View Full Version : my symptoms, my fears

13-08-08, 21:29
Hi frends,
Does anyone know or can they relate to the below symptoms? Are they anxiety related or do they indicate something more sinister? Please help!!

1) Sensations of something under my skin at sternum, stretching all the way down to belly button. My fears: cancer, aneurysms, blood clots, liver problems, strokes

2) Abnormal heartbeat (tachycardia, bradycardia, headrushes when standing up, very frequent skipped beats: connected to sensations mentioned in no.1?) My fears; congested heart failure, eletrical disturbances

3) Difficulty breathing: feeling like i can never get a decent breathe (get over the hump) My fears: fainting, respiratory probs.

thanks guys


Cathy V
13-08-08, 21:41
hi Dave. You are not alone with this and i would say that they are all down to anxiety. I have no personal experience up till now of symptoms in number 1 (but there are many members who do get this also) but numbers 2 and 3 are very common anxiety symptoms for alot of people, the heart rate, ectopics and breathlessness.

Hope this helps
Cathy xxx

13-08-08, 22:59

Take a look here: http://palps.chemicalforums.com/cgi-bin/YaBB.pl

It's a forum managed by a neurologist but he also knows A LOT about heart palpitations. You can ask questions on the forum and he will answer.

Hope this helps but you can also find a lot a useful info on this site

13-08-08, 23:48
Hello Dave.
First of all, let's look at this logically (that's a b****y joke coming from an anxiety sufferer).

1) Sensations of something under my skin at sternum, stretching all the way down to belly button. My fears: cancer, aneurysms, blood clots, liver problems, strokes.
If any of these were present, i think you would been experiencing more than just a sensation under your skin. If it were a blood clot, stroke or aneurysm, you probably would have know about it if you were lucky or, not be around anymore if you weren't! As far as the cancer and liver are concerned, there would be other problems that you would notice.

2) Abnormal heartbeat (tachycardia, bradycardia, headrushes when standing up, very frequent skipped beats: connected to sensations mentioned in no.1?) My fears; congested heart failure, eletrical disturbances.
What exactly is a 'normal' heartbeat? Any doctor will tell you that our heart beats faster just by getting out the car or going up the stairs. I personally have suffered from palpitations for most of my 54 years. I don't worry about them anymore. If you suffered heart failure, you would know all about it believe me! Just try and remember that your heart is merely adjusting itself in order to deal with your anxiety. In other words it's on 'Autopilot'

. 3) Difficulty breathing: feeling like i can never get a decent breathe (get over the hump) My fears: fainting, respiratory probs.
Another classic sign of anxiety. I had about 4 or 5 episodes of breathing difficulty last week. Feeling like I was trying to breath through pinched nostrils or with a hand over my mouth. I guarantee, as soon as took my mind of it, it disappeared. Of course normally another symptom would take it's place to substitute. If you think you have a respiratory problem, get checked out, it will put your mind at rest. I am of course presuming that you don't smoke about 50 fags a day!!!

Take care Kevin.