of the noise they make, so your not alone, its just another one of those rotten anxiety symptoms.:ohmy:

:hugs: :hugs:

Eva May
14-08-08, 15:46
I get immediate panic attacks if there is any hint of thunder at night time. I KNOW it can't hurt me but I still won't relax until it's gone. People talking outside at night gets me too

milly jones
14-08-08, 21:03
i hate noise hun esp if im feeling anx

i cant bear

kids playing

the tv



ppl eating


fridges etc


any repetitive quiet noise

i feel like wearing earplugs to stop myself exploding

other days im fine

weird anx isnt it lol

milly xxx